Friday, June 16, 2023


 I think we did it all today. We let the kids sleep in and then went to the zoo and afterwards. This is the place. We have a lot of passes now. We can do it all. We came home and had dinner with Karen. Grandpa took Ruth and Oliver home snd Isaac went shopping with us. It was fun. Everyone drive safe and sound. Love mom


 My day was good. Work was busy but with boring stuff, but what can you do. Then I came home and met up with the crew for dinner. We went to teriyaki grill. It was pretty good. Then we went to Lowe's to get wood pellets and smiths for some food. So we are all set to party tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, June 15, 2023


Jeramy called me after work and everything in his garden is growing. So he was really excited. He noticed the top of our cherry tree is starting to turn pink and the birds are eating them. Our neighbors said to pick them early so they ripen off the vine and worms won't go in. So we tried the first batch. We figured it would do any damage since we are loosing most of them to birds anyway. So hopefully they rippen soon. Luna had no fear on the ladder she climbs right up. We make her stop when we can't reach her. She doesn't love it but it's what it is. I stopped and got groceries today. We still need a Costco run so we might do that tomorrow


 We had a really nice day. We slept in and then went to lagoon. We went to lunch at tuscana. The kids love it. It was rainy when we left home but lagoon was perfect. So I lost my phone. We looked everywhere. I even went back to my car and the stores to see if it was there. It wasn't. I went back to lagoon and reached had checked with lost and found and it was there. I list it in Draculas castle. I am just going to say I lost it on a ride. I am so had we found it. All three kids came home with me. Dad got those lights fixed again. They are fun when they work. Isaac and Karen played Mario cart. It us a fun game. It is suppose to be nice tomorrow. Are we planning for lunch or dinner for the barbecue. I wasn't sure if we had decided. Love mom

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


 I am glad you had a fun day with the kids.  Thanks for having them.  Isaac made it back from camp and he had a good time.  They went hiking and played games.  They each had their own tent which is fun.  A couple came and brought them a meal for lunch and dinner so they didn't have to cook.  A cleaning place came and looked at the flood damage and he thinks it will be around $5,000 to fix.  The insurance guy comes next Wednesday.  Work was good.  The last part of the process is to stitch against the final instructions and make sure everything is working right so I am doing that.  I am the only one on my team so I think it will take me a couple days to get done.  It has to be a photoshoot sample also so it has to be perfect.  After work Isaac was hungry so I took him to his favorite restaurant.  This huge rainstorm came through and we had to run to the car in it.  It was raining so hard and so fast.  It was crazy.  Casey had activity days and I went to exercise class.  Casey mowed the lawn and is taking Tony on a walk.  We will meet you at lunch time tomorrow.  I am glad I have the day off.

Love Rachel 


Luna slept through the night so that was lovely. Work was slow so it was hard to stay focused. After work the missionarys came over. Then I gave Luna a bath. She loves the not a box book. She will read the box page then put her finger on her chin and say mmmmm. Not a box. She's Sherlock Holmes ha ha 



 I had such a nice day we slept in and then we went to the post office. I had to take a depth breath on that one. My email request had expired so I couldn't give them my ID to change my address. They had some forms I could use. It will be two weeks. I drove to the planetarium. I was pretty impressed I did that. It was so much fun. Half way through we went to panda and had lunch and then went back. The kids were so cute. They played and played. We came home and watched a movie. I think I napped. I made an easy dinner and then me and Karen went to winco. No one else wanted to go. We brought most of the boxes back into the house and I have a huge fort in my living room. We are going to meet Rachel and Isaac at lagoon tomorrow. I hope it doesn't rain. Drive safe Rachel. Love mom

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


 Work was ok and is busy.  I had meetings this morning and I am switching to sewing together a bench pillow.  We played ping pong after work and got the kids packed.  Thanks for having them this week Mom and Dad.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. Work stayed busy so it went by fast. I got Chick-fil-A for dinner. It tasted good. Two guys from the ward stopped by and talked for a bit. Then mom and dad came home with the kids. Hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 I made it to work and it was another busy day. I am so glad it was my Friday. I picked up dad and then we went to ogden. We ate at chili's and then took Oliver and Ruth back home with us. I am sorry Luna was having  a hard time. They do get tired. They box forts when we got home. It was fun to watch them. Have a nice hump day. Dad did get the fish lights to work. That is fun. Love mom


