Friday, April 27, 2018

Safe and sound in logan

We made it safe and sound in Logan. We had hi hot for dinner it was good. I am excited to drive the sketcher tomorrow.  Drive safe. Love mom

Thursday, April 26, 2018


I am sorry Robin, something else will work out.  It is good to look around and see what is good.  Ruthie didn't sleep last night so I was tired today.  I was supposed to babysat but the little girl was sick so they didn't come.  We went and saw Isaac's opera this morning and it was fun and they did a good job.  He had a lot of fun.  I took the little kids to chick fil for being good and then Oliver had school.  Ruthie didn't want to nap so we went to Walmart and got some medicine for her and I bought a new swimming bag.  The boys had swimming lessons and they still love them and are doing good.  It was hot so me and Ruthie sat in the hallway, she is a trooper to sit through everyone's activities.  I made corn on the cob in the instant pot and it turned out really good, the kids liked it.  Then we all headed to Isaac's opera.  Leona, Randy and Terry all came and it was a nice evening.  We went out to ice cream afterwards.  Thanks for coming up to help this weekend.  Love you guys.


Baby Stepping

I am baby stepping to Friday.  I woke up today and I was sure that it was Friday.  It made for a long day.  Work was really quiet and I got a lot done.  That felt nice.  I am really getting all caught up.  Robin, I am sorry that house didn't work out.  It was a really nice place.  Something else will come along and you will have time to find a better mortgage company.  That was way to high of an interest rate.  Rachel, I hope the opera was amazing.  He is so cute.  We are coming up after work.  I wasn't sure if you wanted to meet for dinner tomorrow night or go out on Saturday.  Isaac gets to decide for sure.  I did work my lunch hour and plan to do that again tomorrow so we can slip out a little early.  Everyone enjoy the last Friday in April.  Man March and April are usually long months and the time has flown by.  LOVE MOM


Robin sorry about that. I hope that it will work out eventually. My day was good. Work was busy. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for a weekend.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

No dice

Well we looked at a trailor today but after talking about financing and price I'm not going to buy anything. It's going to be too much money. I was over my head. So that's the update. Nothing else exciting I'm really glad tomorrow is Friday


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Fun Times

We had dinner at the bar tonight and they have good food.  We had time to kill so we walked over to Walmart and everyone forgot their goodies in the back of my car.  I will bring them on Saturday.  The plant thing was fun.  There were a lot of people there.  They all turned out really cute.  I love groupon activities.  We are going to do a paint night next time.  Rachel if you want we can wait until school is out and you can come down and join us.  I am sure grandpa could watch the kids for a few hours.  Work was really quiet today.  I am all caught up.  I did get a nice gift for administration assistant day.  That was good.  I love the gravel and dirt.  That will look really nice.  LOVE MOM


Good job on your pouch Robin, I like it.  I really like your table too Karen.  You picked the perfect one.  Today was busy but good.  They delivered the soil and gravel this morning.  We started spreading the gravel this evening and it looks so nice, I love it.  Randy called and wanted to take the kids to the park but Ruthie wouldn't go so she stayed.  Oliver had a fun day with Randy.  Me and Ruth volunteered at the school and then went grocery shopping.  Isaac's friend Ty exchanged numbers the other day so I set up a play date at the park after school today.  His Mom was really nice and it was a fun time.  Randy dropped Oliver off at the park and stayed for a bit.  Casey had scouts so he was later coming home.  I made artichokes in the instant pot and they turned out really good, thank you Robin.  I am the only one who likes artichokes though but I love them.  I have one more I am going to make for lunch tomorrow since it is so easy.   Have a good night and love you guys.



