Saturday, July 15, 2023


 Today was fun.  I got up early and went to exercise class.  It was high which is fun.  We hung out in the backyard and worked on the bench.  Tiffany has been so sweet and fixed our kitchen table and is now working on Grandpa's bench.  Charlotte gave Oliver and Casey a hair cut.  She did everyone else early this week.  Isaac forgot to water the flowers one day for the lady who hired his.  So we bought her some flowers and dropped them by.  She was fine with it and paid Isaac.  We said she didn't have to but she was really nice and said she would hire him again.  We went to the mall because they wanted to get a wolf poncho for me for my birthday but they were closed.  We me up with Randy and Teri for lunch.  We went roller skating at the fun park.  It was fun and we stayed for a long time.  We came back to our house and when it got dark we watched ghost busters.  I keep forgetting to take pictures.

Love Rachel


 We had a nice day. We slept in and then ran errands. We went to the di and then costco. We came home and cooled off and then went to target for drugs and winco. It was nice to shop around. Karen took us to the garage for dinner. It is in Herrmann. They have all these race cars in the building. It was neat and they had really good food.  Karen got a flower Lego and wants to glue it so she tried that out on little legos she has. Robin that is a fun day. I need mail like that. Rachel that tic tok is really fun. Isaac will always remember that. I hope the girls got off OK. You are going to miss them. Have a nice Sunday. Love mom


After Luna woke up it was perfect temperature. So we drove down to the park that we did frisbee at and she played at the park. They had this twirly slide she loved. Jeramy work on his breaks and got them all done. I was coloring with Luna and saw a piece of mail on the floor. It said refund. So I opened it. It was 600 dollars from our insurance that over charged us. I have no idea how long that had been sitting there for. I'm really glad I opened it. We went over to the Grovers tonight it was Nate's birthday. Luna was shy at first then was wild. 


Friday, July 14, 2023


 It was so quiet today. Hardly anyone was there. For the first time ever I left work with 2 emails in my in box. Weird. I came home and made totinos pizzas for dinner. We did go to lowes to get some stuff. Tonight I started setting up my craft area. I am excited about about that. That is a huge room. Rachel I am so glad you had fun at bear lake. I like the north side. Have fun with your last night together. You have had a fun time. Robin those pictures are so cute. She is growing up way too fast. Good luck with the brakes. We are just going to putter this weekend. Love mom


Today was good. I worked from home today. Everyone on my team was off on vacation. So I figured since no one was in the office I would just stay home. I still took Luna in because she is a busy body. She took in the backpack that Karen got her for her birthday. She looked so grown up and cute. Then we made some ribs for dinner. Jeramys breaks are going out so he started to replace the break pads tonight. Me and Luna hung out and rode her trike around



 I forgot to take any pictures but we had a really fun day at bear lake.  I got up early and went to the store to get stuff for sandwiches.  I made a chickpea salad sandwich and it tasted really good.  We went to the north beach and it was pretty busy but we were able to find a spot.  Everyone met up with us there.  We had a blast playing in the water.  Mandy has a paddle board which was fun.  The water felt good.  We stayed most of the day.  We stopped and got ice cream in the way home.  Oliver wanted to go roller blading when we got home so I took him to the park.  We are setting everything up to watch a movie in the backyard.  We are trying to get a game of hearts going but it has been too busy and the kids have no attention span.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 

Thursday, July 13, 2023


 My alarm didn't go off this morning. i am not sure what happened. I was late for work but I was over my time so that was good. It was quite so that was nice. Everyone is gone tomorrow so it will be really quiet. I am caught up so it might be slow. Have fun at bear lake. Wear lots of sun screen. Robin that zucchini pictures made it laugh that is so true.  I am glad it is Friday also. Have a nice day. Stay cool. Love mom


 Today was good.  Me and Casey had the day off of work.  I got up and walked the dog this morning.  I miss doing that.  Me and Tiffany were talking on the deck and we decided to mow the lawn.  It looks so much better now.  Oliver bought some roller blades this morning and he was really excited.  Randy came over and we decided to go on a hike to a spring.  It was pretty hot but it was a short hike and the water was really cold.  It was very pretty up the canyon.  We stopped and got ice cream at aggies ice cream.  The girls decided to camp up the canyon tonight. Isaac and Collin went with them.  Me and Casey took the little kids roller blading at the fun park.  We are heading to bear lake tomorrow morning.  It should be fun.

