Saturday, June 20, 2009
Fathers Day
We just got back from SLC and it turned out to be a nice day. Grandpa Gumm went to Robintinos and there were 20 of us for dinner. Julie, Kyle, Angela, Alyssa, Kay, Paul, Scott, Sarah, Luke, Jeff, James, Sean, Jen, Jordyn, Chase, Rachel, me and dad. It was fun. They even bought icecream out to Grandpa and everyone sang happy birthday to him. It was neat. It poured rain and dad was pretty wet getting everyone in and out but he had his Tilley hat so that made him nice and dry. He loves his Tilley hat. Casey and Rachel went and saw Grandma and Grandpa Bodily with us afterwards and that was nice to visit with them. They gave me this really neat frying pan for my birthday. I really like it. I hope the weather is better tomorrow. It is actually cold tonight. Talk to you tomorrow LOV EMOM
Well it is really windy here today. And the dust was really bad also. But I had a good day. I have been making muffins. i have never made those before. They were really fun to make. They are pretty quick also. I made blueberry, banana nut, and oatmeal ones. Once you have the base you can add pretty much anything to it. I am going to take the muffin in to work and see if I can't get them hook on something besides cookies. I hope that mom, dad, and Rachel had a good trip to SLC. I am glad that you had a good time at the comedy thing Robin. Have a good one.
Well I went to the comedy club event. It was a bunch of students putting on a show so it was free. They did a really good job it was funny. The chairs were really hard though my back started to hurt. We decided to cancel practicing makeup up on each other, everyone was tired and the other half wanted to go out and party. I was on the tired half. I'm just going to put on a movie and relax. its nice to have a day off. Plus I need to work on some homework. thats about it have a great day.
Friday, June 19, 2009
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I am having trouble getting the photos off my phone but when I do I will post them. We went to summer fest last night and Mom and Dad bought me a beautiful purple necklace. It is great. We also have Navajo tacos but they were wheat, they were still delouse. Mom finished her quilt and it is beautiful. I really like it. I am still plugging away on my double wedding ring quilt. I got rock band for my psp and I am pretty excited to try that out. I am on my way to SLC tonight since Casey has to work. I just checked on the goats and they are doing really well. They were out eating when I got home. Thanks Karen for the offer for the wheel of time. I think that I am going to go the audio book route. Mike said that he would give me a copy of all of them and if not I have them on my audio book club list next. I will give you a copy also. I am glad that Robins school is going so well. I am really happy for you.
Well I am glad that everyone had a good day yesterday. My day today was good. i actually had things to do at work so that was nice. Although I did clear off my desk so Monday might be slow. Well the high today was 98. I guess summer temperatures are going to start showing up. Pretty soon it will be over 100. Well tomorrow I am going to try and make muffins from scratch. I thought i would try making something other than cookies. If they work out i will take them into work, maybe. Well Robin it sounds like you are going to have a fun Saturday. I hope that it all works out for you. I hope that everyone else has a great weekend. BYE
I forgot.
I forgot to tell you this super awesome thing. so our teacher is an antique collector and she had all these cool powder cases and such. But she had these old match cases with matches in them. But they weren't matches the tips were lipstick, you licked the top to activate it and you could put it on your lips. How cool is that? i love stuff like that, so cool.
roaring 20's
That is crazy about casey's mountain tell him to be safe. Also summerfest sounded like fun i think dad will like the wii fit a lot of people have given it good reviews. Well i went down to talk to the printers about my business cards and they gave me some good advise so i might go down today to finalize them and get them printed. I couldn't figure out how to put them on the blog so when I get them printed i will take a picture and post it. Today in school we did the 20's it was pretty crazy, but fun. they put black on the eyes and small lips. I definitely looked different. I wore it home it was kinda fun to be different. I got a lot of stares but its kind of an adrenaline rush to go out with a different look your not use to. Well tomorrow some girls wanted to go out for lunch so i'm going to join them. I think there is a free comedy thing later in the after noon. and another girl wants to practice makeup at night. so tomorrow is pretty booked, it will be fun though i hope its sunny its been really rainy. Take care have a good weekend.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
sewing night
The summerfest is on this weekend so me and dad and Rachel went and walked around tonight. Dad came home this afternoon. I didn't feel so great so I came home and we both got a nap. It was nice. We went to best buy and I got dad WII fit for father's day. I think he will like it. I finished the top of my quilt. Rachel took a picture of it and will post it later. I am going to start a 4th of July tablerunner. I might even get it done this year. It poured rain here this morning but this evening was nice. LOVE MOM
Robin, you should post a picture of what your cards are going to look like. We will all give you our professional opinions on it. So when do they let you start working on sets and stuff? Just wondering. Well work was really boring today. i didn't have anything to do and I had to sit thru a half hour insurance meeting. You just can't get any more boring than that. Well I meeting some girls in my ward for dinner at Red Robin tonight so that should be fun. Rachel I will bring up the wheel of time series books if you want. That way you could read them all again. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. It is most definitely the best day of the week. I don't want to brag but there is still no rain in St. George. Just partly cloudy and 80 degrees. It is just rough. Well i hope that everyone had a good Thursday. BYE
