Saturday, October 8, 2016


Well my day had been good. I got to sleep in this morning and that was really nice. I also got some laundry done. Exciting I know. I am glad you guys had a fun time at the trains. Have a great Sunday tomorrow everyone.

Nice Time

It was so nice out at Promontory.  I loved seeing the trains.  I didn't know they would be there and it was a really nice surprise.  Thanks for inviting us.  The rockets were something to see also.  Dad knows so much about them it made it so much more fun.  I must be getting old because we didn't do a bike ride afterwards.  We crashed on the couch and took a nap.  You guys are amazing.  Karen, I hope you had a nice day and Robin, I hope Lagoon was good.  The weather is so perfect.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Fun day

Thanks Mom and Dad for meeting up with us, it was such a fun day, thank you.  We met at Brigham city and drove out to promontory point.  We got their and they were running the train so we ran in and watched it, it was lucky to get their at the right time.  Then we just walked around the railroad tracks and had snacks, it was fun.  We watched the trains one more time and then we to ATK and looked at the rockets.  It was really neat to see and Dad know a lot about them.  Everyone was tired so we went to Brigham city and had dinner and then went home.  Isaac wanted to go on a bike ride so the boys rode their bikes up to the park and me and Ruthie walked.  It was a nice evening and fun.  Thanks again and everyone enjoy your Sunday.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Rolling along

Today was busy but I got done what I needed to, so that was nice.  I went to Walmart and got treats for promontory point tomorrow.  Not much else going on with us.  I am glad it is the weekend.  I am excited to play tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

We did it

Today was good. I mostly worked. I had lagoon tonight. I had to stay late and help around. I am tired, I am glad I get to sleep in tomorrow. Nothing else to exciting have a good weekend.


That was a good idea about a warm sleeper Mom, I went and picked one up so I am hoping that helps.  Thanks for meeting up with us tomorrow.  I hope that is fun, Isaac is pretty excited about it.  We had a good and busy day.  I watched Henry's brother for his parent teacher conference.  He is a cute boy.  Then we went and ran errands.  We picked up Isaac's personal pizza for reading and some bread sticks for lunch.  I made salsa with all the tomatoes on our counter, it is nice to have them off.  We have a ton of salsa frozen now.  We hung up the ghost and bats in the backyard and they look really cute, thanks again.  After dinner we went to the park and played for a while, it was nice to be out.  Well everyone enjoy your weekend and see you tomorrow Mom.



Mom, yes I do have tickets for jekyll and hyde. I got them at that fund raiser from Robin's work. My Friday has been good. I am glad that the weekend is finally here. I went to Walmart after and got groceries. Traffic was crazy.  I may start going to Heber instead. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Today was good nothing to exciting. I didn't have to work tonight and I fell asleep watching TV. It was nice to take a nap. Have a good one


Good day

It was a good day.  Just normal day at work and then we had a quiet night.  We watched the Ghost and Mr. Chicken.  That is a funny show.  Rachel those tie dyes turned out cute.  That was a good idea.  Robin, that is fun you got to go see the play.  Karen don't you have tickets for that play?  I thought you got them a long time ago.  Maybe I am confused.  Not much else to report.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  It is suppose to be a pretty weekend.  I hope Ruthie sleeps better.  She isn't getting cold is she?  I was wondering if we should buy her a heavy sleeper.  That might help.  LOVE MOM


Ruthie didn't sleep again for the third night, she is wearing me out.  Ruthie had her six month check up today and she is doing good.  She had a huge growth spurt.  She is 20 lb 10 Oz (85%), 28.5" (75%) and head 93%. He thinks she is teething and that is why she isn't sleeping good.  They make you wait forever in a tiny room with three kids so it can make a person go crazy.  Afterwards we went to the hobby lobby and spent Grandma's fun money their.  Isaac wanted to make a tie-dye shirt again.  They only had a red shirt in Oliver's size but it worked out ok and we got Ruthie a cute dress.  We had some extra dye after Isaac was done so I dyed some white flannel and I am going to make Isaac a scarf with it.  The girls next door came over to play after lunch.  I was tired so I only had them stay an hour and then sent them home.  Isaac had parent teacher conference this afternoon.  I had a friend going to watch the little ones but Oliver fell asleep so Casey just stayed home with them.  Isaac is doing really well and had a really fun time showing me all his stuff.  He was really happy.  He got a 100% on his math test is about to start getting reading books sent home.  His fine motor is what she was worried about but I think he keeps getting better so I am happy with it and we will just keep working on it.  Casey and Isaac made cinnamon rolls and they tasted really good.  It was a busy day.



Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. Work went by good, I stayed busy so it went by pretty quick. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

One down

Thanks for the fun time. I finished one photo. I am on my phone so I will blog from my computer one night and post them. The lighting guy at lagoon also works at the grand so he got everyone at lagoon free tickets for jeckly and hyde. It was really good. Well not much else for me have a good night



Thanks again for coming up and decorating, we are so spoiled and had a great time.  We missed you today Karen, especially me, you are awesome.  We are still planing on this Saturday going to golden spike.  Maybe met in Tremonton around 10 and drive together their.  We are super flexible also.  I finished a quilt last night and I attached a picture of it, I really like it.  I also attached the family pictures unedited that were my favorite.  Thanks again.  Ruthie didn't sleep well so we were tired today.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that was fun.  Oliver wanted to go on a drive with Casey when he got home and the ended up at Randy's.  So we met up with them at the thrift store and walked around.  Then he took us out to dinner.  I am hoping that everyone sleeps tonight.


Weird weather

It snowed here for a few minutes as well.  Nothing like Kamas but it was weird to watch the snowflakes.  Today was good.  I got a lot done and work and that was nice.  I sure had a nice time yesterday.  Thanks everyone.  It was fun to play.  Not much else going on with us.  Rachel if you are still going to Promontory Point me and dad will come with you.  Let us know where you want to meet and times.  We are really flexible.  You can tell us on Saturday morning if you want to.  LOVE MOM


Well ut snowed here today. It felt like a Monday today. At least it will make the week feel like a super quick one. Work was good. Thanks everyone for the fun time. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...