Saturday, October 15, 2016

Sweet Day

I had a really nice day.  Karen came down and we went on trax to the Leondardo and the kids loved it there. I have to admit that I really enjoyed it also.  We then went to the new planetarium.  I am not sure I like it better but it still under construction so we will have to go again.  Robin, I love your pictures.  That was a good idea from Melody about time lapse pictures.  That would be interesting.  Everyone one have a  nice Sunday.  It is suppose to be stormy on Monday and Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, October 14, 2016

Must be the weather

I had drama at work also. It must be the weather. I just don't care. Turn my music on and do my work. The end. Love the makeup. You are good. Karen drive safe. Rachel made it safe to sac. We went to jungle jams and it was fun. Have a great weekend. Love mom


Maggie has been drama. The girl that is crazy everyone is saying how terrible it is and since she's a manager everyone keeps saying I should say something. So i finally did talk to my boss yesterday. But my boss basically said we were the ones watching her and we just needed to worry about our selfs. Sooo I guess it doesn't matter that the crazt girl never works, so it's just going to be a long couple of weeks. That is for sure. I worked at lagoon today and that was fun. Have a good night

Thursday, October 13, 2016


I went to Julie's house tonight for one of those cleaning supply parties like we went to at Teri's house.  It was fun and was glad I went.  I met Kay for dinner before hand and it was nice to talk.  Work was OK there was some drama but nothing horrible just kind takes the winds out of your sails.  Like Rachel, there isn't a darn thing you can do about other people but it can make you feel bad.  I am so excited for you to come down.  I have worked 2 hours over this week so I am leaving early.  Dad is going to stay home all day so someone will be home.  His knee has been bothering him.  Karen good luck with your salad.  It sounded really good.  I hope you win a prize.  Robin, good luck with Lagoon.  Not many more weeks left.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM

One day more

Well i am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good. Work went good nothing too exciting to report.  Then i came home and made my macaroni salad for the luncheon tomorrow.  I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye

School Bus

Isaac had a field trip today to a farm and they got to ride a school bus and take home a little pumpkin.  He said they also got to ride in a wagon.  I think they had a fun time.  I had carpool today and Isaac was upset and it made Henry cry so I felt like a failure.  While Isaac was gone we went on a walk and then went to the park for a while.  It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it.  I had quilt group today so I had to rush everyone through lunch.  It was a lot of fun though, it is so fun to talk quilts and see what everyone is making.  We got home about the same time as Casey.  They made cinnamon rolls and we had crepes for dinner that were good.  We carved three pumpkins.  Isaac drew what he wanted and Casey carved it out.  Isaac drew on the rest of the pumpkins so when we are ready we have the pattern for them.  I also cooked the pumpkin seeds and they turned out really good, it was fun.  It seems like when you cook their is a lot of cleaning and dishes so we did a lot of that this evening.  We are excited to come down tomorrow.  We are packed and ready to go.  I will text Mom and Dad when we leave.  Probably around 1 so Ruthie can nap.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Another day

Today was slow moving. I had to work maggie and scheels. So nothing to exciting for me. Have a good one


So Cute

Rachel that is cute about the power shoes.  Isaac does have really fat feet.  I am glad you got Ruthie shoes.  She is moving.  I love it when they find the toilet paper.  Doors are going to start to be closed soon.  They just get into everything they shouldn't.  Karen, I am glad you got your flu shot over with.  I haven't felt to bad with mine.  Today was just a normal day.  We did go grocery shopping tonight for treats for the weekend.  Tomorrow Julie is having a cleaning party.  I think it is like the one we went for Teri.  I am meeting Kay for dinner and then we are going to Julies.  It should be fun.  I am looking forward to the weekend.  LOVE MOM

Power Shoes

Today was pretty good.  Oliver lost one shoe on Monday and I can't for the life of me find it.  I pulled out an old pair of Isaac's sandals but they are huge on him.  Oliver calls them his power shoes.  So this morning we went to Shopko and got Oliver and Ruthie a pair of shoes.  We are outside all the time and it is colder so I wanted some shoes for Ruthie because she is crawling everywhere.  Isaac has been coloring and writing like a mad man.  He has filled two paper books with his drawings.  It is so fun to see him learn new things.  We were going to go to the farmers market and drop some stuff off for Calleen but Oliver fell asleep so Casey just went and said hi.  Ruthie got into the toilet paper today, it is cute, they all do it.  Well everyone have a good night.


