Saturday, December 19, 2009


Well I got my errands done today. I went to the bank and to Walmart to go grocery shopping. I went early because I knew that it was going to be crazy today. It wasn't too bad at 10 this morning though. So about 3 I decided to go to the mall just to see the crowd and boy you could hardly find a place to park. I didn't get me a new book to read, so it was worth it. I also had to go and get gas in my car and the gas stations were pretty busy as well. I am not planning on going shopping until after Christmas now. We will have to see how well that works. Well I hope that you got to see everything that you wanted to today. Good luck traveling tomorrow. I am excited for Christmas. I got everything wrapped last night while I was going laundry. I think that it is fun to wrap Christmas stuff. Well have a good one. BYE

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