Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cold but nice

It is really cold here today and windy. I think that is why it feels so cold. We got all the stuff for Robin mailed and got two carry on luggages and got her apartment all packed up. All she needs to do know is go check out. That was nice. We saw her chester today and it isn't as big as I thought it was. I thought it was life size and it is just about 2 feet. We can carry that on for sure. We took her to lunch and I got my swarma. It did taste good. I think tomorrow we are going to try waffles. Robin said they are really good. We also went to the candy store so Robin could take some candy to her class. Dad found some candy that he loved when he was on his mission to England. We bought one just to make sure and they are so tomorrow we will go buy some more of them. We are going to the fine are museum tomorrow and they are having an organ recital at the church that dad just loved. It is at 12:10 tomorrow. Well I hope you are having a good time not having class. At least I think you don't have class tonight. I love you lots.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...