Saturday, August 29, 2015

Fun Day

Thanks for the fun day.  Karen and Dad and me went shooting this morning.  That it always a lot of fun.  We drove up to the train museum in Ogden and hooked up with Rachel and the kids.  It was so much fun.  We all had such a nice time.  We went to the mall and Quilted Bear afterwards and walked around.  I really enjoyed that.  They had a train in the mall and Isaac and Oliver loved that.  We came home and dad went to work and me and Karen went shopping for next weekend.  We will not starve when we are sewing away.  Everyone have a really nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, August 28, 2015

So glad

I am so glad that tomorrow is Saturday.  I am ready to play.  There was a huge meeting this morning and I have been helping get it ready.  I made a bulletin board and help things look nice and got catering.  I was glad when it was over.  Don't worry Robin about tomorrow it was a last minute plan.  I really like the casserole holder.  Karen that is weird that Heber City was bad traffic.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy. The other qc girl went home in the morning because she had a panic attack. So that was fun. So the issues that caused her panic attack I had to deal with... but I made it out alive. Then I came home I was so tired. Around 8 I had a spike of energy. So I am working on September towels :) and I decided with the glitter vinyl mom bought me I made a bon Appétit for the cassarole dish holder. I liked it. Rachel of you want my sihlouette makes 3d flowers I can make them out of felt. Mom got me a fabric cutter for my machine I put some screen shots below of some cute ones :) I am sorry I am missing tomorrow's stuff. Hope you all have fun drive safe!



I am glad that you got to go the concert Robin, that sounds like a lot of fun.  Today went pretty well.  I had some errands to run and we had to go to Kitchen Kneads to get some bread bags.  Isaac wanted everything in that store.  They have a ton of cookie cutters and cake stuff.  We ended up with some car cake candy and a bat cookie cutter.  Then we went visiting teaching.  The lady I visit showed me some really cute felt flowers she makes for headbands.  They were cute and look fun to make.  She also said that she hemmed the linen swaddle fabric and didn't have a problem.  She also said that they sold it at Joann's so we can use coupons.  After lunch me and Isaac made cup cakes, it was pretty exciting.  Then he wanted to play the Thomas game so I pinned the pink and grey quilt.  This evening Casey picked 4 bowels of blackberries and their are about the same amount out their.  We are going to make jelly again, it tastes good.  We also picked two more bowls of tomatoes so we are going to make salsa with the packets on Monday and can it.  I took the boys on a walk so Casey could pick the blackberries and it was nice.  I have liked going on walks in the evening.  I think it is helping Oliver sleep better but I am not sure.  After they went to bed I finished up the three receiving blankets.  They are really cute, the pictures aren't very good.  Also I dressed the boys in the same outfit and everyone thought they were cute.  Thanks for meeting up tomorrow.  We are really excited.  Isaac has talked of nothing else all day.



I am glad that it is the weekend. Work was good. They are moving a couple of people around at work so I helped move things today. It made the day go by fast for sure. Then I went and got my prescriptions. Traffic in Heber was horrible. First there was road construction thru the pass. Then they are having a parade of home in the area and a sheepdog competition this weekend. I am all set to come up tomorrow. I will see you mom a little before nine. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Today was fun. It was just because holiday. So we went to the movie theater to scope out the location for the hunger games. Then we all had hot dog on a stick for lunch. We thought I would be fun to prank the other dept. Just because and it turned into a whole event. We went to zurchers and bought mustaches and streamers and ran around the office throwing streamers around. Then me and a girl from work went to a concert 3 days grace. It was alot of fun. They did a good job. The opening band was really good to. The gutairist for the opening band was cute and since they were not as popular we were able to get a picture with them. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I'm working Saturday 11-7 so I have a crappy schedule this weekend. I am on the fence about hazel. I like Amelia, or Savanah marie


Busy Day

What a busy day I had a work.  It has been crazy.  I worked until 6 tonight.  Robin, I wasn't sure what you had planned this weekend but me and Karen are going shooting on Saturday morning and then we are driving to Ogden to have lunch and train museum with Rachel and the kids.  I was going to say the boys but I can't do that any more.  I can't believe that Oliver likes salsa.  Pickles chocolate milk and salsa.  He is much more daring with food.  I really like the name Hazel.  Some one said Kate or Katie.  I wasn't sure about that but thought I would throw it out there.  We have 16 people coming tomorrow for a big meeting all morning.  That is why I was so busy.  I will be glad when they leave.  LOVE MOM


The name I have for today is Hazel, what do you think?  Today was pretty good.  Isaac had a preschool open house this morning.  They just show them where their backpacks go and get them comfortable with the place.  Isaac is ready to go, he is excited to start on Monday.  I was going to sew with Jenn but she had to cancel but I still got a lot of sewing done.  Isaac played the kindle for a while and I cut out the blankets and then Casey and Isaac went to Franklin to cash in a lottery ticket so I had some time then also.  We went on a evening walk again tonight.  Isaac rode his bike around the big block the whole way for the first time.  He is getting good.  Oliver slept amazing last night I thought maybe it was the walk we took that helped.  I hope that he does the same again tonight.