howdie hi
So not much we did color harmony today, so basically crazy makeup again. but it was fun. I'm ready to get into prosthetic stuff though. Fashion is fun but it gets boring. I like to make people look mutilated rather than pretty. Its funny how much makeup I have done in my life. Some people have never tried out makeup colors and stuff. I think i've done most of what I've been taught. Its nice to know how to do it professionally and get the technical opinions though. We are going to go into history makeup . In fashion we only go back to the 20's and then in theater and film we go farther back into history, like renaissance and egyptian stuff. So it will be fun. Our teacher is going to make us do it like they did it back then. so it will be interesting to see how we apply the makeup. she says it different but exciting so we will see how it goes. Well I also have to work on my business cards. I have a ruff design I'm just going to refine it for printing. Hope everyone has a great night. :) ttyl
Internet Problem
My Internet wasn't working last night and I was too tired to fix it, so I am blogging this morning. I don't have much going on. I have been meaning to tell Karen that Mike said that a new wheel of time book is coming out in a couple of months. So I am going to get the audio books from my book club and listen to them all before it comes out. It will be fun to read/listen to them again. Casey emailed me this morning and their was a mud slide in Draper last night on the mountain that he has been working on. Here is an article about it, One more thing, the Wal-mart by Icon opened yesterday. I haven't checked it out yet but I think that I will frequent it a lot since it is so close.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
yard work
Joseph came over tonight and it was nice so we worked in the yard. It rained all morning but it wasn't too bad. We got all those nasty vines out of the raspberries. There were back with a venegence. Weeded the garden and the firebushes. We even got the front weeded. He is a hard worker. Not too much else to report. At work I worked on the color scheme for the new building. It is a tough job but someone has to do it. Bets answering phones that is for sure. It looks like it is going to rain again. At least I have a lot fewer weeds. We filled up both green containers. Robin I think that is neat you went out with your makeup. I am just so excited to see all you have learned. LOVE MOM
Well at work i was starting to feel stupid because we all wore our ram t-shirts for pictures and no body took pictures until like 3. There is no rain in St. George. It keeps looking like it could rain, but it never does. At least it makes it cooler. It is really windy though. My allergies are bad right now. I am glad that I was able to inspire you mom. I knew that you could do it. Well I hope that everyone has a great day. I love ya guys BYE
Blend it, blend it good
So today we did an exercise to help with blending it was to pick a color like bright red and blend the eyes into the check color. It was pretty cool looking but very runway look. I was the first one to get the make- up done and then we flip and i do the makeup on the girl that did me. Well since i went first we took a lunch break in the middle. I went to mc Donald's because it was closest and with all my make up i got some strange looks. The guy helping me i could tell was trying not to laugh. I was impressed by some peoples ability to "look and not be seen" techniques. Like talking to a friend but looking at you. It was kinda fun, lets just say by the end i'm going to be impervious to many things. Anyway about skin care rachel mostly use a wash for the face, a toner and a moisturizer. And a mask once a week for exfoliation. That is what we are suppose to say and it is what your suppost to do for good skin, But i know that most makeup artist don't. I think that most makeup artist (and people) don't wear makeup so there isn't much to clean off just the dirt from the day. They have these really cool wipes, i like Olay the best, they clean and moisturized the face at the same time. There quick and fast. I think you would like those there not as intense. I think most brands make them though if you dont like olay. we use Marcelle at school and its pretty nice. Its sensitive for skin types so you can use it on most people that is why we use it. ANY way sorry to ramble. That is exciting that mom put that table together i'm so proud I think it will look nice. That is crazy about the weather in clifton, its the same in toronto, i always carry an umbrella with me, the sun lies with in 10 minutes there could be rain. well i better stop before i take up the hole blog. have a great night
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Storm of the Century

Their is a huge storm over Clifton right now. It is lighting ever couple seconds and it is raining. I went visiting teaching tonight and it was sunny and hot when we left but when we got to the last ladies house it started raining really hard so we waited until their was a break in the rain to leave and then it started again when I got home. We were doing really good with time tonight until we got to the last house and we were there for an hour and half. She is old and likes to talk, then it started to rain. Work was busy, Dan was back. It is the global summit this week so we have customer from all over the world here. Dan and Troy are doing presentations today and tomorrow. I am glad that everyone had a good day. I am starting better skin and face care next week, I am inspired. :)
I did it
Karen thanks for the words of encouragement. I read the blog and thought you are right I can do it so I got it out and put the table together. I think it looks nicer with the plants on it. You will have to give me your opinion when you see it. Well Robin I am glad you got your package. I bet that feels good to have your music with you. I also hung up the picture that Vickie gave me above the plants. I think it looks good there. Well not too much else to report.
