Friday, June 8, 2018


My Friday was good as well. Work by quick so that was nice. I met mom and dad in Park City and we had dinner and went grocery shopping. Then we came back to my place and trimmed a few trees. I hope everyone has a great Saturday and drive careful tomorrow Rachel. Bye


I was going to take the kids to the library and go to story time but Isaac didn't want to go.  Casey suggested going to see the Jupiter so we went.  It was a fun day.  We made it in time to do the train demonstration and that is always neat.  We hiked the tracks, Isaac made it farther than the rest of us.  I was buying everyone a 7 dollar thing and Oliver wanted a train book so he used his own money for it and loves it.  We went and saw the rocket display also and the kids liked that.  We came home at dinner time and Oliver has been wanting to make cupcakes so we did that.  After dinner we went rock climbing and it was nice to be outside.  Ruth was so funny driving up.  She said she was scared and that she would fall down all the hills.  She said she wanted to wait in the car.  She can with us and got over being scared and had a fun time.  The boys had a hard time climbing but Isaac really wants to go again.  We will get moving tomorrow morning and be up their by lunch time.


Thursday, June 7, 2018


I am sorry about Dad, he never gets a break health wise.  We will come up Saturday morning and help out.  Isaac had a dentist appointment this morning to fix a cavity.  I woke everyone kind of late so we were runny behind but we made it.  Isaac did really well at the dentist and was really brave.  After lunch we went to Lee and went grocery shopping.  We bought more water balloons and when we came home we blew them all up.  We had the girls next door come over and they had a fun time.  Isaac had a melt down over his socks not matching and I asked him to wait to change them until after we weren't getting wet.  After everyone calmed down and the girls went home we read books and that was nice.  After dinner Casey mowed the lawn and it looks really nice.  I had book group tonight and it was nice to go and talk.  Well everyone have a good Friday and don't work too hard.


Big busy day

Well we went to the doctor this morning to have our mri's read.  Mine is just old age and I am going to take my ibuprofen more.  Dad on the other had is a mess and they are going to do a nerve conduction study on him.  Just to make sure his nerves are doing OK with his neck all messed up.  Poor guy he was pretty upset.  We did go to McDonald for lunch, we decided to have a Big Mac and bust our healthy eating.  I did work this afternoon and then we went to Jeff's house and saw his house.  He has made it look really cute but man does it smell like smoke.  It is bad.  We went to Francesco's afterwards and it tasted really good.  We are going up to Karen's house after work.  We are meeting in Park City first.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  My day was good. Work is still moving along. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. Thanks for coming up and helping in my yard this weekend. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Today was so busy. I was running around like a crazy person. I just came home and relaxed. I was tired. Hope you have a good Thursday sorry you were sick mom that is no fun



Mom, I am sorry that you were sick.  I am glad that you stayed home.  Robin you are amazing to kept meeting people.  You will meet a awesome person soon.  Today was pretty good.  The kids were tired and were grumpier today.  I cut the kids hair this morning.  Isaac and Oliver's I just cut the sides.  Ruthie front was a lot shorter than the back so I trimmed the back up.  I don't know what I am doing but I like it and think it will look less messy.  Her hair is forgiving since it is so curly.  We had lunch at Sam's club because I needed to pick something up.  It is national churrio day so their was a huge long line.  We went swimming afterwards and their was a long line for that also.  We had a fun time and the kids didn't want to leave.  We did the slide three times and they wanted to do it more.  Oliver fell asleep in the car on the way home and he took a nap when we got home.  We were just lazy the rest of the night.  Casey had scouts so he came home late.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.


Oliver didn't get dressed until lunch time, he was just in his underwear all morning.

Sick Day

I woke up last night with a bad stomache and couldn't sleep so I called in sick today and slept.  It was weird but dad gave me some Ibergast and it made it feel better.  If it happens again I am going to take that right off.  Not much else going on with us.  We just had a veg day.  Robin, I am glad you met that guy.  It is nice to met new people.  Rachel, I love your quilt.  Everyone have a nice day tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


It is super windy here tonight. Maybe it will rain thst would be nice. My day was good. Work is still busy, but I am hanging in there. I hope that you are feeling better mom. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Today was alright. I'm really tired from golfing I struggled all day. One guy wanted to meet up so he took me to spaghetti factory tonight. It was ok i don't think it will go anywhere but he was nice. Have a good one



Mom we are still coming to Kamas on Saturday. We were thinking of coming Saturday and leaving Sunday morning if that would work.  Today was good.  I signed Isaac up for a summer reading program at the school so they give him books and then takes a test on them.  It started today so we rode our bikes to the school and got the book.  It was fun and I think it will be good for him this summer.  Oliver wanted to make cookies so we rode our bikes to Lee's to get chocolate chips.  We got drinks and grapes and stopped at a pond on the way home and cooled off.  We made cookies and they tasted good.  It was the summer reading launch at the public library this afternoon and they had a huge party.  We got their right when it opened and signed up for summer reading.  The had a ton of rides and bounce houses and free snow cones.  I had young women's early and the kids didn't want to leave so Casey was amazing and brought my hiking stuff over and I took off and he stayed with the kids.  We hiked to the wind caves and it brought back a lot of memories.  I haven't done that hike in forever.  The girls were in really good shape and didn't take breaks and went fast.  I was able to keep up but felt out of shape.  Everyone have a good night.


Isaac read a book to the kids, it was cute

I finished the blocks for my block of the month, they aren't very good.

I did it

Well I made it to work at 6:30 again this morning.  Two days in a row.  I don't have to do that again for a while.  I did stay until 4:30 so I am taking 1/2 day off on Thursday to go to the doctor.  Rachel do you still want to come to Kamas this weekend?  You did make mention of that.  I can leave early on Friday if you want to do that.  Dad has to prep for his colonoscopy of Sunday so that won't be a very fun day for him.  Not much else going on with us.  I am glad that tomorrow is a regular day.  We are hooking up with the Gumm Gang on Thursday.  We are going to go see Jeff's new floor.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I did get to work on time so yeah me.  Work was good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, June 4, 2018


Today was good we worked a half day and then we golfed. It was fun. I won for the most putts. Which really isn't winning lol. I'm tired now. I guess they are re paining our patios so I need to clean it off tomorrow. I guess it's better now than never. I'm sorry your alarm was messed up I hate that. I hope everyone has a good tues.



That sucks about the demolition derby tickets, it is rigged.  Maybe we could try to Logan one or another city.  I hate having the wrong alarm Karen, it makes for a rough day.  I called a plumber this morning and he was able to come and fix the drain so we can use water now.  I babysat the girls next door for a hour and then we went swimming the rest of the day.  It was so nice to just swim, I love summer time.  We went and visited Leona then went out to dinner.  Casey got a check to pay for his gas to SLC the other day.  My swimming suit had bit the dust.  It was stretched out really weird so we went to khols and I got a new one and some pants.  Let me tell you trying on swimming suits is not for the faint of heart and I now know why I have had the same one for 6 years.  Good luck getting up early Mom, that is hard to do.


The kids love the deck, Ruth moved her chair up.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...