Power Shoes

flu shot

Well I got my flu shot at work today. So my arm is a little bit sore, but other than that I am fine. Work was good just the usual for me. After work I went to Walmart and pick up my prescription. I also got stuff to make a macaroni salad for my work luncheon on Friday. That sums up my excitement for today. I am glad that the week is half over. Also congrats to Isaac on being the top banana. I loved the picture of him with the award. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


today was good. it dragged a bit in the afternoon. I was really tired. I had to work at scheels tonight so I didn't do anything exciting. I'm proud isaac is a banana. Hope everyone has a good night robin


Robin, I love our family picture.  That is really a good idea to take pictures like that.  We need to do that a lot.  I am so proud of Isaac to be the top banana.  That is really an accomplishment.  He is learning so fast.  Way to go.  I am sorry they aren't sleeping well.  You think they would just collapse after being so busy all day.  Karen congratulations on your reward and getting a new holster.  That is a really good idea.  Well my day was busy but nothing amazing.  Dad was really tired so he stayed home today.  He might even stay home tomorrow.  Robin, I loved your name on your Taco Bell ticket.  You need to frame that one.  LOVE MOM

Top Banana

The kids didn't sleep well again last night, they are wearing me out.  They all have a bit of a cold so hopefully they will be over that soon.  Isaac was Top Banana today at school, that means that he knows all his letter upper and lower case and all their sounds.  They gave him some sight words to memorize now and he knows most of them.  I think he will have them done this week.  I was proud of him.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that is always fun.  I took Kimi some dinner tonight and saw the baby.  She is pretty cute and tiny.  She has been a good baby and Kimi is feeling good.  They were really happy.  Casey had scouts tonight and we walked and picked him up.  It felt like a busy day.  Enjoy your evening.



Well the week is moving on. My dat was good. Work was busy, so it went by pretty quick. I also got a check in the mail. I got a 100 dollars for doing that health screening. So that was fun. I decided to use it to buy a holster for my walther gun. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye

Monday, October 10, 2016

adult day

Today was good. Nothing to exciting. Work went by fast so that was nice. I came home and did laundry and dishes, so that was nice to have done. I also got one more picture done of all of us. Have a good tuesday Robin


Today turned out good.  I was worried because the Zero Harm lady came back and I was worried about drama but it was good.  I did get my flu shot today and so far that was no big deal also.  I was looking on the Leonardo Museum and that might be fun for Saturday.  We could take trax in and then goof around.  Karen when is the play?  I wasn't sure if there was a certain day we had to go?  I love rice-a-roni.  Good job on that.  We stopped at Rumbi's for dinner.  Dad just loves those lava noodles.  Not much else to report.  Robin, I hope your day went well.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. Nothing too exciting to report here.  I did cook dinner i made chicken and rice-a-roni. It tasted good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Good job with the photos Robin, they look so nice.  That is so fun.  Sunday was good we just stayed home.  I built that wooden train and it took all morning but it turned out nice and the boys love it.  We need to paint it now.  Today was good.  I volunteered in Isaac's class and that was fun to do that.  Jenn watched the little ones for me which was really nice of her.  Afterwards we went to Sam's to do some shopping.  I ordered books from Isaac's school and they came today so when Isaac came home we read books and did his homework.  He was excited to do it.  He also colored all day yesterday, it was so cute.  When Casey came home we ran to Smithfield for him to get something and then we went out to a tree farm in Cove to look at trees to buy.  I want a big shade tree to block the neighbors.  They were about a hundred so we are thinking about it.  Well everyone have a great night and a good day tomorrow.  Don't work too hard.


Ruthie slept with me this morning

Oliver has been pretending he is a puppy a lot.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Those are really good pictures Robin.  You and Rachel make a good team.  Karen, I am glad you had a nice day also.  We took grandma out to lunch and then to Walmart.  I found a ninja costume that was a 3T to 4T.  I got it for Oliver.  It is a blue ninja.  They have such cute costumes but they are all 2T.  They look really small but I thought I would look around.  That was my big excitement for the day.  Rachel have fun volunteering at school.  It should be an interesting week for me.  The Zero Harm lady is coming back to work so I am interested to see how that all turns out.  Wish me luck.  LOVE MOM

Good job

Robin good job on the photos. They look really good. My day was quiet. I did get my dishes done so that was good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

short and sweet

Today was good. it was just lagoon today. I came home a did a little bit of photo shop stuff. have a good week! robin


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...