Friday, October 4, 2019


So Karen came down tonight and we met Robin and Jeramy and went to Fuji's for dinner.  It tasted really good.  We went to where Jeramy works and that place is huge.  I have never seen so many coke trucks.  It made me want a coke.  We fit all the pallets that Robin wanted into the jeep so we are set to come up.  We are going to leave when we wake up and Robin will come up just before lunch.  It is pretty neat looking what she has created. Work was so busy and I didn't realize how far behind I was.  I got a lot done but not enough for payroll Monday.  Oh well, I can go in early on Monday.  Everyone drive safe.  If Casey needs helps with the trees let us know.  I am so excited to come up.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Today was a really nice day.  Oliver didn't have school and Isaac got out at 1:30 so it was nice.  I walked this morning and it is so cold, I miss the warm weather.  Isaac had pajama day at school and he was so excited.  Since I didn't need to pick up Oliver I told Isaac he could ride his scooter home by himself and he was excited about that.  Ruthie had school this afternoon and Oliver walked in and got to say hi to his old teachers.  They gave him a old picture of him when he was three.  He was so little.  When Ruth was done with school we went hiking in the canyon to see the fall leaves.  It was really pretty and we had a fun time.  The kids took a ton of pictures.  We had parent teacher conferences and the boys are doing really good.  They are smart and kind which is all you can ask for.  I had book group afterwards at Kneaders.  It was good to go and talk with everyone.  Love you guys and thanks for coming up this weekend.


Way to go

That is so neat that the kids are doing so well in school.  That is so neat.  Thanks for calling me.  Work was good and then we met the Gumm Gang at Applebees where that Spaghetti factory is by Robin.  The Shopko that went out of business is going to be a Target.  I was super excited about that one.  That will be fun to have one there.  Maybe they can do that in Logan.  I think Bingo is going to be on November 9th.  I will let you know for sure.  I am super excited for the weekend.  I am going to meet Robin and Jeramy tomorrow night and get pallets.  Karen is coming down also.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM


My day was good.  I still have allergies even with the cold weather so that sucks. I guess I have to wait for snow on the ground. Work is going good. Just the usual there. I am excited to play this weekend. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye


I couldn't sleep Tuesday night so last night I feel asleep on the couch and didn't wake up.  My blogging is late.  Work was busy, the Lehi Design team was in town and catering food alsways takes time.  I am excited for this weekend.  Robin when do I need to pick up pallets?  I will call you tonight.  We are meeting the Gumm gang for dinner tonight.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Today was crazy. I've known for about a week but they pulled the plug today. They fired a girl at work because she wasn't doing a great job. So now I. Absorbing her job responsibilities. So it will be busy at work for a while for me. It's a mixed bag. Everyone is excited as the girl that left was hard with. I worked on my turtle shell tonight. It was fun but slow going



It was hard getting going this morning and I really had to talk myself to going to exercise class but I did it.  It was good to go.  We went to the cheese factory to get some more milk, we were out.  Casey was home for lunch and Oliver wanted him to take him to school so he did which was cute.  Me and Ruth helped in Oliver's class.  Ruth was so cute.  She laid out her blanket on the floor and did yoga moves.  I wish I had my camera to take a picture.   I brought the boys scooters for the ride home and they were happy about that.  After dinner Casey mowed the lawn and we cleaned it up so we are ready for decorations.  Isaac had scouts tonight and they went to the dollar store to get some things to help the little lamb service project.  Tomorrow is parent teacher conferences so their is no kindergarten and Isaac gets out after lunch so that will be nice.  Have a good night and I love you.



My day was good. It snowed here part of the morning but none of it stuck. Work is moving along good. Nothing too wild and crazy.  Then after work I did my computer science lab. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


I wore a lot warmer clothes this morning on my walk and that helped a lot and I had a better time.  We went to story time this morning and then came home and played with chalk outside.  Ruth and Oliver had school and I helped in Isaac's class.  I had went grocery shopping afterwards and then it was time to pick up Ruth.  It was a pretty day and nice to walk home and the kids played outside for a while.  After dinner Randy came over and finished up grouting the shower.  The next thing is to tile the floor.  Thanks for decorating our house Robin, it will be a lot of fun.


