Saturday, June 17, 2017


Thank you Karen for the movie, that was super nice of you, thank you.  Are we just meeting up at bear lake around lunch tomorrow?  We had a good day and it we did a lot of stuff we cars.  This morning me and Ruthie took the van in to get inspected.  The boys got home around the same time we did, they had a fun time and everything went smoothly.  Oliver and Casey took a nap so I took Isaac and Ruthie to a car show at Lees.  It was fun to walk around and Isaac was cute looking at all the cars.  Tiffany sent the boys a race track that is amazing.  They loved it.  Isaac played with it all afternoon and Oliver did after he woke up.  It is perfect for them and a lot of fun.  After dinner we took the kids to see Cars 3.  It was fun to go to the theater.  Thanks for going to bear lake tomorrow, it will be fun.


Ready to play

Karen took us to lunch and then to Costco.  It was a nice day.  I got treats for tomorrow.  WE are ready to play.  We are going to go pick Robin up around 7 then come to Logan.  Karen is going to meet us in Bear Lake.  See ya soon.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. I met mom and dad for lunch and then we went to costco. It was fun to hook up. I also bought the batman lego movie and dad has put it on vudu so everyone can watch it. The drive back was horrible with all the constructio. I had to go on 215 to get onto I-80 thru parleys. I hope everyone had a great Saturday.  Bye

Friday, June 16, 2017


Today was good because it was friday. After work me and mom and dad went to scheels. I bought yardzee to play on the beach. Hopefully it's fun. I'm excited for Sunday.



Well things are good here in Kamas. This was the first full week that I have worked in three weeks. But it wasn't too bad. I am excited to play this weekend. Have a good one. bye

Nice time

Robin came over after work and we went to a really good sandwich shop.  I had an artisan bread sandwich and it was good.  We went to Scheels afterwards and got a boat and yard yatzee.  We are going to have fun.  We are going to pick Robin up around 7 on Sunday so we should have a full day to play.  Karen is coming down to go to Costco so she can start making beef jerky for our vacation.  I am excited for that one.  I hope the boys have a fun time camping.  They look so grown up.  It won't be too much longer and Isaac really will be a scout.  Have a wonderful Saturday.  Thanks Robin for letting us go to Scheels with you.  LOVE MOM


Today was a busy day.  Isaac was excited about scout camp so he woke up early which was nice so we could get get some errands done.  We had to get a foam pad for camping and then we went to Lee's for groceries.  We went to story time and got the cards for summer reading and some new books.  Oliver was super grumpy so we came show.  It was little but nice.  Isaac was cute and commented on the quilts.  Ruthie wanted to touch all of them so that was hard.  The ladies were nice and said that I could join their guild.  We came home and put together their tin foil dinners for camping.  The boys took off and I took Ruthie out to dinner to the new pancake place.  It wasn't great but it was fun to go.  We went on a walk around the block also which was nice.   I hope that they have fun camping and it goes smoothly.  Thanks for getting a boat, that will be fun.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Nice Evening

Work was good, I got some stuff done and that always feels nice.  Dave is spending the night in the hospital.  They couldn't get the stones to pass.  Robin, dad and I meet the Gumm gang for dinner and it was nice.  I enjoyed being with everyone.  Thanks Robin for coming.  We went to Walmart to look for a blow up boat but they didn't have one.  Robin is going to take us to scheels tomorrow after work to look for one. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  Rachel that quilt should go into the fair, it is beautiful.  You do amazing work.  I can't believe that it is summerfest already.  I always loved going to that.  I am glad you went.  LOVE MOM


Karen, you could come to Logan Saturday if you wanted and spend the night.  I am not sure what time Sunday we are meeting up.  We were thinking of the north shore, it is a different one than we have gone to in the past.  Yesterday Oliver fell asleep at dinner and woke up at bed time.  He wouldn't go to sleep, I think he fell asleep at 1:30.  He was the first up at 8 and then he fell asleep at 6 tonight.  I don't think he has bathed all week he keeps falling asleep before bedtime.  We had a good day.  I babysat this morning and all the kids had a fun time.  We put colored water in oil and baked cookies.  After lunch I took the kids to summer-fest and we got a snow cone.  We had a really fun time.  They had a band by where we were eating and Isaac loved that.  We walked around and then they had a craft area for kids that was free.  We had a fun time.  We came home and gave Ruthie a nap and then took Isaac to martial arts.  Casey picked him up and then they got some firewood for camping tomorrow.  Casey mowed the lawn tonight and I took Ruthie and Isaac on a walk, Oliver was asleep.  Tomorrow their is a quilt show in Nibley I am going to take the kids to, it should be fun.  I finished the quilt from the quilt class.  I tried a new freemotion pattern, I am not very good but it turned out pretty good.  I did a scrappy binding and I really like that.



