Friday, August 7, 2015


Today was ok. It went by soooooo slow. I had to work at scheels tonight so I missed the rain storm. I am so glad tomorrow is Saturday. I am planning to be at mom and dad's around 11:30 to meet up with Karen and dad. Have fun at the reunion rachel and mom. Have a good one

Made it

We made it to the weekend.  Rachel and the boys made it down safe and sound.  We are leaving around 9:00 tomorrow.  I am planning on a birthday dinner. It really rained here tonight for a few minutes.  Everyone drive safe and see you tomorrow.  I think that is rude they aren't offering any diet drinks.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. I didn't win any money at the luncheon but it was still fun. I was sad they changed the sodas in the pop machine and the diet coke is gone. So I guess I will be better about drinking sodas. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Steam ahead

Today was good work was chill so that was nice. I had the night off. I went to Joanns to pick up some crafting supplies. I saw a cute tote bag so I got one for grandma. Then I went to go say hi. A girl at work wanted a skull on her sweater so I embroidered her one. Then I did some more shirts for scheels. I am working on a project for the boys. The sihlouette design had train tracks. I'm cutting them out of magnets and bought a magnet chalkboard to play on. I haven't figured it out yet. The first batch the tracks were to big then the second were to small so I will have to figure out a good sizing.i think scheels will be fun. Let me know what time works best for everyone.


The Fair

The boys had fun camping but they didn't get much sleep so they were tired today.  They came home around 10:30 so I got some sewing down this morning also which was fun.  Casey and Oliver took a nap this afternoon and me and Isaac watched Thomas so he could rest.  Isaac is still Thomas but he is number 53, a red steam tram that has yellow stripes.  He has changed a bit this week.  We lost Thomas for the wooden railway so we went to red balloon toys and got the three pack so Oliver could have one also.  Then we headed to the fair.  Isaac was so excited to ride all the rides.  They were 3 dollars a ride so he only got to ride three.  Oliver rode a horse and loved it.  I thought he would cry but he really had a fun time.  They both liked the tractors.  We didn't get home until 7 so it was a late dinner and the boys were tired.  The tomatoes are on right now so I had a tomato sandwich and it was so good.  It is a good time of year.  Well we are headed down tomorrow to SLC and then off to Dugway on Saturday.


Almost there

One more day and I get to play again.  I am looking forward to that.  We went to the rehab center and Robin came over to visit us.  It was nice to talk with her.  She wants to take dad to Scheels on Saturday with Karen while me and Rachel take our trek to Dugway.  There are a lot of people going to the reunion.  It will be nice to see everyone.  Grandma is doing really well and getting excited about going home.  She goes home on Wednesday.  I love the picture of Oliver on the horse.  He looks like he is loving that.  Drive safe to SLC.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. It is also the monthly luncheon tomorrow so that should be fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hump day

We made it through the hump day, the rest of the week should be a breeze.  Congratulations Robin, that is fun.  I am happy for you.  Karen free lunch is always the best.  Rachel enjoy your time alone, that is precious.  I hope you sleep all night long.  We had the usual night at the rehab center.  She is going home in one week.  Jani comes that night and she is going home.  I really think she is ready.  She is doing really good.  Her leg was hurting tonight but I think it might have been the storm.  I hope the boys have fun camping.  LOVE MOM

They are off

Congratulations on the raise Robin and thanks for the salad recipe, it was a good one, thank you.  Today was pretty good.  Casey and Isaac slept out in the backyard.  Casey didn't sleep great so he was tired.  We went grocery shopping for their camping trip this morning and then it was a cooler day so we weeded the garden.  They boys all headed up to go camping.  Randy and Terry were going to go with them.  The wind was bad for a while but the storm has moved on so I think they will have a good night.  I went to enrichment and it was good to visit with everyone.  I have had some time to sew and that is nice.  I am getting some things done.  Tomorrow the fair is here so we are going to go, it should be fun.  Everyone have a good night.



Well I am glad that the week is half over. My day was good. I did have a meeting at lunch today to go over kingdom ball stuff. I got free lunch out of it so that was fun. Other than that it has just been the usual. I am excited to play for dad's birthday this weekend. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

One on one

Today was good. It was slow so I could get caught up. I had a metting with my boss about my review. I am getting a .60 cent raise. I'm pretty excited. I had to work at scheels tonight so nothing else to exciting. I'm glad we are on the last half of the week.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Nice Day

I almost wrote that it was Wednesday Karen, you messed me up.  Today was good.  We went to story time this morning and that was fun.  One of Isaac's friends were their and he had fun with him.  We got two "new" Thomas movies which is exciting.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that is always fun.  We really need to set up another sewing day.  Maybe at the end of the month of September, that would be fun.  It was a nice evening so when Casey was at scouts we walked around the block and then the boys played on their bikes.  Oliver is really loving his bike.  Casey and Isaac are sleeping in the backyard.  I think that they are going camping up in the mountains tomorrow but I can't go because I have enrichment.  It sounds like Randy is going to go also to help with the kids.  That is all my news, everyone have a good night.  I am glad that you have a taser Mom, I need to get one.


