Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fun times

What a nice Halloween I had.  Thanks Anderson family for letting me play with you.  I still laugh about us running and running.  5 little pumpkins were a hit.  It did rain a lot in Sardine but when I got out the roads were dry.  It was really windy here also.  I did get a nap and laundry done when I got home.  Tomorrow we are taking Grandma Bodily to Provo for Kristen's baby blessing.  Karen, I am so glad there is an Einstein Bagel in Park City.  I love their bagels.  Robin that picture of you is amazing.  I hope you had a wonderful Halloween.  It will be so hard to get back to work on Monday.  I love to play.  LOVE MOM

Fall back

Well I have set my clocks back. I almost forgot. One extra of hour of sleep will be nice. Well I found out today that there is an Einstein Bagel in Park City so I went and got a tasty turkey for lunch. It was yummy. Then I ran to Walmart any got a few things. I made it back before the rain started. It has been super windy all day. But it only rained off and on for a little while. Well I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye


Robin, your makeup is amazing.  Did everyone love you costume?  I like the makeup you did for your co worker, that is neat.  We had a really fun Halloween, thanks Grandma for making it so fun.  We went trick or treating downtown, we went for 2 hours and had a really fun time.  Then Isaac and Grandma went to lee's while Oliver slept and they said it was crazy and they only got healthy things.  We went to the truck or treat and the only thing that Isaac cared about was the train.  He talked about it the whole time.  When he saw it drive in he screamed the train and ran as fast as he could to it.  It was so cute.  We went to the Black Pearl for dinner which was delicious and then went to Randy's to visit.  Today we did some shopping and just enjoyed playing with Grandma.  Here are a tons of pictures, enjoy.


Isaac thinks Mississippi is funny

He is teething and getting three new ones in :(

Friday, October 31, 2014

Sugar is sweet

Happy halloween. Today was good I didn't get any work done but we had fun. Some kids came trick or treating at work they were cute. I woke up late so I had to hurry my makeup but it was still fun. Then I did makeup for a girl at work. I was really surprised she let me. She wasn't going to dress up at all. But then last second she wanted to do the day of the dead skull makeup. Well I hope everyone had a good night don't forget this week we are falling behind an hour.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mom Made It

Mom says Hi and she misses everyone.  She had a good day and made it up to Logan.  She brought pizza for dinner that looked like a jack o lantern, it was really cute and delicious.  We carved pumpkins after dinner and it was so fun.  Isaac could carve his own pumpkin which surprised me.  He drew a picture on and then carved it.  He wanted 5 pumpkins like the 5 little pumpkin book.  Then we had to run and run on the front lawn.  It made me laugh so hard.  It was a lot of fun.  I am excited for Halloween.  I hope that everyone has a fun day.



I agree with everyone else the boys look really cute in their costumes. I hope that they get tons of candy trick-or-treating tomorrow. Robin I hope that you have a fun time at your party tomorrow also. My day was good. I got a few projects done today so that was nice I felt productive. I was really jealous that mom didn't have to work today. I hope that you have a fun time up in Logan. Well I hope everyone has a great Halloween. Bye

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dang cute

The boys are dang cute.  I love their costumes also.  I am glad they turned out.  It was my Friday today so that was nice.  I probably should work 1/2 day tomorrow but I am not going.  I am going to sleep in and then go get the oil changed in my car and then play with Julie and crew and then head up to Logan.  Robin good luck with your costume.  You will have to post pictures.  I am so excited to see it.  Karen I am glad you had a good day.  Dad's eye is bothering him.  I think it is just allergies.  I had a bad headache all day. Rachel I am glad you finished up your Santa's.  That is so cute.   LOVE MOM

Minions assemble

The kids are cute in their costumes, Isaac looks like he has super long legs in his cover Alls. He's so grown up, work was good today nothing to crazy everyone is getting excited for Halloween. I went to costco today and bought big candy bars for the kids that come around to trick or treat at work. I got the key thing to work for my costume, so that was a load off, have a good one



Isaac got to wear his costume to preschool today and I put Oliver in his also and I have to say they were so dang cute.  I love the costumes, thanks Mom.  Isaac loved it and had fun at preschool.  I attached some pictures but I think they looked cuter in person.  After school I wanted to go on a walk but Isaac didn't so we ended up going to the jump zone, that was our last punch on the card.  We got a lot of use out of it.  Isaac used the cow toys to jump which was a first for him.  I think it was because I was having Oliver play with it so he wanted it.  Casey left this morning at 9 and got back at 5:30.  He got the car though and it is really nice.  It doesn't turn on but he thinks he knows what is going on.  He is having fun with it.  I finished binding a Santa Claus wall hanging and it turned out really cute.  I attached a picture.  I just have one more binding to sew and then I am all caught up.  Everyone have a good night.  I hope that tomorrow goes well with Julie Mom and drive safe up to Logan.



Well my day was good. Work was pretty good. Nothing too exciting to report. I am glad that the week is half over. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Today was good not alot to report. Work was busy everyone is excited for Halloween. Then Walter took me to rumbi's for dinner. It was nice. It was really cold I need to start preparing for winter. Burrrr. Have a good day


Pretty Fall Day

Mom, scouts will be fun.  I like that calling.  Good job.  I knew about falling back.  The boys have been sleeping in till 8 and I think that they are preparing for when we fall back.  Today was good and we did a lot.  We walked to story time this morning and it was kind of cold but nice to get out.  Jenn came and sewed in the afternoon.  It was a lot harder to get things sewn with Casey gone but it was still nice to talk.  Then we had to go grocery shopping.  Oliver took his second nap at 5 so he had a hard time going to sleep tonight, it took forever.  Casey made it home and had a fun time.  He said that it was really pretty.  He got home then ate and then had to go to scouts.  Tomorrow he is going to try to go and pick up the car.  That is about it, everyone have a good night.


