Thanks Robin and Jeremy for all your help. It looks so great. Robin if you need any help with your carpet just give me a call. It was a fun day. I was a bit bummed that we ran out of boards but what can you do. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Saturday, August 17, 2024
We had a nice day. Robin and jeramy came to help finish the floor. We ran out of boards. We only needed like two more boards. We did drive to sand to see if they had them but they didn't. Karen ordered them and they will be here on Wednesday. We went to Costco and I was bummed out. They had no sea weed for isaac. We did buy a salmon for dinner and it tasted so good. Dad is feeling better but not well enough to go the the play tonight. Me and Karen went and saw it. I really enjoyed it. It really rained here for a while today. I hope it is good for lagoon tomorrow. Love mom
Friday, August 16, 2024
Wow Rachel that quilt is beautiful. Congratulations. I love your tag also. Nailed it. I didn't do to much today. I did trim the tree in the backyard. It was out of control. Robin and jeramy are coming over tomorrow to help with the floor. Dad still isn't feeling very good. Poor guy. Have a really nice Saturday. Enjoy the sunshine. Love mom
I sewed this morning and I mostly have my wall hanging done. I just need to hand sew a quilt sleeve on the back. I made a quilt label with my embroidery machine and that was fun. We went swimming all afternoon, we stayed until it was almost closing time. It was a lot of fun. Oliver lost a Lego r2d2 and was sad at the end. I left me name and number and they said they would call if they found it. They called when we got home so I went and got it. Oliver and Casey made a stand for his apple rocket. Oliver was pretty excited.
Love Rachel
Thursday, August 15, 2024
I worked in the bedroom this morning and took the tape down and put on the electric plates. I went to the grocery store and then took a nap. I made zuppa soup for dinner and it tasted so good. Dad has a bug and didn t feel great all day. He just took it easy. The floor is making some progress. I helped Karen put up the blinds and that is nice. Luna is growing. Rachel's kids can really eat also. I might need to invest in winco stock. Have a nice Friday. Love mom
Today was the last day we are watching Oliver the cat and I didn't loose him this time. I got up and finished my wall hanging for the fair. It isn't great and I even unpicked a ton to have everything lined up better. My idea was to have the first block have black every other spot and then each block take away a black space until the last one has all color. They are putting in Google fiber lines and it is so loud. They were right in front of our house most of the day. We left and went to Joann's and WinCo. Then the kids played so cute downstairs I was able to quilt for a while. It was the last day of swimming lessons and the kids were sad. They really loved it this year. Isaac had a stake youth activity tonight and he had a fun time. His friends were all there. Oliver and Casey went to the store and got supplies to build a stand for the apple launcher. I went to exercise class and it was fun and felt good.
Love Rachel
My day was good. Work is still busy, but I feel like I am progress so that is nice. After work me and mom laid a lot of flooring. Dad didn't feel well so he just took it easy. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
I had a nice time in Logan. We got school supplies and went to Isaac's school to find his locker and open it. We went to Hu hut to celebrate and then went to swim lessons. Rachel was able to go to swim lessons also. I made it home safe and sound and the floor looks really good. It is always hard for me to leave. I am so glad Luna did better. I have been sad she was struggling. Have a nice Thursday. Love mom
It was busy today at work. I got 10000 steps and I only walked around the block once. I stayed late at work to help box up an order. When I got home me and dad went to Arby's for dinner. Then we came home and laid flooring. We are about a quarter of the way done. It is looking good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
I took dad to the dentist and got his padding out. We went early so they took him early. That was nice. We stopped on the way home and got the flooring. Dad didn't feel great so he stayed home and I went to Logan. We have had a fun day. They had swimming lessons and it was fun to watch them. I am spending the night. I am worried about Luna. What changed at daycare. Something is weird. Rachel works tomorrow so I am taking isaac to his school open house. That will be fun. Good luck with the floor. Love mom
Well plot twist, instead of Thursday I got a text this morning that my floor boards were in. So mom and dad went and picked them up for me. After work me and dad laid the pad and did the first row. Dad was nice and touched up the paint while I was at work. It rained here a bit tonight and the lightening was pretty cool. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye
Monday, August 12, 2024
I did laundry and house work today. It was nice to get organized. Dad came home from work and we went and got the oil changed. It needed it. I am sorry Luna had a hard drop off. That is hard. Robin thanks again for all the delicious food yesterday. That fudge is really good. Rachel I like the boys haircuts. I am sorry Oliver got stung. That hurts. I will let you and Casey know when we leave. It really rained here today. It was so nice and cool. I guess Karen is in the guest room for awhile. That is so mean of lowes not to let her know it was coming late. Love you all mom
I woke up super early and couldn't sleep. I need to bring to heavy boxes to the training tomorrow so I went to the school to pick them up. The new computer lab looks really nice. I went and picked up my quilt from the fair. I sewed until the kids got up. We went and got the boys hair cut and they look nice. We also went to the library and got new books. Me and Ruth went to the fabric store and got a binding for my wall hanging quilt. We are watching Oliver the cat and their was a hornets nest in the fence and Oliver the boy got stung. He was super sad. Swimming lessons were fun but it was really windy when we swam afterwards. Casey went caving tonight above Tony's Grove and I went to exercise class. Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad and thanks for coming up.
Love Rachel
Well I called about my floor again today and it still isn't here. They said Thursday it will be here. I am annoyed with that, but what can you do. I was tired today as well. It made the day drag, but I made it through. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...