Saturday, December 19, 2009
Last Night
It is our last night in Toronto and we had a good day. We went to the market and Eaton Center and then came home and had a nap and then we went and tried all of the Canada food that we hadn't had a chance to try and then we went to the parade of lights. We were too slow for the fireworks but it was fun to walk around. It is really cold. We bought a day pass on the subway and that was nice. Helped us warm up. I have never heard of ketcup chips. They are lays potatoe chips that have ketcup flavor. I know why they are popular in the USA. Acquired taste is all I can say. I am glad you had a good saturday. Tomorrow is travel day. We have to leave here at 8:00 in the morning. We have reserved a mini bus for the trip to the airport. We should be back in SLC around 4:30 and then we are going to go take care of Grandma and Grandpa Gumm. I hope that doesn't take too long. I am excited to come home but not looking forward to going back to work. Moving time it coming. I will be seeing you soon. LOVE MOM
Well I got my errands done today. I went to the bank and to Walmart to go grocery shopping. I went early because I knew that it was going to be crazy today. It wasn't too bad at 10 this morning though. So about 3 I decided to go to the mall just to see the crowd and boy you could hardly find a place to park. I didn't get me a new book to read, so it was worth it. I also had to go and get gas in my car and the gas stations were pretty busy as well. I am not planning on going shopping until after Christmas now. We will have to see how well that works. Well I hope that you got to see everything that you wanted to today. Good luck traveling tomorrow. I am excited for Christmas. I got everything wrapped last night while I was going laundry. I think that it is fun to wrap Christmas stuff. Well have a good one. BYE
Friday, December 18, 2009
Boy do I have smart girls. I am so proud of you getting your EMT certificate. We were all talking about that tonight and have decided that a lot of shows etc need EMTs while the show is going. We were thinking if you volunteered at the Touacan. We could get free tickets to the show. Just a thought. Not so excited if you volunteer for little league but that would at least get you hours. They symphany was really good. There were amazing. The place was also really neat. Tomorrow we are just going to tour Toronto. We still have been to the lake, Eaton Mall or there is a flea market Robin wants to go to. Tomorrow night they are having fireworks for a christmas thing. I think we are going to that. I have a mini bus coming at 8:00 on Sunday to come and get us. It was that or two taxis. We only have a 30 minute layover in Cinnicati. It is going to be close. I think my spelling is bad tonight. I have had a really good time. It is cold but it has been nice to see the city for one last time. I am glad you made it to the weekend and the pictures went well. I am so excited for you to come home. Robin is craving ham and stroke potatoes so I think we will have that for Christmas Eve. We will save the steaks for another night during the holidays. LOVE MOM
Made it
Well I made it thru work. I am glad that it is over. I only have to work one and a half days next week. That will be nice. Today was a pretty good day. I made some models to put on our website at work. I used the program to put real materials on it so it looked really cool. I even made it thru the picture. I tried to stand in the back but they said that I was too short for that and made me stand closer to the front. It was worth a try though. Tell Robin congrats on being the 2nd place student that is awesome. Also tell her that I think her cheetah guy turned out good. Well I hope that symphony was good. Oh the grades for my class come out and I got an A-. Well Have a good one. Love ya BYE
We just got done with graduation and brought all of Robin's stuff back to the hotel. They honored the top three students and Robin took 2nd place. It made me cry. Everyone just clapped and clapped. They all love her. She was so happy. We stopped at the store in the school and I got her some makeup for you and me to give here for Christmas. Thought you would be glad about that one. We are going to rest for awhile and then go out to the symphany. Hope you are having a good friday.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Karen good luck with your picture. We had a good day. Dad got to see the dead sea scrolls. We got to go to the organ recital at the catholic church and we went and saw Jersey boys. It was really good. It was a 1/2 hour subway ride to the play with the subway packed in like sardines but other than that everything went well. Tomorrow we are going to the symphany. Handel's Messiah. That should be christmas feeling. I am glad that tomorrow is payday. I love those days. I am glad for direct deposit also so I don't have to worry about it. Robin graduates tomorrow afternoon so we are going to that in that afternoon. It is cold here but the wind is what makes it feel so cold. When the wind isn't blowing it isn't too bad. We just walk in the underground malls as much as we can. I am so excited for you to come home. I love it when we are all together. LOVE YA MOM
Well my Thursday has been good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday (and payday) though. They are going to take a company picture tomorrow so I have to wear my red shirt. i told Tom that I think that I had hit my quota with pictures this year what with the magazine and movie and everything, but he said that I still had to be in this one too. Oh well I tried. I am glad that you are having a fun trip. Has it been cold there? Well I better go. have a great one. BYE
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Nice evening
I am glad you didn't have class tonight. I bet that felt nice. Meetings ya got to love them. You are never going to believe what I did tonight. I went up on the CNN Tower. I know brave person that I am. It was nice to see the city so high up. May I say 53 sounds like a heat wave. Have a good thursday. LOVE MOM
No class
I am done with my class. The only thing I really have left to do is just take the written test for the state and as long as I pass that I am an EMT. Today was kind of slow at work. Two of the engineers were at a communication training thing so it was really quiet in engineering. Then after lunch I went to a meeting for the new program we got and that went from 115 to 430. The lady that did all the training was here today and she will be back tomorrow so I don't know if I will have to go to another meeting tomorrow. I am that the week is half over. I am glad that you guys are having a good time. Try not to freeze. I hate to brag but it was 53 here today. What a rough life I live. We I love ya BYE.