Back to the real world

Robin you should have called in sick.  I love shepherds pie.  It is one of my favorites.  I hope Jeramy gets feeling better.   I went into work a little early to help someone and then just went through emails.  I got caught up but was behind when I left so I am not sure what that means.  We just vegged tonight.  I am getting excited about Saturday after looking at the Halloween decorations you have made.  WOW.  This is going to be fun.  Not much else to report on my end.  I can't believe it is October already.  LOVE MOM


Jeramy stayed home today. He had a migraine and didn't sleep all night. I wanted to stay home but went to work anyway. Work was busy. I came home and made Shepard pie. Then me and Jeramy have started watching naked and afraid. It's a survivor show. I would never survive with out running water, my bed and soda. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday



Things are good here in Kamas. It is still cold though. Work was good. It was meeting day so that too up half my day. Then I came home and did homework and a quiz. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 30, 2019


Today was good. Work was busy. I started to work on my turtle shell so that is fun. Mom we can pick up the pallets on Saturday. I'm hoping we can fit 6 but we can grab what will fit :) I'm glad you made it home safe from your


Home again

Well I am home again.  It is nice to be back home.  I had a nice time and glad that I went.  No news to report.  Robin when do I need to get pallets?  That is cool looking what you have made.  I think that is amazing.  I am excited to put it up on the weekend.  It is going to be hard to go back to real world.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that you made it home safe and sound mom. My day was good. Work went good nothing too wild and crazy there. Then I did laundry and watched class videos. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye


It is so hard to walk in the mornings when it is dark and cold.  I didn't go very far this morning but I am glad that I went.  I went to exercise class also which was fun.  Oliver took Ruth to the bathroom at exercise class so I said I owed him.  He wanted to go to Del taco for lunch so we did that.  They kids played for a while and had a fun time.  I dropped them off at school afterwards.  I was able to finish quilting the quilt.  It turned out good.  The quilt doesn't lay flat on the edges and I wonder if it is because the minky was pretty stretchy and I pulled it too much.  I gave it to Isaac and he likes it.  We walked home from school and Oliver cried the whole way again.  I think he is tired from school.  I made squash soup from the garden but I put to much spice in it and it was uneatable.  So we went to the black pearl for dinner.  Oh well.  I am glad that you made it back Mom.  I hope that it was a super fun trip.


Sunday, September 29, 2019


Today was good.  It rained today a lot.  It leaks in Ruthie's room when it rains, it comes in where the wires hook in.  Casey spent the day fixing that and fixing the dry wall in Ruthie's room.  We went to church and it was was shorter today.  They had a broadcast announcing the new youth programs.  It seems like a good thing.  They are just simplifying everything.  They will still be having activities.   Not much else going on.  Just trying to keep everyone occupied stuck inside.  I am glad that you are having fun.




My day was good. We are getting a hard freeze tonight, so I checked that my hoses are off and then I turned the water off in my addition. I took a nap also. Then I got some homework done. I hope everyone had a great day . Bye


Today was good nothing to wild. I gave Jenkins a bath and he was so cold he was shivering. So I wrapped him in blankets and he just cuddle d for an hour. It was cute. Then I worked on the kraken hands. I think they are done we will see how some of the pieces stick on I don't want to go to work tomorrow but I guess that is life

Late night

Austin came down to play and that was fun. We went downtown and walked around and that was fun. It was so crowded. We went swimming and I enjoyed that. They have really nice places to eat and that has been fun. I am glad the shower is done. Now we can start putting everything back together. Love you guys. I miss you all. Robin I hope you get feeling better. I am sorry that Jeramy isn’t feeling well. Rachel one day you will have to give me your chili recipe. It is the best.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...