Monday, June 10, 2024


 Today was super busy.  I had school this morning.  It went well.  I told the kids we would read picture books to our stuffed animals and then I forgot.  One girl remembered and I was able to grab enough books so it worked out.  Isaac had CMP camo, Randy took him this morning which was amazing.  We picked him up after work.  I signed the little kids up for a craft at the library.  We got lanyards with buttons and everything we do at the library we get a new button.  The craft was ok and Ruth hated her.  Ruth loved the lanyard though and at home she said it fell behind her shelf's.  So I loved everything out and she had trash behind and I asked dher clean it up.  She got emotional and it went downhill.  Her lanyard ended up being in the living room after  all that.  Then we went to the park and Isaac helped set up for the summer reading kick off.  He ran a station where they made lassos.  He was really cute.  It was really a fun time.  The had three bounce house and a ton of booths.  Me and Ruth played bingo and they had fun prizes.  On the way out Oliver fell and scraped his arm.  I think he was just getting tired but he was sad.  They are all taking baths now.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel 

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