Saturday, December 18, 2021


 Sure had an amazing day. We played in Logan and Ruth tumbled and danced. She is really good. We made it back to salt lake and hooked up with Karen and went to dinner and the forgotten carol's. It was really nice. Karen is spending the night and we are going Christmas food shopping in the morning. Last call for suggestions. Robin your pens look amazing. Love mom


 Like Mom said we have had a fun time and everything has gone so smoothly.  Thank you again so much Mom and Dad.  Today we went to the store and got a present for Oliver's party.  I can't remember what they are called but you have two sticks and wrap yarn or string around them.  Oliver had been making those like crazy and Mom got him more yarn.  Oliver had a birthday party and we went to the pizza pie cafe for lunch.  Ruth got to pick.  She did really well at her recital and I was proud of her.  Mom and Dad headed back after a failed attempt to go to yogurtland which had gone out of business.  We just stayed at home the rest of the day.  Thanks again and love you guys.



Friday, December 17, 2021


 We made it safe and sound to Logan. We had a big busy. We had a really fun day. We did parties at school and they turned out nice. Isaac had a friend party and that turned out good also. We are going to the dance concert tomorrow and then heading down to salt lake for a concert. Thanks Karen. Have fun babysitting Luna and have fun with the class. Love mom


 Yeah, it's finally the weekend. Things are going good here. Still cold but good. Work was on the quiet side today, but I kept busy. Tomorrow I am headed down to Robin's so I can babysit Luna. It will be fun. Then me, mom, and dad are going to see the forgotten carols. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, December 16, 2021


 Isaac stayed home from school today.  He was upset this morning and hadn't slept well.  He went back to bed and slept until lunch then he was acting a lot better.  I walked this morning and it is a lot harder to walk in the snow.  It snowed more last night so I shoveled a bit.  Mostly to clear out the mail box.  Ruth wanted to do the diamond bead crafts this morning so we went to the hobby lobby and got one.  It was a fun morning. After school we met my friend Amanda and her kids and went and saw the gingerbread house displays in downtown.  It was fun to walk around.  We got hot chocolate and then came home.  We have made dinner from your recipe book all week Karen, thanks they are good.  The boys went shopping after dinner to get Oliver a Christmas shirt.  He was cute and wanted one.  Drive safe tomorrow and thanks for coming up.



My Friday

 Well I just thought I would rub it in that it is my Friday.  We are headed up to Logan tomorrow to do room mother and then we are spending the night and going to see Ruth dance.  I took trax to work today because I was worried about driving in the snow.  That was a disaster coming home.  They made us get off at 9th south and take a bus to 13 south.  Well I never realized how many people ride on the trains. I was still waiting for a bus after 3 buses.  Dad came to my rescue and came and picked me up.  It was nice to be rescued.  We came home and I organized the snowmen.  Our dryer came today and it works YEAH.  I am on my 4th batch.  It feels so good to be able to wash and dry clothes.  It was an eventful day.  I am sorry you have a runny nose Robin.  I am glad you can work from home.  That is nice not to have to scrap your car windows when it is so cold.  Luna is so cute in her Santa dress.  Karen you had a hundred boxes in your recycle bin.  That was a job to pick them all up.  I am sorry you had to do that.  I am glad you didn't get snowed in again.  Rachel we are excited to come up tomorrow and play.  I am glad that Isaac is feeling a little better.  Everyone enjoy LOVE MOM  


I caught Luna s runny nose so I worked from home today and I will tomorrow. Just to be safe. Then we just had a lazy night. I put Luna in her Santa outfit and she was so cute. 

Love you


 I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I kept thinking that today was Friday so it was throwing me off. This morning my recycling trash can blew over so I had to go out and pick it up and pick up all the boxes. Then I shoveled. There wasn't a lot of snow so I didn't use my snowblower. Work was good. I just worked on my to do list. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


