Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Hump Day

Robin, I am sorry you aren't doing well.  I hope you get over it soon.  Let's postpone tomorrow and go another night when you are feeling better.  It isn't a huge rush.  That was sweet of Jeramy to come and visit.  Karen, I am glad you made it to work.  I had a struggle today.  I wasn't feeling very good all day and everything was a big deal.  I hope I do better tomorrow.  I got dad a doctor's appointment.  They put him on a antibiotic.  Said there is a bad virus going around but it sounded like he might have pneumonia starting.  I did go get drugs for dad after work and went to Sam's to get some more drugs.  They have swim suits there now and I am going back to get one for the kids.  LOVE MOM  Rachel that is such a darling cake and cup cakes.  I am glad you had a good time making his cake.  It is suppose to be really cold and windy tomorrow.  Everyone bundle up.  LOVE MOM

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