Well the weekend is in sight. Yeah. Work was good. It was busy, but I made progress so rhat was good. So what is the plan for Sunday? Just wondering when we are meeting and stuff like that.  Hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


I had to get up super early, 5:30, and set up flags for flag day today.  It went pretty fast and Jenn went so I got to talk with her which was fun.  The kids slept in today again, we were going to go to a fun thing at the library and story time up the canyon but we just didn't make it.  We did go to the park and run around.  The splash pad was open and looks really fun.  The boys didn't want to get their clothes wet but Ruthie walked around it for a bit.  Isaac didn't want to go to martial arts and Ruthie was napping so we skipped it.  I had to pick up the flag at 8 and it was nice to talk with Jenn again.  It was a pretty evening.  Thanks for meeting Sunday, it will be fun.


So glad

I am glad we made it over hump day.  The week will be better.  I am surviving working a full week.  It is tough to get back to the real world.  We are meeting the Gumm gang tomorrow night for Chin Waw.  Robin is going to hook up with us.  Thanks.  Work was good, I got some things done and that felt really nice.  I was getting behind.  Still have a ways to catch up but it is coming.  Rachel asked if we are planning Bear Lake on Sunday.  I am in if everyone wants to go.  Have a nice Thursday.  I can't believe how fast June is going.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. Work was busy so it went by fast. Then I had called to get my insulin to pick up and that nasty mouth wash for my pulled tooth. Unfortunately that meant that I had to go to Park City for the mouth wash because that it where we pick it up after pulling my tooth. Then I had to go to Heber to get my insulin because that it where that prescription is. So I felt like I was driving in circles. Oh well. I also got my grocery shopping done while I was out. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I woke up tired today which seems like an oxymoron. But it happened. Work was ok. I got caught up on some things so that was nice. I had to work at scheels so it was a quiet night. I know tomorrow is only thursday but it's closer to Friday so that's a nice baby step. Have a good night


Tuesday, June 13, 2017


It was really cold and windy today and then it cleared up this evening.  The kids all slept in which was nice. Oliver was the first to wake up so we just hung out for a while.  Isaac and Ruthie didn't wake up till 11 so it was lunch time practically.  Isaac had a play date with his friend for the ward and he had a fun time at their house.  Oliver wanted to go to lees while he was gone so we did that.  We walked to pick him up since it was clearing up and that was nice to get out a bit.  We made necklaces with the noodles we dyed and we tried the sugar crystals again.  It went better but I think I am putting the sugar in too fast.  I am going to try it again next week.  We went ice blocking for young women's and young mens combined and the beehives were in charge.  After scouts Casey helped me picked up some ice blocks which was nice.  The kids had a really fun time and it was fun to watch them.  Does Sunday sound ok for bear lake.  Should I call in sick to church?  Let me know what you guys think.  I finished the blocks for my quilting class.  Do you guys like them?  I like them, they are bright.



Well the day started off cold and rainy but ended up really warm and sunny.  Work was good and I got a lot done.  That felt nice.  I am excited for our trip also.  Dad's meeting was same old same old.  So nothing there.  I hope Oliver and Ruth are feeling OK.  I couldn't sleep last night so today I was really tired.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM

One more day

Today was good. Nothing exciting I stayed late at work to help make up hours from golfing yesterday. I just came home.and relaxed. It was nice to just chill a bit. Have a good night.



