Friday, October 14, 2022


 Thanks again for coming up tomorrow guys.  I appreciate it.  We had a good day and are loving having Mom and Dad here.  They had a fun day while I was work.  Work was good.  A lot of people had the day off so it felt more laid back.  Me and Mom went to the fabric store and it was so fun.  I got some fabric to make a Halloween quilt.  We went to hu hot for dinner.  Then Casey and dad went home and we went to the corn maze.  We had a good time.  We got really lost and ended up leaving through the entrance.  The kids loved the hay maze/piles.  They had some battle ball the kids did and they love those.  See you guys tomorrow.

Love Rachel


 We had a nice day. Rachel bought a new game for the headset and the boys played that in the morning. We went to lunch and then went grocery shopping. We are all ready for the party. I got Mac and cheese for Luna. We went to Hu hut for dinner and it tasted so good. We went to the bear bottom corn maze and I really like that place. We had a good time. Everyone drive safe . Love mom


 I am glad that the weekend is here. I am all set to head up to Logan tomorrow morning. My day was good. I mainly just worked on my to do list.  So nothing too exciting but I stayed busy. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye 

Thursday, October 13, 2022


 Thanks for coming up Saturday.  I was thinking if you guys came up around lunch time that would be great.  We thought we could have tacos.  Thank you again for your help. Today was good and it is really nice to have Mom and Dad here.  We are having a good time.  I met them after the dentist and we got a snack.   Someone I used to work with at Walmart said hi.  It was good to see him.  Isaac had to have three baby teeth pulled and Oliver has a couple cavities that we need to fix.  We got Indian food for dinner and it tasted good.  We played bingo for dollar store prizes.  It was a lot of fun.  Oliver was a little moody all afternoon but we survived.  Thanks again for coming up.

Love Rachel


We slept in and then came to Logan. There were so many trucks on the road. We arrived in Logan safe and sound and are having fun. We went to all a dollar and played bingo with the prizes. It was fun. We are having a taco bar for.lunch on Saturday. I figured lunchtime would be good time to meet. But come when you want. Love mom


Nothing can control Luna she is wild. Lol but that is cute they have a Amazon control Luna . things are good here same ole same ole. Jeramys mom went to the hospital. She has another UTI. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I thought on Saturday we would leave around 10 ish. If that works ok.



 I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. What is the plan for the weekend? I know we are working on the tree house for Casey's birthday, but what time are we meeting? My day was good nothing too wild and crazy to report. It has all been just the usually here. 

I saw this on Amazon and think we should should get 2 😀 (Amazon really does have everything you need)

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


It was my Friday and I had a hard time focusing. I kept some sloppy Joe's for dinner and they tasted good. I am excited to come to Logan.  I love that Luna loves light switches. She is so cute. Love mom


 Oliver was sick again today.  Casey stayed with him and worked from home.  Ruth went to a friend's house after school and played.  Work was good I did little projects all day.  My work had a sewing night tonight and I went.  We made a smell my feet tea towel.  It turned out cute.  Going made it a busy day.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom and Dad.

Love Rachel


 My day was good. Work is still just the usual. I did get my laundry and dishes done, so I was a little productive at least. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Nothing to exciting. Just work. Dinner and a walk. Luna was tired so we watched Shrek to relax


Tuesday, October 11, 2022


Luna woke up at 2 and I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards.i was tired today. Jenkins was so antsy and Luna was tired so I told Jeramy I would run and take Jenkins on a walk and Luna can rest and watch trolls. But the second I left she lost it. So she went on a walk with us. She actually did pretty good. I thought it was going to be a rough walk. She was cuddly all night. She was cute. Her poor teeth. Jeramy is doing good and still liking his job He seems more relaxed. 


 I work and they found a cart and decorated it for me. It was cute. Work was good. Nothing too crazy. I am glad itnis.m6 Friday tomorrow. I am sorry oliver doesn't feel well. He sounded stuffed up. We did go to winco and get stuff to make sloppy Joe's. I used Julie's recipe and it is good. They are having a bake off on Thursday so I made it for that. Well have a nice Wednesday. I was a little disappointed that the haunted dinosaurs were sold out. Love you all 


 Oliver didn't feel well this morning so he stayed home.  Casey didn't sleep well and stayed home with him.  I had a lot of editing at work today so that is mostly what I did.  Ruth had tumbling and Isaac had orchestra so it was a lot of picking up and dropping off.  I went to exercise class after dinner.  It was upbeat barr and I really liked it.  I was discouraged yesterday and I felt better about exercising today.  I get discouraged easily and I need to be better about not doing that.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 Tuesdays are meeting days so that takes up most of the morning. Then I just worked on tasks I got in the meetings the rest of the afternoon. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, October 10, 2022


 Work was good.  I did go get my flu shot today so that is done for another year.  It was sore this time.  I feel a little off but not bad.  We went to Jared's house from Seer to help tune their piano.  It was fun to catch up.  Their kids have grown a ton.  I am glad you got to go to the pumpkin walk.  That is always so much fun.  I am sorry Isaac isn't feeling well.  That is so funny about sweeping up dog food.  She is so cute.  Karen I am glad your day went well.  I am so excited that I don't have to work on Thursday or Friday.  I am looking forward to playing.  LOVE MOM 


 Isaac didn't feel well this morning so he stayed home.  Casey brought him lunch and I think he slept all day.  Ruth and Oliver went to the pumpkin walk with their class and had a fun time.  Work was good.  I am doing initial stich outs and it takes a while to figure out what is going on.  We met Emily and her Mom and after school at the pumpkin walk.  I like going to it.  We ran to the store afterwards.  I went to exercise class after dinner.  I miss my old class a lot.  Everyone have a good night.

Love Rachel


I had Luna help me sweep up Jenkins food he drops to the floor. Karen got her a mini broom. We would fill her dustpan full and she would throw it away. Then come back for more. When we were done she grabbed a handful of Jenkins food and threw it away. I told her, only food on the floor goes in the garage. So she ran and grabbed a handful of food and dropped it all over the floor and was like see. So we had to stop sweeping or Jenkins would run out of food. I think she is getting more teeth on the bottom so she is a bit on edge. Hopefully the break through quick 



 I made it through Monday. That always feels like a major accomplishment. Work was good, it went by fast. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, October 9, 2022


Yesterday I kept fevering without a fever.... It was weird. I would be so cold I couldn't stop shivering. Then when I took an ibuprofen I would just break into a sweat. I would take my temperature and it was normal so I think I'm just weird. Jeramys nephew came over and it went well. We went to the zoo and everyone was tuckered out. 



 We spent the night in Kamas. It was so nice and cool. We decided to leave a little early and go to Costco. We went to the zoo and it was fun. I love this time of year. Luna is getting big. She signs so good. She loves bubbles. It reminds me of when Oliver was little. We came home and just vegged. I sure like the kids costumes. They are neat. Robin I hope you feel better. I am excited to only work three days next week. I get to go to Logan. Have a nice Monday. Love mom


 I am glad you guys went to the zoo.  Church went well.  Isaac helped with the lesson and went and gave the sacrament to home bound people.  I had a meeting.  I also emailed everyone their primary parts.  I had to get some calling organized.  Casey worked today and I took the kids to the park.  Some.dogs next door broke our fence so we went to Lowes and got some boards.  Then Casey fixed it.  I cut the boys hair, I was past due.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 My day has been good. Me, mom, and Ä‘ad went to the zoo with the Lewis gang. It was a fun time. After the zoo I came home and took a little nap. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...