 We got quite a bit of snow.  Our neighbors were so nice and shoveled our walks.  It was really icy so Casey went and got some ice melt.  I tried to walk this morning but none of the sidewalks were shoveled and the snow was bothering Tony's paws.  Ruth went and played with her friend Emily this morning.  I went to exercise class and we did High which is fun.  The boys walked home with their friends after school.  It took them an hour to get home.  Me and Ruth went to find her costumes but no one was there so I emailed them.  She painted also.  The kids wanted to go sledding.  It took us a while to get going.  We took Tony and went to Hyde park.  On Isaac's first run down Tony ran right into him.  They were both going really fast.  His jaw really hurt and he was upset.  They went down a couple more time but it was dark and Isaac was hurting so we headed home.  He was having a hard time chewing the ibuprofen and he was in a lot of pain so we took him to Sterling urgent care.  They checked him out and he doesn't have a concussion and his jaw isn't broken which is good.  He has a loose tooth so I need to take him to the dentist.  He was upset all evening poor kid.  He will be fine and nothing major is wrong.  Anyway it was a crazy day.  Love you guys.




 I think we got a foot of snow. It is a huge amount. I stayed home also and then just worked half of a day. I took a nap and finished up Christmas shopping. We hooked up with the gumm gang for dinner and that was fun. The roads were slippery going home. Be safe out there tomorrow morning. It is going to be a sheet of ice. If you can work from home robin you might want to. That is sure neat stuff you made. I love it Rachel I am sorry Isaac got hurt. I hope he feels better in the morning. I am glad you got him checked out. Our dryer is coming tomorrow so that will be nice. I hope it works this time. Love mom


We had about 4 inches of snow. I decided to work from home so me and Luna just watched wiggles and strange magic. Luckily it was a pretty slow work day so I could wrangle the little one. I made a sign for a girl at work and a flower thing for our neighbors for Christmas. It was fun to do. I really like the glowforge.



 We got a bunch of snow last night. I estimate between 4 to 6 inches. It was hard to tell for sure because of all the wind. Some places had a foot and other place I could still see cement. Work was quiet this morning. I was the only one in my office first thing. Everyone showed up eventually though so it didn't stay quiet for long. Then I came home and just relaxed. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Today was good. Nothing wild. I didn't take Jenkins on a walk it was too dark. And I was lazy. So we just took an easy night and relaxed. It started to snow here it's a crazy blizzard. I brought my laptop home in case it the roads are bad I can work from home or delay going in .



 Wow Rachel those are healthy recipes. That is neat he cooks them. It is suppose to really snow tonight. My work was good. It took me all after noon to get expenses done. I still have one but can't remember who gave it to me. We just had thunder and lightening. I didn't sleep good last night so I was going to go into work late and just as I laid down they came and got the dryer. I just went to work afterwards. I made hamburger pie for dinner and it tastes so good. Have a nice hump day. Congratulations Karen on straight A's. Robin I hope all is going well with you. Love you all mom


 It was warm again this morning.  It was windy and cold today and it is snowing now which is crazy.  Me and Ruth were able to finish a lot of Christmas shopping this morning.  We also went grocery shopping and went to the hobby lobby for a craft.  The kids did the craft after school.  Isaac hadn't finished his homework and was stressed and working on it this morning.  So the boys were late to school and then I got Ruth to school a couple minutes late so I failed today.  After school I took the kids to Al's and we got Casey Christmas presents.  Isaac cooked from his new cookbook again tonight.  He made carrot and ginger soup with Capri sandwiches.  It was a good dinner and he was excited.  Also I made a hummus wrap from the book for lunch.  Isaac had one as a after school snack.  They were really good and healthy.  We didn't have plans tonight so we watched a movie.  Love you guys.




 My day was good. The canceled my morning meetings so that gave me more time to work on my todo list this morning. It was super windy all day today. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, December 13, 2021


 We would love to go sledding.  The kids talk about sledding every day.  That is a good idea Karen.  It was so warm on my walk this morning, I was dying in my winter gear.  We had our Christmas party at exercise class and it was fun.  Santa and Mrs Claus came.  Ruth was so excited to see them.  Afterwards I took Ruth shopping to buy presents for the boys.  I also picked up some chocolates for the primary teachers.  We did homework after school.  Isaac wanted to make something from his cookbook and of course he picked the salmon.  He was a really good recipe and he did a good job making it.  He is going to pick another recipe for tomorrow.  Isaac had basketball practice tonight.  Casey picked him up and they went Christmas shopping.  They had fun.  Love you guys.



Tony missed Casey after he left.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...