Friday, December 22, 2017

Nice Evening

We had a really nice time at Forgotten Carols.  I really enjoy that play.  We drugged dad up and he came with us.  He was feeling really good.  Rachel, I don't know if you will ever get sleep.  I hope someday you get a full night sleep.  It was starting to snow when we left the play.  Everyone be safe out there.  I am super excited for tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Isaac is feeling a lot better and slept all night long, it is a miracle.  Ruthie on the other hand did not so hopefully tonight everyone will sleep.  Ruthie woke up early and Casey was up so he made waffles for breakfast which was fun.  I walked Isaac into school to help his carry the presents for his teachers.  After lunch was Isaac's class party.  I took the little kids with and they did really good and my game went pretty good.  All the kids seemed to have a fun party and are excited for Christmas.  It was the end of school when it was over so I just took Isaac with me.  We came home and gave Ruthie a nap.  After dinner we did some shopping and I think we are all ready for Christmas.  We will meet you guys tomorrow for lunch.  See you then.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Let the fun begin

I have tomorrow off so I am all set to play. My day was good. I did have to shovel this morning, but it wasn't a lot so that was nice.  I took that eclair cake into work for treat day today and it was pretty much gone by the end. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

I did it

We went grocery shopping tonight and I think we can let the festivities start.  I do need to wrap one more present and then I am good to go.  It was fun to have a list and check it twice through the store.  I couldn't find the cream cheese at Winco.  I couldn't remember where it was.  I will pick some up along the way.  Other than that I don't think we will want for much else.  I did remember to cancel my lunch today so that was nice.  I can leave early now tomorrow.  I am excited to go to the Forgotten Carols tomorrow.  Thanks Karen for doing that.  Everyone have a great Friday and I will see you all soon.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Isaac's eyes were a lot better so he went to school, he still isn't sleeping.  Casey went to work early so we ran errands.  We got stuff to make fishing poles for Isaac's party tomorrow and then I got bread for all of their teachers, it just seemed nice.  Oliver had school and they had an elf come and read to them.  He was adamant that he wasn't getting reindeer food so he didn't bring it home.  He made a eatable tree at school and Isaac wanted to eat it.  Oliver said he could had a small bite but then changed his mind and cried about, so we went to Lee's and got stuff for everyone to make their own.  We did it after dinner and it was fun, Isaac was able to eat his.  Everyone have a good night.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ho Ho Ho

Today was a better day.  I think I just was having a bad yesterday and everything was bugging me.  I just need to do what I can to keep things together. We went to old Navy tonight and scored on shopping.  I am officially done.  That is pretty cool.  Tomorrow night is grocery shopping so if any thing sounds good text me  :)  Robin, I am good with anything you want to do for your birthday.  I have to admit that I am just really excited to hang out and play.  I forgot to cancel my lunch today so that sucked but I think I will survive.  It was so pretty today when it was snowing.  I just love to watch it.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  I hope Isaac feels better tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Robin, that sounds like a good plan, but we will be down for lunch time if you want to start then.  I do have a fondue pot and will bring it.  The lava lamps look fun.  Good job.  Isaac had  a rough night and his eyes were bad so we kept him home.  I called the doctor and they were able to call in some drops for us so we didn't have to take him in which was really nice.  We just stayed home and tried to have Isaac rest so he will be healthy again.  It did snow and it was pretty. 



I am good with that plan. My day was good. This was the last class I had to teach until after the new year. So yeah I get to sleep in. Tomorrow at work we are having a Christmas treat day. So tonight I made that eclair dessert i made for Thanksgiving. Hopefully it will taste good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I was looking at the weather and on my birthday it's going to snow from the weather reports. I had an idea in the morning we will do our thing and meet up in kamas I'm afternoon 2-3 ish... then maybe fodue for dinner?? Would that be fun? If so Rachel do you still have the fondue pots to bring? I was going to buy a new game for us all to play after. And while the kids are up I found these cool lava lamp bottles that would be fun to make. I put a picture below. Does that sound fun?

My phone sent me memories of my photos and these cute one popped up of isaac.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

They found me

I got a letter in the mail from the relief society from my ward. I guess the have finally found me, it made me laugh. Sorry your work is crazy mom. It's so frustrating to have changes and disorganization as well. Today was so busy i thought would catch up but I just got more behind. I'm glad everyone liked their towels Karen. Everyone at work has sick kids they are saying they have strep or the stomach virus that is lasting a week. It's going around like wildfire. Hopefully Isaac feels better soon.



I am sorry about your job Mom, that is the worst.  I can't believe they are handling this so poorly.  Isaac didn't sleep again last night, his eyes and nose are sore.  Oliver woke up and ended up sleeping with us.  It was a warm day today and we are loving it.  I didn't have to babysit today so I took advantage of Casey being home and got a hair cut, it is short and I like it.  Just normal Rachel hair cut.  Oliver had school and he hurt his finger, it was very traumatic for him. Ruthie wouldn't nap so we went to the store and got some medical supplies for Isaac.  We played outside until it was time to get Isaac.  We got cookies on the way home but it ended in tears and made me frustrated.  I took the kids with me to young women's and it was so much fun.  We went Christmas Caroling on a hay trailer and the kids had a blast.  We would get off and sing at some houses and then get back on and everyone was so good with the kids.  It was a really fun time.  They had doughnuts and hot chocolate for the treat and they loved that.  Isaac said he really felt the Spirit of Christmas, it was a really nice time.  It is a late bed time but it was worth it.  Everyone have a great Wednesday.