We did plant night tonight. It was really fun thanks again mom and dad. It felt like Friday all day so I'm ruined for the rest of the week lol. The girl for real estate said she will show me some places on monday. So that will be fun. Have a good one


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Just do it

Today was busy. The guy doing my pre approval needs all this tax info. I was writting the girl that was on the website for the house I liked. There was one in my price range that was a real dive by they had 25 offers on the table :/ so I told her I am interested more in trailers. She said i had to be pre approved through another company so I started that one tonight instead. It's all over the place. Then I came home and finished my bag. It's rough around the edges but for my first time it will do :) have a good night



I babysat this morning and they kids were good, we had a fun time.  Oliver slept until 11:30, I think he is growing.  Oliver had school and me and Ruthie went to Khols to buy Isaac some shorts for the opera.  We met Casey for lunch and that was fun.  The boys had swimming lessons and they are having fun and learning a lot.  Casey worked late and they had young women's early so I never made it.  Everyone have a good night.


Isaac's opera costume

I made a blanket for Casey's co worker who had a baby, it isn't great.


My day was good. Work was good, but busy.  My table is going to arrive between 1245 and 345. Should be an exciting day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

I am in

Me and dad are ready to drive the skitcher.  I am pretty excited to move dirt around that way.  Would it be horrible if we didn't come up on Thursday and came up on Friday and spent the night?  Allergies are so bad right now.  Give dad one more night in the air filters.  Karen good luck with your table tomorrow.  I hope it shows up at 8:00 a.m.  I am excited for our plant class tomorrow.  I think we should just meet at our house.  Work was so quiet today.  Everyone was away at a meeting.  It was so nice to just sit and listen to music and get some work done.  Have a nice hump day.  Robin I sure love that wood burning you did.  LOVE MOM

Monday, April 23, 2018


If you would like Rachel I can come up on Saturday again it was nice to be outside. Today went by fast. I worked late just because I lost track of time. I started to work on my bag but I didn't get very far. Baby step.



Thanks for all your help again guys, it is awesome.  I am glad that you finally got your tooth Karen, that is awesome.  I fell asleep before I blogged last night, sorry about that.  Yesterday we hung out with Mom and Dad which was really nice.  We went to church and then when we came home we rode our bikes to the park which was super crowded.  Casey worked on the fence all day which looks amazing and then met up with us at the park.  Ruthie didn't sleep last night but Casey got up with her which was nice.  I babysat all this morning until lunch and that went well, she is a cute girl.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time.  They went on a bug hunt.  I needed guinea pig food so I took Ruthie and she was falling asleep in the car so afterwards I gave her a nap.  Casey worked late so I took the kids to the library and we watched the Greatest Show.  We made a it an hour and it was fun.  The kids were tired when we got home.  I hope that everyone has a good night.  I was thinking of getting a skidster on Saturday, would that be ok with everyone?



Well, we made it through Monday.  Robin left a nice surprise in our car.  We have fancy cups for the zoo now.  Thanks.  Work was quiet and it I did a lot of visiting.  It is just so strange working there right now.  I hope it calms down soon.  We just came home after work and hung out.  It was such a pretty day.  Karen, I am so glad you got your tooth.  I bet that feels wonderful to have a full set of teeth on one side.  Won't be too much longer and you will have the other one as well.  Have a really nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Well my tooth finally got to the dentist. So I went and got it put in. Yeah! Other than that it was just a Monday. Work is going good. My table gets here say after tomorrow. I am excited. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Nice Weekend

I sure had a fun time this weekend.  Thanks Karen for letting us come and stay the night and then thanks Anderson crew for the nice time.  Karen your fire was amazing.  We sat outside and watched it all night.  It was so much fun.  I felt like we were camping.  I must have been really lazy because I am not sore or burned.  I need to be more productive next time we do a project.  I hope the week goes by fast.  I am looking forward to making terrariums on Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


I am burned and sore as well. So i was lazy as well. I had a good time yesterday and i hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was recovery day ha ha my muscles were tender and I was burned so I was lazy today. I did finish the apricot wood burning so I can start the other projects. Im trying to finish projects before I start new ones but that is challenging. Thanks again. For the fu. Saturday hope everyone got some rest.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...