Saturday, October 10, 2015

Im sorry

I am sorry I have been all over the place this week.  I think I am just not feeling 100 percent and I just can't make up my mind what I want to do.  Sorry about that.  I did sleep in until noon and then took a 3 hour nap.  I was tired.  My headache is feeling better so that is good.  I think it just wore me out.  I hope the doctor has a magic pill for me.  We did go to Target and I didn't find any cute costumes for Oliver.  I will continue to try and find a brown hoodie and hair.  It shouldn't be that hard to find.  I don't have much else going on.  LOVE MOM

Hi ho hi ho

Today was alright. I worked at scheels 11-7 so most of my day was working. I came home and started packing. I'm not sure if it's helping the messy part but things are getting into boxes. Joe cancelled for the night shoot but replanned for Thursday. So this upcoming week will be busy have a good one



Well my day has been good. I went to Costco and got some sandwich bags. Then I went to Lowe's and got a filter for my fridge. Then I came back home and got a nap. It was a nice day.  Robin the dewbies turned out good. I hope everyone had a great Saturday.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Sorry I can't make it on sunday I totally forgot I made plans on sunday with walter. That's awesome you won that much money karen you should buy your jeep :). How were the dewbies? Today was good I was really tired. Joe moved our photoshoot tomorrow to thursday. So I hopefully will get my place in order. I look like a hoarders episode. Well have a good weekend. Oh and one more thing. The factory sent us 6 fashion dolls for the raffle. I put pictures of them. Below.



Karen I am so excited for you.  That is fun to win.  I get $50.00 dollars for my living well.  I thought that was neat.  Rachel that is a lot of overtime.  That is good also.  I talked with Robin and she can't do Sunday.  It is her and Walter's Halloween time but I am still good if you want to come down Rachel.  Karen, I think we should do Red Rock at the Fashion Place Mall instead of Park City so the boys don't have to drive so much in the car.  Would that be OK?  We could buy you a new lego  :).  Not much going on with me.  We made artichokes for dinner and they were really good.  I made baked apples but I think I am going to have to work on that.  Maybe I should get a recipe.  LOVE MOM

Ms Money Bags

Karen, that is awesome you won.  It must of been a lucky day for you if they pulled your number that many time.  Wait for me to make your major purchase.  What do you think you will get?  We had a good day.  The kids slept in and then we went to story time which went pretty well.  Oliver isn't very good but it is good practice for him.  We went to the DI afterwards to get a sheet but I couldn't find it and it was busy their.  I just ordered one online and it was super cheap.  We got bread sticks for lunch.  Oliver took a nap and we watched the Thomas show we got at the library.  When Casey got home we went up to Randy's.  Tiffany and Max are visiting so we spent the evening up their.  They got pizza and bread sticks from papa murphys and it tasted really good.  Tiffany is headed back up to Bellingham and they are going to get their jobs back and stay their for a while.  It was another late night so maybe they will sleep in again.  Casey is taking a soldering class for his work next week so he gets 22 hours of overtime which will be nice.  I think that we will just come down on Sunday and have lunch with everyone if that works.  Then everyone can rest tomorrow.


Oliver took all the blankets off his bed today and wouldn't let me put them back on.  It is more like his crib so I think we will try it for a while.

We made the Halloween cupcakes today and Isaac is licking the bowl.  They turned out really cute.

We took these up to Randy's.  Thanks Mom and Dad.


Well my day was good. Work went by fast. I won the 300 dollar drawing at the luncheon. There are 4 drawings so I won the first one. Then the last one they drew my number 3 times in a row. Too bad you can only win one drawing. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pumpkin train

I am going to buy tickets for the Pumpkin train this weekend.  I was wondering if Walter wants to come with us?  It is Monday October 26th at 5:30.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  I sure had a good time last night.  That tent looks really nice.  It will be fun to use.  We are changing cable companies because ours in going out of business the 1st of October.  We are going with Comcast.  We got the modem but they didn't hook us up outside.  Go figure.  I am glad we did it now instead of waiting until our other company closed down.  The weather is so nice.  We went to the store after work and got a brace for dads foot.  It has been bothering him.  LOVE MOM


Thank you for the fun night last night and meeting up.  It was good to get all together.  Casey loves the tent, thank you.  We set it up this afternoon and it is pretty big, it will be really nice.  Isaac loves the sleeping bag, in the pictures he is in it he just likes to be all covered up.  Oliver got up about 8 this morning but Isaac slept in until a little past 9 so we had to hurry and get ready for school.  After lunch I had that quilter meeting.  It was a lot of fun, it was good to see everyone's quilts.  I have been feeling like a bad sewer lately and going made me feel like I wasn't that bad.  It was good to go.  We let Oliver sleep until 4 and then we headed up to Clifton.  They seem happy and it was good to visit.  Isaac may never be a farmer, he doesn't like all the animals.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday, don't work too hard.