Cold but nice
It is really cold here today and windy. I think that is why it feels so cold. We got all the stuff for Robin mailed and got two carry on luggages and got her apartment all packed up. All she needs to do know is go check out. That was nice. We saw her chester today and it isn't as big as I thought it was. I thought it was life size and it is just about 2 feet. We can carry that on for sure. We took her to lunch and I got my swarma. It did taste good. I think tomorrow we are going to try waffles. Robin said they are really good. We also went to the candy store so Robin could take some candy to her class. Dad found some candy that he loved when he was on his mission to England. We bought one just to make sure and they are so tomorrow we will go buy some more of them. We are going to the fine are museum tomorrow and they are having an organ recital at the church that dad just loved. It is at 12:10 tomorrow. Well I hope you are having a good time not having class. At least I think you don't have class tonight. I love you lots.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
In Canada
Karen I am so glad you passed your tests. I think taking the test on the 23rd is a really good idea. That way you can get it over with and you don't have to use any more vacation. That will work out good. We had a good trip. Everything went just like it should have. We went to Robins apartment and got things organized. We are going to mail some things back and then bring the rest with us. I am tired tonight but glad the trip is going good. Even the hotel is going well. They smell a lot better than the last one. It is cold up here but I don't think it is a cold as SLC. Good luck tomorrow. Do you know it is hump day already. I hope you have a good day. I am excited for you to be able to come home and everyone home for Christmas. I love that. LOVE MOM
Well I passed my state practical test. Yeah! They sent me my email today. I also scheduled my written. They were all full down here until after the new year. So since I am going to be in SLC on the 23rd I scheduled it there. I hope that is okay. They only schedule it during the day so if I waited I would have to do some creative time adjustment for work. Well I am glad that you made it to Canada without any problems. I am going to go and get me a pizza from the pizza factory to celebrate my test victory. Hope that you are having a great time. Love ya BYE
Monday, December 14, 2009
We made it to SLC and took care of Grandma and Grandpa and also helped Casey fixing bikes for Sub for Santa. The bikes weren't that great some of them needed too much work. It was nice to help. I am so excited for tomorrow. I didn't pack an umbrella. I guess H & M is in my future. I am glad you test was easy Karen. I knew it would be. I will text everyone with details of the trip. I hope everything goes good. So far so good. Well we will be in Canada tomorrow and we will bring Chester and Robin home. I am really looking forward to bringing one of them home. Well have a great evening. LOVE MOM
11 Days to Christmas
Well I just got done with my written test for the college and it was pretty easy so I am not too worried about it. I am going to try and schedule my written for the state on Wednesday. Well I hope that everyone's travels go good tomorrow and I am sorry that I am not going too. But I will see you all at Christmas. I am glad that my class is over it will be nice to have my evenings back. Well have a good one. BYE
yeah for family day
I'm excited for everyone to come up tomorrow. :) don't forget your umbrellas. anyway I hope your plane ride goes well. If you need anything give me a call. I will leave my phone on. I'm glad that your test went well karen. I'm excited for your new skills. Anyway today I was still sanding. But I bought paint today so hopefully tomorrow I can start painting. cross your fingers. He isn't as smooth as I would like. But I have to slap the little voice in my head and let it go. My photoshoot is thursday and I still have to paint and then attach the shoes. So I don't have time to nit pick. We will just use him as a quilt holder. :) anyway. I'm excited for tomorrow. yeah.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My bags are packed and I am ready to go
I had a good day. I got a lot done and it was stress at all. Dad covered church for me so I went and did the things that I needed to do at work and so I had the night to pack and get organized. It felt nice. I made chex mix with only chex. Dad wanted that way. It really has snowed a lot here. I am glad Rachel doesn't have to go to work at 8:00 in the morning. The roads will be interesting. Dad is going to Harolds in the morning and I am working and then we are out of here. I hope we have a wonderful trip. Good luck with your tests Karen. Just think I will know an EMT. Robin good luck with your Cheetos guy. I am sure he will be great. See you on Tuesday
Well my Sunday was good. At least it wasn't snowing. Church was good. We are moving to the 9 o'clock schedule after the 1st of the year so that will be nice. I like the 9 better than I like the 1 o'clock time. My hometeachers came over after church. It is nice having hometeachers that come. Well I hope that everyone is all packed and ready to go for your trip. I hope that you all have a good time. I have my written final tomorrow so fun times ahead for me. But after that I just have the written for the state and then no more tests. It will be nice. Well have a good one. BYE
last church
So today was the last day of my church at toronto. I'm excited for everyone to come up. If you need anything let me know. well just thought I would write a quick hi. I'm still working on my chester. I just hope it gets done in time. Anyway better run have a great night
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...