A vendor wanted to tour our location so my whole afternoon was for that. It was boring but it was better than working. after work Luna was a fragile flower. We had dinner and after dinner she poured her entire bag of hair ties on the floor. I grabbed a bowl and asked her to help me put them in the bowl. You would have thought I chopped off her right arm. So I picked up the bulk but left 4 or 5. I told her to go out side she had to help pick up the last ones. It was not going to happen. She basically cried till bed time. I would get her calmed down and then I would walk past or say hair tie and she would lose it again. I think she was really tired so we just put her to bed and she fell right to sleep. It made for a long night 


Monday, June 12, 2023


 Isaac headed off to camp.  He was excited.  It rained and rained this afternoon and we felt bad for him.  We almost drove over to check on him but thought he wouldn't like that.  Work was fine.  We go on walks everyday and this morning went so fast I didn't realize it was time to walk.  One of my panels the quilting wasn't centered so I can't use it for a photoshoot which was frustrating.  We are going to make the quilting file bigger so we don't have that problem again.  Klies had it happen last week to her.  I had to go visiting teaching so I took the little kids with.  Then we went to Jimmy John's for dinner and went grocery shopping.  Casey worked late and I didn't make it to exercise class.  When he got home we hung up the sun shades in the tree house.  It looks nice and I think we are done.  Tomorrow we are meeting Mom and Dad in Ogden.  See you tomorrow.

Love Rachel 


 It was payroll Monday so that is always a little busier. I couldn't  get my data to download so that was frustrating. I finally got it to work. We came home and I made Ramon noodles casserole for dinner. It was good. The owner came over to pick up amazon and he showed us where the water main is. We would never have found it. We went to lowes to get a big sprinkler key and they didn't have it. We ordered it on Amazon. Tomorrow after work we are going to ogden to pick up the kids. I have the rest of the week off. Super excited to play. The fix it man came and fixed that rotten floor it was a .mess. it is better now. He left some wood so we are going to cover the window wells when the kids are here. I am glad tomorrow is my Friday. Love mom


Today was good Luna slept through the night so that was nice. At 6:30 we heard an alien in our kitchen. Both me and Jeramy pretended we didn't hear it but at night we admitted we heard alien noises. so we probably missed getting abducted because we are too lazy to get out of bed 😂 I am done with my wash out period of my sleep study I'm in. I picked up my diffuser and items for the study. I guess it's a mix of valerian root so we will see how it goes. I'm just doing it for the money. But if I sleep better too that is a bonus :) we played outside for a while. Then we just relaxed. 


Sunday, June 11, 2023


 We got up and went to church.  We were all really tired since we stayed up so late.  We got all the information about camp and packed Isaac up today.  He is pretty excited and I hope he has a blast.  Casey worked today.  We played ping pong all afternoon.  I am not great at it and Oliver kept beating me.  When Casey came home we polyurethaned the tree house and it is done.  It looks so good.  Casey bought more shade fabric for the sides so tomorrow we can hang them up.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I slept in and then we went shopping we went to the container store and now I have two more boxes unpacked. It is coming along. I took a nap also and dad and Karen made bacon and tomato sandwiches for dinner. It tasted good. I am only working two days next week. I am pretty excited about that one. We are going  to pick up Oliver and Ruth on Tuesday and then on Thursday we are going to lagoon and getting Isaac. In Saturday we are having a party for Father's day. Fun week. I am glad you got some rest Robin. Love mom


I forgot to blog yesterday. We went to the Saratoga springs temple and then we just relaxed. Today we followed suit and we didn't do anything. I took a nap I'm the afternoon then Luna feel asleep so we watched TV in our room..when she woke up we just turned on a movie and we vegged the rest of the night. 



 My day was good. I slept in a bit. Then I got the weed wacker out and worked in the front yard for a bit. Then we went to the container store to get mom a rod for her door storage rack. We had lunch at red rock and it tasted really good. Then I came home and had a nap. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...