Almost Friday

I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I got my dewbies made. Hopefully they still taste good tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe Robin. My day was good. Nothing too exciting to report. It was fun meeting up with everyone last night. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Almost normal

I went back to work today.  I am not 100 percent but was a lot better than yesterday.  We couldn't sleep last night.  I am hoping getting back to a routine will help us sleep.  I am excited for the tent hunt tomorrow.  Think of a fun place to go eat.  I am good with anything.  I canceled my dentist appointment for this afternoon.  I just couldn't take drilling with my headache.  Everyone have a great Wednesday and drive safe.  A friend at work made Ruth two blankets. She is going to be well attired. Robin I love that Elmo jar.  You need to sell those.  They are amazing.    Love you guys  MOM


Today was good.  Isaac didn't want to go to story time so we stayed home.  Casey was selling car stuff on ebay and I thought we should get rid of our xbox and wii.  That led us to getting all the old game systems out.  I thought that they mall would buy them but they only give you store credit.  Does any one want one, we are going to get rid of them if no one wants them.  It was fun to remember all the fun time we had playing them.  We did go to the mall and had lunch their.  It was fun.  I sewed with Jenn and that was fun.  I am working on another blanket for Ruth.  Afterwards we went to the hobby lobby and got some more stickers.  It was fun and the stickers were fun to have.  While Casey was at scouts Imogean and the crew came and played for a little bit, they had a fun time.  Thanks everyone for meeting up with us tomorrow.  It will be fun.



Today was good. It was mad hatter day so we made small hats. Tomorrow is our monthly staff meeting. We made a funny video for the hunger games so we are going to show it to get everyone excited. I worked at scheels today. I am so tired it was hard to stay awake. I am excited for tomorrow. I am meeting up with Joe at 4:15 but I will head up straight after. See you all tomorrow



Well my day was good. Nothing really exciting going on here. I went grocery shopping after work. I went to the Park City one instead of Heber because they are doing road construction on the road to Heber. It is one lane in places so it is really annoying. I am all set to meet up for the tent tomorrow. Have a great one. Bye

Monday, October 5, 2015

bad moon

I had the worse headache in the night.  I couldn't sleep and then I work up at 4:00.  I just stayed home.  I waved the white flag and called the specialist.  I go in on October 19th.  I hope I get feeling better.  That is cool about the clothes Robin.  That is really good.  Karen I am glad you survived your meeting.  It is getting cooler.  It was a long day for sure.  I am hoping that tomorrow is better.  I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to get a crown.  If I don't feel better I am not going.   LOVE MOM

Bag it

Today was good. I had to leave early for work to meet up with Joe he wants me to sew more patchs. But he forgot so we are meeting up later this week. While I was waiting on saw on Facebook Pluto's closet was having a one day sale. Anything on the clearance rack that could fit in a bag for 10 dollars. I found some cute stuff so I got 8 shirts for 10 dollars. I also found some jeans I liked for 15. So I was excited I needed some new cloths. I really like the shirts I got. I cam home and am finishing your guys halloween towels so you can have them on Wednesday :)

Long Day

It must be getting cooler, both boys woke up last night and wanted to be covered.  It still gets warm in the day.  Today was good but seemed long.  Isaac had school and had fun.  Oliver's shoes weren't fitting him so we picked up Isaac and went and got Oliver new shoes.  He fit in a whole size bigger so I am really glad we got him some new ones.  Me and Isaac played and read while Oliver took a nap.  Casey fixed some broken boards on the fence and then took his engine to the scrap yard.  He tested it today and it wasn't working.  Randy helped him and then he stayed for a minuted and played ball with the boys.  When he was leaving Imogean and her Dad and sister came over and wanted to play.  The kids had fun playing together but they stayed until almost 7 so we had dinner really late.  Well not much else going on.  I hope that everyone has a good night.



Well my Monday was pretty good. It was chilly today. They had some visitor at work today. They are the distributors from Taiwan. So I had to go to a two hour meeting this afternoon with them. It was kind of boring. I really could have skipped it. But I was good and made it thru. I hope that you are feeling better mom. Have a great one.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Quiet day

We had a quiet day.  We slept in and then went and grandma for lunch.  WE went to IHOP and they have kids pancakes where you can make your own scary face.  I am going to take Isaac and Oliver to get one of those.  That will be fun.  I thought maybe on Saturday.  We went to Walmart afterwards and walked around.  Grandma is doing so well.  She walked the whole store using the grocery cart.  WE came home and I feel sound asleep and then I made chicken and dumplings.  I haven't made those for a hundred years give or take a year or so.  They tasted so good.  I love apple crisp.  That was always one of my favorite things to make.  Karen I am glad you a feeling better.  I am glad you got a day to rest.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM

Where to go

Today was alright I worked at scheels so it was a slow day. Today I finished some more projects. I got an elmo for the candy jar since the party is elmo themed I had to throw it in somewhere. Then last night I finished my queen of hearts crown. Im not going to use the tulle skirt. It makes me look 4 sizes larger. Rachel I found a picture of the sewing table. I got mine in the dark brown color since it matches all my other furniture. My place is still a disaster my job this week is to get it under control. :)


The weekend

I am glad that you guys had fun yesterday.  Do you have a picture from the internet of the table?  I am excited for you to have a sewing space, it is so nice to have.  We had a good weekend.  Saturday we went to the farmers market to give Calleen the pictures.  They were really happy and that was good to see.  Then we went to the hobby lobby and got some stickers and went grocery shopping.  We have used every sticker that we bought yesterday and it was a big bag.  It has kept us busy.  Today Oliver wanted to play the piano so I was playing with him and he kept yelling stop it at me, it was so funny.  We made apple crisp today, the boys had fun using the apple corer.  It was fun and tasted good.  It was raining a bit after dinner and Isaac found a rainbow, it was really pretty, I attached a picture.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.  I am excited to see everyone Wednesday.




Robin, that jar turned out really cute. My day was good. I do feel better today mom. I think it was a 24 hour bug. It did rain a little bit here this morning. I hope everyone has a great week.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...