Saturday, February 23, 2019


Rachel, I am impressed.  You were on fire.  I was more in line with karen the slug.  We slept in and met Robin and Jeramy for lunch.  Robin was sick but it was nice to meet Jearmy.  It was so cute to see the way he looks at her.  He really loves her.  It made me smile.  We came home and took naps all afternoon.  We did run to Walmart to buy cinnamon rolls to make and we were too tired to make them when we got home.  We talked about the beds we looked at last night and have decided to stay with a California King.  The 4 more inches on that bed really makes a difference for dad.  I am not sure if we can have the recliner stuff on it.  We will have to go back and take a look.  We are going to hook up with Rachel's gang for lunch in Ogden.  We are meeting at the mall around noon. I hope you get feeling better Robin.  LOVE MOM


Today was nice.  I had a galentines day party this morning with my book group and it was fun.  It was really nice to talk and the food was good.  When I got home we started to tear up the bathroom in our room.  We got a lot done and it went pretty fast.  We took a load to the dump and went to Lowes.  We bribed the kids with icecream and they liked that.  When we came home Casey replaced the valves and we were able to have water again and we had a late dinner.  We got a new shower head for downstairs with a sprayer that you can hold.  The kids really really wanted it and they were really excited to take shower tonight which was nice.  Love you guy and I hope that you are all feeling better.





Well I was just a lazy slug today. I slept in, took a nap, i did cook pulled pork for dinner though so i did do something. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, February 22, 2019


Way to go Karen that is exciting news about school.  I am happy for you.  Let us know what we can do to help you.  Rachel, I am glad you had a nice day.  Robin, I am glad you are feeling better. I am so glad it is the weekend.  We went looking for a new bed tonight. It was fun to try out beds.  I am looking forward to lunch tomorrow Robin.  LOVE MOM


Good job on the college application Karen, I am so excited for you.  I hope that everyone starts to feel better.  Today was good.  I went running this morning and then worked out at the soccer field.  Oliver didn't sleep well so he was upset easily at there but we survived.  We walked to pick up Isaac and Oliver was talking about drinking from a coconut and we started talking about where coconuts grow.   Later we were at Lee's and we found coconut water so we bought it but it doesn't taste good on its own but it was fun to try.  Isaac played with his friend Ty after school and had a fun time.  We got our tax refund today so we went and saw the Lego movie after dinner.  It was fun and the kids liked it.  Have a fun weekend, I like shorter weeks they go fast.



I am glad that the weekend is here. My nose sprung a leak today. It was running all day. I think I have gone thru a whole box of tissues. At least my head is not feeling as stuffy. Other than my day was good. I sent my application off to the online college. I will let you know how that goes. I hope everyone is feeling better and that everyone has a great weekend . Bye

Thursday, February 21, 2019


It is really windy outside right now.  It is suppose to warm up so I am excited about that one.  Work was good.  I felt better and that was nice.  I am so ready for the weekend also.  I am so sorry you are sick Karen and Robin.  It is a bad one.  Robin I am sorry you got sick at work.    I am so glad that Oliver had a fun birthday.  I love the pacman decorations.  They turned out so cute.  Dad is starting to feel better so that is good.  LOVE MOM

Happy Birthday Oliver!!

I am sorry you guys are so sick.  That is is the absolute worst Robin, I am so sorry that happened to you.  It was Oliver's birthday today and he had a good day.  We picked up balloons this morning and he was really cute.  He had fun at school and they sang to him.  While he was at school me and Ruth went to Isaac's school.  We blew some dogs for the one book one school program.  It was fun and everyone was impressed with my tracing skills.  It is because of our time at the library.  We took Oliver to El Toro for lunch because he wanted a tamale and it tasted good.  After we picked Isaac up we went to the jump zone which the kids love.  We got Little Caesars for dinner which is another favorite of Oliver.  Randy and Terry came over and we had cake and ice cream.  Oliver loves all his presents and was so cute with everything.  He loved it all.   Love you guys and I really hope that tomorrow is a better day. 



I didn't sleep well last night. I kept coughing. Oh well at least tomorrow is Friday. I so could have used a nap. Work went good though. I hope my cough goes away soon. Robin I hope you get feeling better soon. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye

So close

I did really well for the most part. I think my fever finally broke. We did a training for Chicago since I am also dressing. They had me in a lace up dress so people could practice. After the 4th time I started to get really sweaty and light headed. Then it just came up. Luckily I ran to a bucket. Sadly the bucket didn't make it or my pride but that's ok. It could have been worse maybe.... I just relaxed the rest of the night. Have a good one