He likes salsa


Well my day has been good. Work went by pretty quick. I almost forgot to put my trash can outside tonight. Lucky for me I remembered after eating dinner. I am ready for the weekend. I am excited to go shooting on Saturday mom. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Image result for someecards funny
Image result for someecards funny

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


That will be fun for the movie thanks! It will be on a Wednesday. In November I think the was good I went to scheels to cash out my embroidery money then I met up with walter. We went to golden corral. It wasn't the best food on the planet. I kinda like nora. How about lily, mariah, or wendy. Tomorrow I am going to the concert so that will be fun. Have a good thursday



I don't like Hannah, it is like Banana.  How about Nora?  Today was pretty good.  Oliver didn't sleep well and then woke up really early.  He was super grouchy so after breakfast we went to the Walmart on the south side and got him some medicine and Isaac a Thomas movie.  They had fun walking around.  Oliver took a early nap so we watched the new movies.  After lunch Casey cleaned the garage.  We helped for a while but the boys were wild so we played inside.  Casey took the boys to the dump to drop so stuff off, I stayed home and that was nice.  After we went on a walk and it was nice, it was a cool evening.   Isaac rode his bike almost the whole way, he is getting good at it.  I want to go to the movie also.  If it is during the week Casey can watch the boys and if it is the weekend Dad can watch them.  Thanks.  I finished my quilt last night.  I wanted to work on the baby quilts but I was almost done with this one so I finished it.  It is nice to have done.


Nice day

It was a nice day today.  Work was good and then grandma had Angie coming over so we went grocery shopping and came home and made artichokes.  They were really good.  I finished up my laundry and that was nice.  I am all caught back up.  Karen those are the funniest jokes.  Robin, I want to buy a ticket.  That would be a lot of fun.  If Rachel wants to go, I am sure dad would watch the boys.  Not much else exciting going on with us.  It didn't rain at all here.  I was hoping for a big huge storm.  I love you guys MOM


Well it rained here this morning. I keep hoping it will rain more. Work is going good. Nothing too exciting to report. Robin sign me up for your fundraiser. I will go and if you need volunteers I can help out also. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


I don't like margo. You will have cargo margo. Plus I knew a margo and she was odd. I like Hannah or sarah. Today was good. We talked about our hunger games for november. So if you all want to go tickets are 20.00. That will give you a pre showing and a gold ticket. We are having a raffle and gold tickets are for the high priced items. We are having disney tickets and some other fun stuff. Then I worked at scheels so not much else. Have a good night


I made it

I made it back to the real world today.  That was hard.  My headache is still there.  I think it might be the storm coming in.  The air was a lot better today however.  I could see mountains today.  That was nice.  Work was good and then dad was working at the office so I took traxs to 21st and met up with him.  We bought a new movie and I did laundry and watched it.  Tomorrow it is suppose to rain.  LOVE MOM

Big busy day

Thanks for the names suggestions.  We thought of Margo today, what do you think?  Today turned out the be a busy day.  The neighbor was having a hard time so we watched her girls until 2:30.  The boys had a hard time sharing at first but about half way through they started having a good time together.  It was fun to have them over, Casey was a big help.  I canceled sewing so we are going to do that Thursday instead.  I want to sew the baby blankets we got yesterday.  The rest of the afternoon Isaac rested and that was nice.  We picked Casey up from Scouts because Isaac wanted a lemonade but we ended up getting icecream.  I hope that everyone has a good Wednesday, this week is sure going fast.


Mom helped me make grapes, they are still drying.  It takes forever.

Isaac is spoiled


Rachel congrats on the girl. I am excited for you. I like the names Amelia, Annabel, and Ella. My day has been good. Work is moving along. I really don't have anything exciting too report so I will sign off. Bye

Monday, August 24, 2015

Diamonds are a girls best friend

I'm so excited you are having a girl. Let me know if you want any wall stuff made :) my favorite names are Mary, grace, and Evelyn. I'm surprised she wasn't an automatic Mary Elizabeth :). Yesterday walter came over after I was done at scheels. We just watched hunger games. Work is going well. I didn't have to work tonight so I just did some projects nothing exciting. Have a good night


Pink Side

Me and Rachel went shopping on the pink side of the store today.  It was a lot of fun.  Thanks for letting us be with you during the ultrasound.  I am amazed at how good they have gotten.  She is perfect.  We sure had a nice time this weekend.  The smoke was a lot better today.  Robin that is scary about your card.  I am glad you are getting a new one.  Karen I bet your lawn is looking good.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


We had a busy day today but it was fun.  Thank you Mom and Dad for coming up and spending so much time with us.  You are missed a lot.  This morning Oliver woke up super early so he was tired today.  We went and did the ultrasound and everything looks good and it's a girl.  Oliver fell asleep in the car on the way to Joann's to get Isaac's candy afterwards so Casey took him home and me and Isaac went with Mom and Dad to Herm's inn for lunch, it was really fun.  Then we dropped the boys off home and me and Mom went shopping.  It was fun to look for girl things.  We got some cute fabric for receiving blankets and some really cute clothes.  Mom and Dad left after dinner and the boys were tired so we watched Thomas and they laid on the cough and rested.  Thanks you guys for everything and if any one has a good name let me know.


Sunday, August 23, 2015


Well my day has been good. I just had a quiet day. I did get a call from the company I get internet from and they are coming to hook me up to the fiber optic cable tomorrow at 5. Should be exciting. I hope everyone has a great Monday. Good luck at the doctor tomorrow Rachel.

Image result for grandma vs mom jokes


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...