Weird day

It was a weird day today and it did make me mad so I might need an attitude adjustment.  I requested next week off and my boss wrote back with an approval and said that yesterday, I was transferred to administration.  I thought it would have been nice for someone to let me know that.  Then someone took the day off and I went in to add her days and I have no payroll.  They said it was because I changed departments so now there are 22 people with no timekeeper.  I had to work on that most of the day.  It is hard to give up things, I just need to move forward.  Dad took me to Sam's Club after work but they didn't have any fun PJ's so we went to Target and found the kids some.  Tomorrow night we will look for adult ones.  Target adult things are too expensive.  Well everyone be safe out there it is suppose to snow.  Rachel, I hope that Isaac's eyes get feeling better.  Karen, I am glad everyone loved their presents.  Robin, you are very gifted. LOVE MOM


Well my work week is half over. Yeah! I took the towels Robin made for me into work and gave them out. Everyone loved them. I got lots of compliments on how cute they are. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Monday, December 18, 2017


Well, I made it through Monday.  That was really nice.  It was a good day.  I was tired but I got some work done so that was good.  Dad took me to firehouse for dinner and then we went to Walmart.  We are having a favorite gift exchange tomorrow.  It is kind of like a white elephant game but it is good stuff instead.  I bought a gift box of hot chocolate cups and smores.  I like those things.  It is probably dumb but I like them.  They had a paw patrol dress for Ruth that I bought.  I thought she would like that.  I am glad you took the kids to see the Polar Express.  That is fun for them to do those things.  I am glad that Casey gave his notice.  Karen, I am sorry you found a mouse in the trap today.  I am glad you caught him however.  Robin it was nice to talk with you tonight.  I think plans are coming together.  Here is my tentative plan.  Subject to change at a minutes notice. 

Saturday - Pedicures in the morning, Lunch, play, dinner and maybe the zoo lights if it isn't too cold.  It is suppose to get really cold.  If it is too cold we will play at Leonardo or Utah museum.  Go to Kamas

Sunday - get up eat, play, make gingerbread houses and a train (I got one tonight).  Mario Kart eat, eat and more playing.  Nice Ham dinner. 

Monday - get up eat, Santa, presents, Lunch (make your own pizzas).  Disband and hopefully Rachel will be able to fit it all in her car  :)


One down

Today was good nothing too crazy. It was busy like usual. I was reading a gossip spread on Facebook about tom hanks and they showed a picture of his son. I noticed him from life in pieces. He's the one with the new baby. I didn't know he was tom hanks son. Well that's all the exciting news I have.



Isaac didn't sleep well last night because he had a stuffy nose so we were tired today.  It was warmer today and it was so nice.  Oliver loved it and spent a lot of time outside.  I babysat this morning and it is the last time for this month.  Casey went and did his drug test for his new job and he gave his notice at work.  Oliver had school, he was super star today and was happy.  I sewed while he was gone which was nice, it felt like I hadn't done it in a while.  For dinner we went to Sam's club and then picked up some diapers.  They were playing the polar express at the library and we went and saw it.  It was fun the kids ate a ton of popcorn and watched most of the movie.  Near the end they were running to get water but they were having fun. 



I am glad that Isaac likes the magic tricks. He still has 296 left to learn. My day was good. I am ready for it to be the Christmas break already.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, December 17, 2017


Today was chill. I just relaxed it was needed. I'm glad Isaac had a good birthday. He had some fun present.i wanted some ginger ale so I went to Wal-Mart. It was beyond crazy and it was dumb to go just for a soda. I keep forgetting it's Christmas shopping frenzy.


Thank you guys for the awesome day yesterday.  Isaac had the best Birthday parties, thank you so much.  Today was fun because he had all those new toys to play with.  I had a meeting this morning and I went downstairs and he was building his legos.  I hated to leave, I just wanted to build legos with him but I went and it wasn't super long so I was able to come back and do Legos which was fun.  The MP3 player wasn't turning on unless it was plugged in so Casey took Isaac to best buy and bought a new one.  It is pretty nice.  We skipped sacrament meeting and just went to our classes.  I was going to leave Ruthie at home with Casey but she wanted to come with so we threw a dress on her and she went to nursery.  I stayed with her and she was really nervous.  They took Oliver in to sunbeams for a little bit and he did good.  When I had to go teach Ruth was playing good so I left her but a couple minutes later she was crying so Casey came and picked her up.  Casey and Isaac worked on the robot for the rest of the day and they had fun.  It is really nice, thank you.  All the leftovers were good also.  Isaac is feeling a lot better and it was good to see him back to his old self.  Love you guys.


Fun Weekend

What a fun weekend we had.  Thanks so much Rachel for the fun parties.  I am glad that Isaac is feeling better and having fun with his presents.  We went to see Grandma today and she bought us some gloves and they are nice.  She didn't want to go out so we brought in some pizza and watched a movie.  It was nice to move slow.  WE came home and vegged.  We watched Scrooged.  I am so looking forward to next weekend.  It is going to be pretty awesome.  Everyone be safe out there.  LOVE MOM


Robin, thanks for the towels. They are super cute. I got ribbon and tied my spatulas on them. My day has been good. It was quiet and rhat was nice. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...