Love Rachel


 I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. The first week back after having time off is a long one. My day is good. I am still working on getting ready for our customer to visit. It is still hot outside, but what can you do. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 


It felt like a long day today but luckily tomorrow is Friday. Jeramy's breaks are going out. He thinks he can fix them. So after work we picked up some break pads. Then went to KFC for dinner. It's suppose to be really hot this weekend so be safe

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


 Today is Mandi's birthday and we had a fun day.  I did have to work and it was a stressful day.  After work I meet everyone at the fun park.  We bowled and I joined on the second game.  Tiffany killed us and won both games.  Then we went roller skating and it was so much fun.  I love roller skating.  The kids were doing a lot better today and were able to skate pretty well.  We skated for a while and then we went to dinner at cafe sabores.  It was so hot in the building.  It felt like they were blasting the heater.  The food tasted good though and we had fun.  We went back to Randy's and played cards against humanity.  It was pretty funny.  It is a lot like apples to apples.  We are headed back to our house to watch a movie outside.  Me and Casey have the next two days off which will be fun.  

Love Rachel


 I haven't felt great all week. I just want to lay down and do nothing. I hope it passes soon. Today was the last day of the appraisers for magnet at the hospital. The nurses have worked for years for this. I hope they get it. It was busy. I bet everyone is gone tomorrow. Now that I am doing nursing I get more involved in that stuff. I came home and made tater tot casserole. I have been wanting to make it. I liked it. That was good because I have a lot left. I just laid on the couch the rest of the night. It is suppose to get super hot this weekend. Stay cool. Love mom


Today was good nothing too wild. The missionarys came over today. So that took up most of our night. Work was slow so it made the day drag a bit. I'm glad the week is now half over. 



 My day was busy. I have been updating documents for a customer visit next week. I had a filling fall out so I had to make a dentist appointment. I called and got one for the 20th. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023


 Today was good.  Work was busy and I had meetings which are dumb.  Isaac had violin lessons.  We were out working on stripping Grandpas old bench and we got hot so we went swimming.  It was fun and it felt good to get in the water although the water was on the cold side.  We stayed until the pool closed.  We stopped at Costco on the way home to get some dinner.  We went up to Randy's and had dinner.  It tasted really good and it was fun to sit around and talk.

Love Rachel 


 Work was good. It seemed busy. I did stop at winco for tomatoes and we had bacon and tomato sandwiches. Rachel you might want to break the rules. They were yummy. The sunflowers might pull through. That was good. Robin that was so cute luna put a toy in there for you. She is so cute. Rachel that is neat Tiffany is helping you finish grandpa's old swing bench. That is fun. Love you all mom


I was so tired today for some reason. Luna woke up grumpy. But by the time we got to daycare she perked up. She carried my lunch bag to my car. And put in her puppy. I didn't see it till lunch. It made me laugh. It was so hot driving home. We had the ac blasting but it still was a hot day. After dinner Luna jumped on the trampoline. I sprayed it with water. At her request. And cooled down. She was drenched by the end.  But was having fun jumping in the water. Then we had ice cream and watched Mario. 


Monday, July 10, 2023


 Lagoon wore me out also. I just couldn't get going today. It was payroll Monday and I got that done. I came home and made beef stroganoff for dinner it tasted really good. Karen's sunflowers died over night. That was quick. We planted them anyway. That made my day about the skittles. She is so funny. I love when they learn to whisper. You can't understand anything but it is so cute. Be careful in the heat. Love mom


 Today was good.  The girls went to Idaho to visit Calleen.  I worked and did step by steps today which are the worst thing to do.  I left early to take the kids to a craft at the library.  Suzanne came and picked them up which was nice.  When they got back we went to the grocery store and natural grocers to get more Roman.  They bought some the other day and Isaac loves it.  I went to exercise class tonight also.  Lagoon wears me out and I was tired today.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 Well I made it to work after my week off. It went by pretty fast so that was nice. It was super hot today. I really don't have anything exciting to report just went to work and then came home. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 


Today was good for a Monday Luna's been into whispering. Today she saw her teacher and crouched down and waved at me. Then whispered it's brooke. Then ran into class. Her teachers name is Brooke. After work it was so hot and traffic was terrible. By the time I got home it was late. So we had dinner and went on a walk to get the little ones energy out. It was still really hot. I had Luna eat an otter pop on the way. For her birthday I put candy in bowls. I had pez on top of skittles. Luna figured it out. She took the candy bowl down stairs removed all the pez and ate the Skittles. Lol 

Sunday, July 9, 2023


 We had a fun day today at Lagoon.  I got up early and walked Tony and that was really nice.  I need to make more time for walking.  We got ready and headed for Lagoon.  It was a really hot day but we took breaks and it was really fun.  Right now everyone went up to Randy's to watch a movie and eat  I stayed behind because I have to get up early.  Thanks again for the oven Karen.  You are sweet.

Love Rachel


 It was a fast weekend Robin. Rachel called and wanted to.go to lagoon. I drove down and Casey's sisters and Collin came. We had a fun time. It was super hot but there weren't a lot of.people. they got to ride all the rides. Have a nice week. Stay cool. Love mom


Today was pretty chill. We went on a walk and it was so hot. So we stayed in for most of the day. It felt like a short weekend.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...