Love the sayings

Where do you find those cute sayings.  They make me laugh.  Work was good today, it wasn't really busy for me either.  I love that.  I couldn't sleep very well last night.  I went to lay on the couch and at 10:30 someone knocked on the door.  I looked out the peep hole and it was some guy.  He left and then at 11:30 he came back and knocked again.  It kind of freaked me out and so I got my taser out.  He left and didn't come back but I was awake then.  I tried my taser this morning and it was out of battery but at least it made me feel brave and bold.  We went and saw grandma tonight.  She is doing good.  She is planning on leaving on the 13th.  One more week.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

Momma mia

Today was slow. I can't believe it's only Tuesday. I felt like last week was insane. It's nice though, to have some down time. I did 2 shirts for scheels and did one sept. Towel. I have august finished I will give them  to you when I see you next. I've been watching bad ink on netflix I like it. Have a good wednesday.



For some reason when I got up this morning I thought it was Wednesday. So that is going to make the week seem long. Work is going good. Nothing too exciting happening. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday.bye

Image result for funny sayings

Image result for funny sayings

Monday, August 3, 2015

Rainy Day

It was nice to watch the rain all day.  It was so pretty.  I had a good day at work.  Nothing to busy and that was nice.  We went and saw grandma and Matt and Melissa and Tyler were there.  It was nice to visit.  Dad brought us KC tonight and man that tasted good.  It is so bad for you but it was good.  Not much else to report.  Karen that is a huge lego.  Does it fit on your shelf?  I am glad that Isaac did good at the dentist.  Robin I am so glad you just rested.  You need that.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

finished it

I finished it


It rained all day here also.  We were thinking about camping so it didn't work out with all the rain.  We might try Wednesday, but I have enrichment so I may have to catch up with them.  Today went well.  The boys were happy to play inside this morning which was nice.  Isaac had a dentist appointment in the afternoon.  He was really excited to go but got nervous when they started working on him.  They were able to get two teeth done and he has one more but they are just going to wait six months and look at it again when they clean his teeth.  He loves stickers right now so afterwards we went to the book table and got some stickers and one shrinky dink.  When we got home we just did stickers and the shrinky dink.  It was fun.  We also just relaxed and watched some shows.  I hope that everyone has a good night and thanks for everything.


Not so much

I really didn't want to go to work today. But I was an adult and went. I made it out alive. I was going to embroider but I was burned out so I just had a relaxing night. I thought it would be fitting for a rainy day. It felt so good outside. I am ready for fall. Have a good one



Well it has rained here most of the day. Which is good because then I don't have to water my lawn today. Work was good. Nothing really exciting to report there. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Quiet day

It was a quiet day.  I slept in and then did laundry.  We went to Sam's club and got some meds.  We went over to the rehab center and they were going to have a 30 minute church service so we went to that.  It was really nice to take the sacrament.  Dad is going to help grandma go to the doctor tomorrow morning.  Have a nice day.  It is suppose to rain.  WE were watching the weather and it was 96 in Logan and 82 in SLC because of the rain.  I hope it cools down for you Rachel.  Those are such cute pictures Rachel.  They are both growing up too fast.  Isaac is getting tall and skinny.  LOVE MOM

Baby step

Today was chill. I,had to work at scheels. After word I was tired so I just took a nap and watch netflix. So not much on my side have a good monday


The weekend

This weekend was good.  We went to the farmers market yesterday and hung out in the morning.  It is nice to get out a little and walk around.  Isaac must of been kind of tired this weekend because he just wanted to stay home and play.  He has been playing bike mechanic on his bike which is cute.   He also built a tower he was proud of.  We did go to church today and it went well.  Nothing too exciting.  I am glad that everyone met up yesterday and had a fun time.  That sounds like a nice day.



Well I have had a quiet day. I started putting my new lego together today. I haven't finished it yet but I will be good and put a picture up when I finish it. It rain here really hard for a while. I did have a fun time down in SLC yesterday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...