Monday, August 3, 2015


It rained all day here also.  We were thinking about camping so it didn't work out with all the rain.  We might try Wednesday, but I have enrichment so I may have to catch up with them.  Today went well.  The boys were happy to play inside this morning which was nice.  Isaac had a dentist appointment in the afternoon.  He was really excited to go but got nervous when they started working on him.  They were able to get two teeth done and he has one more but they are just going to wait six months and look at it again when they clean his teeth.  He loves stickers right now so afterwards we went to the book table and got some stickers and one shrinky dink.  When we got home we just did stickers and the shrinky dink.  It was fun.  We also just relaxed and watched some shows.  I hope that everyone has a good night and thanks for everything.


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