Thursday, May 26, 2016


We had a good time in Logan.  Isaac was really cute at the graduation and loved spending his money in Shopko.  There was a beautiful rainbow over our house when we got home.  It was so pretty.  Robin get some rest this weekend.  I am excited to play.  Thanks Karen for letting us come up.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM

You stole my joke

Robin, I had that same joke to post tonight, that is funny.  Isaac's graduation was really really cute.  He really animated singing all the songs.  Thanks Mom and Dad for coming up, it made him feel really special.  Thanks Karen for the card also, you are so sweet.  After graduation we went to costa vida for lunch and then shopping at shopko.  We came home and played for a bit and then me and Mom went and got swimming lessons for Isaac and then some pants for me.  It was fun.  We went to dinner at the Indian oven and it tasted really good.  Thanks for having us up Karen.  I am excited to go to vernal.



Congrats to Issac for graduating. He's growing up to fast. Today went well I am super tired. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. And its a double bonus because I have Monday off :). I worked at scheels tonight so nothing to exciting on my end. I hope everyone has a good friday!


Well the weekend is almost here. My day has been good. It has been a little rainy here this evening.  I am doing my laundry. It will be nice to have that done. I hope that Isaac's preschool graduation was fun. I can believe that he will be able to start kindergarten. Well drive safe tomorrow everyone. Bye

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What to do

Today was good. We are doing a huge project moving gowns around so I'm tired. We hopefully are getting 2 new people on the 1st so that is super exciting. It will help alot. Then I decided I needed new jeans. I couldn't figure out a good way to get to gordmans and avoid traffic so I took the very long senic route. It would have been faster to get stuck in traffic. I ended up at the fashion place mall for a bit but people kept trying to sell me things in the main walkway and it made me mad. So I ended up at gordmans and got jeans and some shirts. I also went to bed bath and beyond they have comforters for 50 percent off but I didn't like ant of them. Well not much else with me a good night


The last day

Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom and Dad, it should be fun, it was so cute last year.  Karen your tree is looking good.  Today the weather was really erratic.  Isaac was going to have a water play day at school but when we got up it was cloudy and my phone said rain so I just put him in normal clothes but when we were about to leave it was sunny so I changed him to his swimsuit.  They ended up playing with water outside but not all the kids had swimming suits on but he came home wet.  It was sad picking him up for the last time.  He has had a really good year their, it is had to change to something new but it should be a good change.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that is always fun.  I laid Oliver down for a nap and we could hear him kicking the walls the whole time but he didn't want to get up until after she left.  I think the boys watched the paw patrol dvd two and half time today.  Ruthie is getting close to rolling from her back to front, she almost did it today but then caught herself.  Well everyone have a great night.


And we are off

Well we are off to preschool graduation tomorrow.  It is so much fun to watch all the little kids.  We are leaving in the morning and coming home late.  Then Friday we are off to Kamas.  It is nice to have a long weekend.  Robin be safe while we are gone.  If you need anything just let us know.  We will see you on Sunday.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. My road is still messed up. But I got in and out okay. Work is still moving along. My nose has been super itchy today. I put some pictures of my apple tree below to show all the flowers on it. I think i am going to get sone apples. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Big Busy Day

I had a big busy day also.  Work was busy, we are trying to get ready for a celebration party that is next Tuesday.  I think we made great progress.  We met Karen after work in Park City and man did it rain.  We went to Smiths and got food for the holiday weekend.  We are ready to play.  I only have to work one more day and then I get to go to Logan.  Tell Isaac I am sorry that I couldn't hear him very well.  We did get cookies and marshmellow dip and sprinkles for Karen's house.  I did buy nutritious food as well.  Robin and Rachel those are sure funny pictures.  THey make me laugh.  Did you see that Vickie had her baby?  I was glad everything went well.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well things are going here. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. It did rain for a bit here tonight. I met mom and dad in Park City and we had dinner. Then we went to Smiths and got food for the holiday weekend. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye


We went to the park this morning and it was a fun time.  I think that they boys had fun.  We came home and had popsicles and they jumped on the trampoline for a while.  Jenn couldn't sew today so we are going to sew tomorrow so Oliver and Ruth took a nap and I played Legos with Isaac.  Casey had scouts this evening and he had to get a new scouting book.  Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.



Today was busy we had alot of shipments land which makes for a crazy day. Then I am working at scheels. So nothing to crazy. Well I don't have alot going on. Have a good one


Monday, May 23, 2016


Well my Monday was good also. Work is still staying busy so time isn't dragging which is nice. The road construction is finally not right in front of my house so that is super nice. Isaac sent uno and go fish games in the mail, so we can play them this weekend. Have a great Tuesday tomorrow everyone.

Helping Ruthie

Today was good, Randy took Isaac to school.  While he was gone we went grocery shopping also.  Oliver was upset so we went really fast.  Randy took Oliver and Isaac up to his house after school and they had a fun afternoon.  Me and Ruthie went on a walk and I made a dress for the doll.  I actually made three but two looked horrible and I used them to make the next ones better.  I decided not to send a doll to Vickie so I sent her package off also.  I attached a picture of the doll for Ruthie.  Casey mowed the lawn and it looks really nice.  We meet up with then at McDonald's and had dinner and then took the boys home.  Isaac has been taking a ton of photos of his stealth airplanes, I attached one.  We fed Ruthie some rice cereal for the first time.  Then Oliver wanted to feed her, it was cute.  I also attached a video of Oliver jumping Ruthie in her jumper.  Poor Ruthie has a lot of help.


Baby step

Today was good. Work went by fast so that was nice. I was really tired for some reason. But I was completely out of food so I had to go grocery shopping. Half way through I lost the last bits of caring. But I made it through and finished. I hate grocery shopping. Then I just relaxed the rest of the night. Have a great night


Love the pictures

Rachel, I loved the pictures.  That dress is darling.  I think Karen bought it at Park City one day when we were there.  She is so cute.  Did you see on face book the cute announcement Marcie Morgan put on there.  It was so cute.  Not much going on with me.  Work was good.  I didn't work one minute over today.  I know I should have but I didn't.  We went grocery shopping.  Tomorrow, we are meeting Karen to get food for the weekend.  I am so excited to come to Logan on Thursday.  We are going to have a good time for sure.  It was such a pretty day outside.  Dad's allergies are bad.  Grasses are coming on.  Have a really nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, May 22, 2016


The air museum was a lot of fun yesterday, thank Mom and Dad.  We got some Papa Murphy pizza for dinner and just relaxed the rest of the night, it was really nice.  Today we went to church which is always an adventure.  I told Isaac we could make snow cones after church and that made him really happy.  He also wore his new star wars shirt again and ate the cookies and sprinkles, he had a good day.  The both love the airplanes that they bought, we brought them to church and Isaac played with them the whole time.  Casey planted the tomato plants this afternoon and they look really good.  It was a really nice weekend.  I have a million pictures, sorry.  I put Ruthie in that lace dress today and she was so pretty I took a ton of pictures.  Everyone have a good Monday.

 Oliver's regressed


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...