Fall back

I didn't realize until I got an email that we fall back on Saturday night.  It means it is going to get dark at 5:00.  Yuck!  Well me and dad are cub scout leaders.  We are going to do that on Tuesday's nights.  Fun times.  I don't have any more news.  Tomorrow is my Friday.  That does make my day.  LOVE MOM


Well it seemed like Monday to me all day today. At least it will make it seem like a quick week. My day has been good. Work was good. Nothing to wild and crazy to report. It was super cold today. It is suppose to snow on Sunday. I am so not ready for it to snow. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, October 27, 2014

Way to go

Way to go Karen that is an amazing blood test.  Rachel I love the tree skirt and robin those pieces are perfect. My computer had the blue screen of death on it so I am using the iPad and waiting for dad to get out of the tub to fix it.  Teresa's mom passed away today. Jens Bryan was made bishop. Those are my news.  Work was good they had a crock pot cooking contest. I brought Casey's sandwiches. They tasted good there was enough left for dinner.  It snowed today. I looked out the window and ther was a snow storm. I am not ready for that yet. Have a great day. Love mom


Good job guys. I like your tree skirt Rachel and good job on your diabetes Karen that is awesome, my day was good I don't have any exciting news. Work was good. I was going to meet up with Walter for dinner but a guy at the va passed away. I guess his heart gave out he was 34. So everyone had to go to group therapy so I went shopping, a girl at work wants to be the operation game so I made pieces for her outfit. Have a good night 



Wow Karen, that is an awesome result.  I am so happy for you.  Good job.  Casey went camping today.  His two friends picked him up this morning and they were off.  They were excited to go.  Isaac was sad that he couldn't go but he got over it pretty fast.  He had fun at preschool, he dresses up on Wednesday which should be fun.  We were playing down stairs and everyone was getting grouchy and it was getting to be dinner time so we went to the mall to eat.  It was really a lot of fun.  After eating we all felt better and just had fun.  Their was an old man at the playground and he talked to me for a while.  His wife was getting her nails done.  She said that Oliver was cuter than her grand kids, she has a brain tumor so I am not sure if she was thinking straight but it was good to hear.  Well I am going to try to get some sewing done.  I finished the tree skirt today and it turned out really well.  Everyone have a good night,



Well my doctors appointment went well. My A1C was 6.9, which is awesome. I was way excited. Robin I am sorry that Walter had such an interesting night. I hope he isn't too bad off. I did call to see if I could remove the mortgage insurance and they said with FHA loans you have to make at least 60 payments before you can remove it. So I guess I will have to wait on that one. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Lazy Day

We slept in also it was nice.  WE went and got grandma and went to Layton and had lunch and walked Target.  It was nice.  That is scary about Walter.  I hope everything is OK.  That will be fun to have another baby.  I hope it is a girl for them. Our home teachers came tonight and I did get a nap.  Tomorrow is the big cook off at work.  I am going to make Casey's sandwiches.  I hope they taste good.  They always do so I am not too worried about that.  Rachel that is neat Casey gets another car.  He is going to have a collection soon.  Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow Karen.  I hope all goes well.  Drive safe.  I am sorry Oliver isn't feeling well.  I hate it when they are teething.  They looked so sore last weekend.  I hope they pop out soon.  LOVE MOM


This morning was pretty restful I slept in and just lounged around. Then I went to Walter family's for dinner. Enoch's sister is pregnant. It was a surprise and they are warming up to the idea. Then Enoch was 45 minutes late to dinner. It turns out he had to Talk to the mp's. Last night he was walking to 7-11 with some other guys from the va. And a big Tongan guy jumped them and tried to take their wallets. I guess he was so big he body slammed Enoch. But now the Tongan guy is pretty messed up. I'm not sure if he's in the hospital or not but i guess it's a whole thing. But Enoch has sores around his neck and bruises but he is doing ok. But that is all the news I have, hope everyone has an awesome Halloween week.



Well my day was good. It rained herein the morning for a little. I had trouble getting up this morning also. I am all set for my doctors appointment tomorrow. Other than that I don't have much else to report so I will sign off. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Busy Guy

Casey found an old Mercedes diesel on ebay like his but a different year for $300 that was in really good shape.  He thought he could buy it and sell it for more.  He went back and forth about buying it for a while and the auction  ended today and he bought at the last second.  It is in river dale so he or we might be headed down sometime this week.  Casey's friends are coming up tomorrow morning and they are going to go camping.  It seems cold to me but they are excited.  He might get a ride with them back down on Tuesday and pick it up but we are not sure.  Today was good for me.  Isaac slept in till 9 and I woke him up then and he took forever to get going so we missed most of Sacrament.  We came at the very end and Isaac likes to sit inside so we went in and listened to the last talk.  I taught the lesson today and it went good.  The kids were busy but I think it went well.  We took Casey lunch afterwards which was fun.  We just played the rest of the day.  Oliver's tooth is coming in so he is not his best.  I am getting excited for Halloween.  We should have a really fun time and the kids will be cute.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...