Saturday, July 23, 2011
Well me and mom got a lot done today. I got a new mattress and bed frame. Then I got a comforter and the heavenly sheets for the new bed. It should be awesome when it gets here. We also went to the fabric store and got Rachel some fabric. Then mom wanted to see the new airport so we went out that way. Then tonight we went and saw Harry Potter. It was a good show. Mom says Hi and that she had a fun day. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE
Well today I had a movie shoot and I burned a face and slit a throat. I didn't get home till 1 so I am beat. josh's interview went well, they said he was over qualified so if he doesn't get it he said that would be the reason, but I guess he won't know till next week sometime. It was good to see everyone this week, to bad it was under sad conditions but it was still nice. well tomorrow I work at lagoon. have a great saturday
Friday, July 22, 2011
Safe and Sound in St. George
I made it to Karen's safe and sound. It was a nice drive down. I am excited to buy a bed tomorrow. Going to be a fun day. Rachel I do love that quiet book. That is so cute. We are all going to love that at church. It will entertain all of us. Robin I am with Rachel how did the job interview go. I will come home on Monday. I am going to leave the same time Karen goes to work. Nothing else to report. Rachel good luck with the book. LOVE MOM
I have book all my books on the side of the blog so that if anyone (with a kindle) wants to borrow one they can. Karen, I want to borrow the second book in the hunger games if they will let you. I am excited. I finished the first page in the quiet book. It got a little wrinkled on the side. It looks cute though, but it isn't perfect. Well I hope that Karen and Mom have a fun time buying a bed, I am excited. Robin how did Josh's interview go? I have been wondering. Casey almost bought some Pom to support him.

Well I made it thru Friday. I am even mostly caught back up also. There is a desk under all that paper. I am doing laundry while I am waiting for mom to arrive. I hope that the drive is good for you mom. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Road Trip
Dad isn't going to come on the road trip. He is too busy. I know that is a shocker. I have decided to drive. Just some time in the car. I think that will be good. I miss us all together also. It was so nice to have you here. I am going to leave here around 6 or 6:30 to miss the rush hour. It should get me in to St George around 11:00. I am going to stay until Monday and will leave when you go to work. I thought that way I could have the afternoon to rest for the week. I am coming up to Logan on Thursday night. I am not sure when the golf tournament starts but I don't want to have to leave at the crack of dawn. I am planning on staying until Sunday for right now but I will see what is going on with Dad. Robin the muffins were really good. I ate two of them. I hope Josh liked the also. I made it back to work. They bought me a planter. It was really nice. It had a pink ribbon on it and that made me cry. IT was the first time so I thought I did good for all day. Tomorrow will be busy and it will be nice to have three days off. Keep it a couple of short weeks. Have a great friday. I will see you tomorrow Karen.
I'm Back
I had a good day, I missed having everyone around though. It was nice to be all together. Isaac was really tired today so we just took it easy. I did ride my bike to the library and that was fun. Isaac did well in the back. Isaac's toy of choice today was that Star Wars McDonald's toy you got him, he loves it. I am addicted to Harry Potter. I stayed up late last night playing it. Well it is good to be back to Logan. I hope that everyone had a good day back to normal.
Mom, you can just throw my old watch away. Sorry I forgot it back there. there should also be the emergency blanket back there also. Well it was busy today. I went to training for a new machine they got at work so from 9 until 5 I was in training. So I really didn't get anything caught back up. I went to the pharmacy at lunch. So it was a crazy day. Mom I had a Dr. Pepper for lunch so you are just one ahead of me now. Well have a great Friday everyone.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Back to the blog
I am back to blogging. It has been so nice to have you all here. I can't thank you enough for all the love and support this week. I love you guys. Karen we found your old watch in the back of the car when the alarm went off. Do you want it? Rachel you also left the mattress pad for the baby. I will send it with the stroller. Do you want the diapers also or would you like to keep them here. I think the funeral went well today and it was really nice. I am going to go to work tomorrow. I think it will be good for me to get back to the groove. I got a three hour nap this afternoon and that helped me feel better. I am going to just go slow. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...