Well things are good here in Kamas. Work is moving along. Nothing to exciting to report. I am all approved off for the great basin trip. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Monday, June 12, 2017


Good job getting the hotels mom. It will be fun. My day was good. I just was catching up on the stuff I missed on my days off last week. It did snow here for a little bit today. Snow in June, who would have guess. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


Today was good. We are doing changes at work and making a new position. My boss didn't want to promote someone to my level so they made a spot.just below me. But I guess that means I get a 1.00 raise effective today. So no complaints here. Lol then I took a half day it was Maggie golf day. At first I didn't want to go but it ended up being fun. Thanks for booking the rooms mom that will be fun. I am also down for bear lake this weekend too. Lots a fun ahead :)


I did it

Well, I have been nervous to make reservations but I did it.  I think Rachel had a really good idea of half and half.  I got three rooms in Bakers.  That should give us plenty of room.  I think two of the rooms have mini kitchens in them.  Then two nights in Ely.  They have a pool there.  I went into work early today and worked my lunch hour.  I am now officially over my hours.  That is always nice.  Tomorrow dad has a stock holders meeting in the afternoon.  It is will interesting to see how that goes.  It seems weird to have work all week.  I have loved playing.  It was cold and mud rain here.  Karen that is weird you had snow.  I am so sorry that Oliver isn't feeling good.  I hope he kicks that soon.  It has been tough on him.  I did do laundry tonight.  I felt very ambitious.  LOVE MOM

Vacation here we come

Thanks for getting the hotels all set up Mom, that is really exciting.  I think we are going to have so much fun.  Today it was windy and rainy all day which was nice for the kids to stay in and rest.  Oliver was up and moving more but still not 100%.  We took out the rock candy since there were so many sugar crystals growing everywhere.  The kids loved the candy and Isaac wanted to do it again so we tried it again but it was even worse so we just threw it away.  I called Dad and I we are going to try it again tomorrow with his suggestions, thanks Dad.  We also died some noodles and are going to make necklaces with them tomorrow.  My visiting teacher came this afternoon and it was good to talk with her.  Isaac had marital arts and we stayed and watched for a while.  It was good to watch him, he is doing better.  Oliver wanted to go to the cheese factory so we went their and Casey stopped on his way home and had a snack with us.  Oliver fell asleep in the car and he woke up throwing up at dinner time, poor guy.  I think the rootbeer milk was too much for him.  Everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

One more thing

I sent an email to the hotel in Bakers.  They only have double beds.  They call them cozy.  I haven't heard back from the yet.  Do you want me to pursue that?  And Rachel that quilt is amazing.  I love it.  I am glad your singing went well.  LOVE MOM

Kinda a long day

We went and got grandma around 11:30 today and it was kind of hard.  Her organ is gone and her hutch and everything was all changed.  She wanted to go through a few things and see if we wanted them.  She had a couple precious moments and I said that Rachel collects them so I got them.  They are just tiny ones.  It was hard to see everything changed.  She was just kind of confused.  She wanted to go down to Annette's so we drove her down there and had lunch on the way.  We got to see the triplets.  They are cute.  It might be a couple of hard months ahead.  Deena and all her family are coming in July and staying at Grandmas.  That is going to be interesting.  7 people in her house that is all tore apart.  Crazy.  I guess Blaine and Kristen are coming every weekend and doing one room to get ready to show it.  Blaine is going to sell the house.   I am sorry that Oliver is still sick.  Poor little guy.  Get the airborne out.  That will help.  He just looks so sick and all grown up in his picture.  That is fun about the mud.  Kids just love to play in the mud.  Karen I was half way home before I remembered we hadn't done the weed and feed.  Sorry about that one.  Robin, I hope you had a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM

The Weekend

Oliver is still not feel great so we just had a weekend at home.  Yesterday we tried to get the van inspected but we did it too late and everything closed early on Saturday.  I weeded a bit more and it is looking nice.  Isaac was playing with the water and mud and had a blast.  He kept getting stuck in it and loosing his sandals.   Today I sang in church and we didn't want Oliver to go and I could hold Ruthie while singing and Isaac didn't want to go if everyone wasn't going so I went by myself.  The singing went really well and I got a lot of compliments on how pretty it was.  I taught the lesson also but it was short since their were a lot of announcements about camp.  Then I had a long meeting after church but the one after was canceled which was nice.  Casey cleaned the kitchen and has been reorganizing the cabinets so he got a lot of stuff off of the counter and it looks really nice.  Isaac has been wanting a pet a lot.  Today he found a rolie polie and we turned the fish tank into a home for him and then added a hundred more.  He took it everywhere, even down the slide.   Ruthie seemed like she was coming down with the cold today but she was ok this afternoon.  The lady I babysit for had to move the day to Thursday so that worked out really good so Oliver has a chance to rest and get better.  Everyone have a great Monday.


I was sitting with Oliver and hand sewed the binding on this quilt so it is done.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...