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Hump Day

Robin, I am sorry you aren't doing well.  I hope you get over it soon.  Let's postpone tomorrow and go another night when you are feeling better.  It isn't a huge rush.  That was sweet of Jeramy to come and visit.  Karen, I am glad you made it to work.  I had a struggle today.  I wasn't feeling very good all day and everything was a big deal.  I hope I do better tomorrow.  I got dad a doctor's appointment.  They put him on a antibiotic.  Said there is a bad virus going around but it sounded like he might have pneumonia starting.  I did go get drugs for dad after work and went to Sam's to get some more drugs.  They have swim suits there now and I am going back to get one for the kids.  LOVE MOM  Rachel that is such a darling cake and cup cakes.  I am glad you had a good time making his cake.  It is suppose to be really cold and windy tomorrow.  Everyone bundle up.  LOVE MOM


All three of the kids didn't sleep well last night.  Ruthie woke up and came and slept with us and then a half and hour later Oliver came in.  Casey went and slept downstairs and Isaac came out and slept with him on the couch.  I "ran" again this morning and it is cold but it feels good to go out.  I also worked out.  Stephanie hasn't come in a while so Oliver had fun playing with Thomas.  After school Oliver wanted some more fruit by the foot snacks so we went and picked them up.  We made the cake for Oliver's birthday this afternoon.  We walked to pick up Isaac and it is cold but nice to get out.  We decorated the cakes after dinner.  Casey had the kids help so it isn't perfect but they had fun.  I forgot to get eyes for the ghost so I had to run to lees again.  Then we were out of melatonin when it was bed time so I had to go the store again.  Tomorrow is Oliver's birthday and he is excited.  Love you guys.


Drop the mic.

Today I felt crappy. So I only made it till 10 at work and I came home and just slept. Jeramy came by with a pizza but i couldn't eat it. My stomach was on the fritz. So he stayed for a bit to watch the lego movie then went home so I could sleep. Hopefully I get better by tomorrow its kicking my butt


Made it

Well I  made it back to work today. I even stayed all day so yeah me. My day was good. I spent most of the day at work catching up on the stuff I missed. But I think I got it all done. It was so cold today. I think the high was only 20 today. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Back to the real world

I made it back to work.  I went in early because they texted me and were nervous about schedules.  I had so many emails.  I still haven't gone through them all.  It was so slippery on the way to work this morning.  I had some slippery moments.  I was beginning to worry I would make it up the hill to Primary's but they had sanded there and it was so much better.  I bought Jambi Juices on the way home and they tasted good.  Dad is still getting better.  Not as much as I had hoped but I he did get dressed today.  That was a big step.  It is suppose to snow again tomorrow.  What is up with that.  I hope the roads are better.  I might have to take trax.  LOVE MOM


Good Job Karen, I am glad that you stayed home.  I hope that you are feeling better Robin.  Today I went running in the morning, I am going to try to start doing that.  While Oliver was at school we went to story time and Ruthie is cute when she sings all the songs.  We walked to pick up Isaac and it was really cold but it felt good to be out.  The kids played cute all night which was nice.  Love you guys and I hope that you are doing well.



I am feeling better today. I still called on sick but I am feeling better. I will probably go to work tomorrow. I was just lazy again and slept alot. I hope everyone had a great day.Bye

Bad bug

I am so sorry you caught the bug.  It is a bad one.  I had such plans to get stuff done yesterday and all I did was sleep.  That is getting old.  I even fell asleep after dinner and never woke up again.  Thanks so much for the fun weekend.  I sure had a wonderful time.  I really needed to get away.  I hope everyone gets feeling better soon.  I think that dad is turning the corner as well.  I can do Thursday.  If it gets too much we can go next week also.  LOVE MOM

Monday, February 18, 2019


Oh man, I am sorry you guys are sick, that is no fun.  We had a fun weekend, thank you so much.  Oliver felt really special and loved his presents, thank you.  Casey didn't have work today and the boys didn't have school.  It was nice to go slow and have a day at home.  We went and bought stuff for Oliver's birthday.  They didn't have pac man so we bought some poster boards and made the ghosts and pac man tonight.  It was fun and they turned out cute.  I hope that everyone feels better, I am sorry you are sick.  Here are a million pictures.


This is from Friday, it was so nice all day so Casey rode his bike and it was a blizzard on the way home.

The ice cave


I think I caught it as well. I was running a slight fever this morning so I called in sick and slept all day. I do feel better than this morning though. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I think I caught the bug everyone had. I felt good enough to feel bad. I went and bought half of Walgreens when I got home for work. I was grumpy at work, everyone was crazy. Then I came home and Jenkins pooped on my rug. I think the food they feed him hurt his stomach. So I just laid low the rest of the day.

Mom can we meet up on Thursday instead? I was able to get a annual exam scheduled for Wednesday. Also jeramy said he is good with lunch on Saturday. Does spaghetti factory work ok?

Thanks for the fun weekend


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...