We had a nice day. We went to unicorn world. It was better than I thought it would be. They had games and those animals.to ride and bounce houses. We stayed all morning and then went to lunch. We brought Luna home with us. Casey and dad came home and Casey went home. Thanks so much for helping gary. It was so windy here all day. It is a lot cooler. Have a nice Sunday. Robin and jeramy are coming to help finish katens floor. Love mom
Saturday, August 24, 2024
I got up and went to exercise class. We did lifting and I kept up which was fun. We went to a breakfast that Ron was hosting. It is always fun to go to. Casey left to go to salt lake from their to help Dad in the lab. We stopped at the cheese factory and got some chocolate milk. They have straws again. I really wanted a plant for the computer room so we stopped and got one. I don't know if it will do ok because their are no windows but I am going to try. Isaac made a video of him playing the violin to try out for the youth orchestra. It took a while to get the perfect video. We were going to go swimming but it was too windy. Isaac made potatos and rice pudding for dinner which was really sweet
Love Rachel
Friday, August 23, 2024
I had a good day. I got up and dad helped me get all the tree branches to the free dumpsters they had. It was so nice. Dad got a call to come to the lab so he left and I went and weeded in the back yard. It was so nice to be outside. I would work for a bit and then sit on the patio furniture. It was really windy and the storms clouds would come and go. We met Karen at the mall.for dinner and then me and Karen took trax to the baseball game. We lasted for three innings. We came home and got unicorn world tickets for Luna tomorrow. Tell casey to drive safe. It it gets to much he can just do it next week. Love mom
Thursday, August 22, 2024
I did yard work this morning it was so nice not to be so hot. I picked the garden and then put poison down gopher holes and put dirt over the holes. I mowed the lawn. We had warm ups for dinner. I had so many. Rachel I am glad your kids had a good day. They can eat. They are growing so fast. Luna was so cute on the phone she was going to fly papa and Karen to the moon. She wore every princess dress. It was funny. Have a nice Friday. Karen's work is having a work party tomorrow night she is taking me to the bees game. Love mom
We made it back to school. Isaac was so excited this morning and he had a great day. He told me what happened and was so happy. Ruth had a great day and loves her class. Oliver was really sad this morning. He old teacher came and checked on him which was really sweet. He was okay when he said his in the middle of the day. When we got home he was frustrated and he fell asleep for two hours and then he was better. School went well for me and it was fun to be with the kids again. It is always harder and takes more time to do things than I expect but the kids were all so good. We went to jacks fire pizza for dinner and the kids ate everything. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
We had a quiet morning and then picked up jeff and met Julie and kay at the garage for lunch. It was fun to see the cars again. Jeff had never been there so we took him for his birthday. We came home and just went slow. Tomorrow I am mowing the lawn and poison gophers. They have holes everywhere in the yard. Crazy. Good luck Rachel and crewfor the first day of school. I hope Isaac's leg is ok. With tight tendons that can really hurt. Robin good luck with sleep. It is so hard when they night walk. Your shed is.coming along. Love mom
Today was our last day of summer. It is mixed emotions going back to school. I got up early and did my seating charts. I have stuff left to do but I figured it doesn't have to get done on the first day. I quilted the star quilt and it turned out really pretty. I just need to bind it. Casey's coworker's wife fell so we are going to give it to her. When the kids got up we ran errands and went out to lunch then just played at home. After dinner Casey had a break and he came home. We all went to the park and the boys brought their bikes. Isaac crashed and hurt his calf muscle. It was really hot. They had these big holes last night and today they had trees in them but the trees were dying. The stripped the bark all the way around the tree. It made me sad. Wish us luck tomorrow because we need it.
Love Rachel
I forgot to post these back to school pictures yesterday.
Things are going good here. Work was quiet today. My floor boards didn't come today so that was disappointing. Hopefully they come soon. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
We went and I got my hearing tested. I have mild loss but i hear different frequencies in each ear. Weird. She was going to talk to the doctor to see what that means. I took dad to the new lab and it will be nice. I went in and said hi to everyone. I went grocery shopping and ran some errands and then went and picked dad up. We watched hamilton on Disney today and it was nice to rewatch. We are hooking up with the gumm gang tomorrow for lunch. We are going to the garage. I know we live on the wild side. I am sorry Oliver is sad. That is hard. Have a nice hump day. Love mom
I worked this morning. I had a meeting with the other prep specialist so I didn't get everything done that I need to. They ordered Costa vida for lunch which was fun. Isaac had violin lessons and they figured out what he is going to play to try out for the youth orchestra. It was back to school night tonight and it was so hot. They wanted the prep specialist to sit at a table up front. I left a lot so I could go visit the teachers. Oliver was sad school is starting. Casey had a grotto meeting and I took the kids to the park. We had a really fun time and they played and played. Casey is teaching another late class tonight.
Love Rachel
Monday, August 19, 2024
I worked today. Casey is teaching a class for some people in India so he is working in the evenings so he was home with the kids. We had a staff meeting this morning. I was able to unpack all the boxes and the decorations up on the walls. They also came and set up my computer. Ruth had a dentist appointment this afternoon and we got all her cavities filled. Everyone was so sweet to her and kept telling her how amazing she was. I went to exercise class. They have the fall schedule start this week and High isn't at a good time for me which sucks. Everyone have a good night
Love Rachel
My day was good. It was quiet at work so it dragged a bit but I made it through. After work me and mom went to the gym. After the gym mom cleaned the inside of my windshield because it was getting bad. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
I had a nice day. I just did laundry and cleaned. I did fall asleep this afternoon. I didn't mean to do that. We went to the gym tonight. Dad is feeling better. His blue bird chocolates are almost gone. He loves them. Robin I am sorry you have smells. I hate that. Baking soda helps a lot. Sprinkle it and vacuum it up. Your shed is looking really good. Rachel I am glad your first day went well. I sure had a fun weekend. I bet it is weird to have casey work the swing shift this week. Love you all mom
Sunday, August 18, 2024
I slept in and then got ready to go meet rachels gang at lagoon. We did go shoe shopping. We made it to lagoon and went to lagoona beach. The kids had a good time and I stretched out on a lounge chair. It started to lightening so they closed the beach. We walked to pioneer park and got a snack but it was raining and so we decided to leave. We did ride the terro ride on the way out. It was the shortest line. We did go to sushi monster for dinner. I like their sushi. Robin is you have fans put them in the craft room. That will help dry it. Love you all mom
I just had a lazy day. It was nice to sleep in and then I took a nap. I also had a problem with layer shifting on my printer but I think I found the issue. So I fixed it and am printer a test right now. So far it is looking good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
That is awful Robin, I am sorry. That sucks. I love the floor in your room Karen, that is frustrating that you were short. We had a fun and busy day. I went to exercise class. Then we met up with Casey's friend Pete. He offered to take us sailing. We met him at Mantua and brought our canoe. We had a lot of fun. Pete took Isaac and Oliver in the sail boat and they loved it. Me, Casey and Ruth went in the canoe. It was fun. Me and Ruth were reading the signs and their is a algae bloom creating toxic chemicals in the lake so you aren't supposed to swim in it. We were just boating so we were fine but the lake is in rough shape. It started to rain a bit so we stopped and took Pete out to lunch in Brigham City. We came home and went hiking. We did the Jardine Juniper Trail. We did start until 5 and it is a longer trail than I remember. It ended up being 12 miles round trip. The kids did so good going up but were tired going down so it was a struggle. We had headlights and were fine hiking out in the dark. It is so beautiful up there and I loved it. Oliver didn't think it was worth the hike to see an old tree. Anyway we had a fun day and are super tired now.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...