Rachel, That show looks good. I don't who all those people you listed are but I am sure that they are wonderful. It was nice here today. It keep looking like it was going to rain but it never did. But that means that it stayed cooler today. I can't believe that we are half way thru June and have only broke 100 once. I hope that it keeps this up thru the whole summer. Work was better today than Monday, although I got bored in the afternoon. Tomorrow we have to wear our red RAM t-shirts because they are going to do picks for the web site. It will be a challenge to duck out of all the pictures, but I will give it my best. I don't think it will work well, being the girl in engineering puts a bulleyes on your head but I will give it a shot. Well I hope that things keep going good for everyone. And I believe in you mom I know that you can build it. Have a great one.
That play does sound good rachel, it said online it is just coming out to pbs. Are you going to buy the movie. if you do when i come out I will have to watch it. Well I got my cds in the mail today, thanks for mailing those to me. Oh and I do my laundry on the 18th floor, and it sucks because it only takes dollar coins and there are no coin machines anywhere. I have to save them when I get them, oh woest me. :) Well we learned about mature skin today and how to apply makeup. There was also a meet and learn. that is when some one comes during our lunch and talks about the industry. It was the director of "Fashion" a beauty magazine in canada. it was alright nothing to exciting. basically you have to eat dirt and gravel to get anywhere. blah blah blah. I don't buy it I think you need to start at the bottom but I don't think the people that are known are better, everyone starts at the bottom, It just takes time. Anyway that is my soap box for the day. I did hear a good quote about skin. "before 40 you have the face you were born with, after 40 you get the face you deserve." I thought it was funny, because you can really see in peoples skin how well they took care of them selfs when they were younger. Just look at a smoker after 40 you will definitely notice a difference. any who not much else, have a great night.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Well I got all my laundry done tonight. It is amazing to me how much two people can generate. I always wonder where Robin does her laundry. Do you have a laundry room close? I did go buy a new table for my plants in the computer room. It is a TV entertainment center for a flat screen. It has a lot of different levels. I thought it would look good. I hope I can put it together. I always have one of you do it. Wish me luck. I hope Karen's blister gets better. Watch it close. It was a nice day today but I wore a sweater to work today and I was never hot. Crazy weather. It is suppose to start getting better. Dad made it to SLC today. He felt like he needed to go down early. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
This looks awesome
This Musical looks awesome. I thought that I would share. It has Idina Menzel from Wicked, Adam Pascal from Adia and Rent and last but not least Josh Groban. It looks really good. Just click on the link to see a preview.
A Brief and Beautiful Break in the Rain
It sounds like everyone had a rough Monday, headaches and blisters. I am sorry Karen that you got stuck with a half done projecct, that sucks. I think that would be interesting to learn how to do make up on people with darker skin tones Robin, I am excited for you. I hope that Mom starts feeling better with her teeth. I had a good day at work. My boss was moving today so he was gone. Me and Michelle went up and saw his house today it was really pretty, it is really nice house. When I got home I mowed the lawn, the weather is great this evening and it was good to be outside. Then Helen was out and we toured the garden and then we pulled some weeds. I gave them to the goats after and they really enjoyed that. It is fun to have something that will eat your weeds.

The goats were happy today, I think that they sun was good for them. They were outside when I came home. It am glad that they are doing good. Casey and Dad planted some potatoes and they have started to break through.
Well i survived Monday. I went for a walk yesterday and I wore my sandals and now I have a huge blister on my big toe. I guess I shouldn't have worn them for that long of a walk. I haven't built up sandal callouses yet. So that is a bit tender. I hope that it heal quick. Work was a little annoying but I survived. It just sucks when someone does a crappy half job and then it is given to me to figure out and fix. i am sorry that you have a headache Robin, I hate headaches. Well I hope that the rest of the week goes better. Love ya BYE
So we learned how to work with colored skin today, there is a black girl in another class that came in to be our model. She caved in when the teacher said se would give her free set of eyelashes. The bribery of makeup artists. :) Other then that nothing to exciting, I kinda of have a headache nothing to serious. I'm glad you like your new glasses mom its hard to adjust to new ones. have a great rest of the day.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I am glad they got your records at church. It just seems more official that way. You are not free game. Rachel and Casey got nursery today maybe that is where you are headed. It will be interesting to see. Not much going on in Logan. It was sunny here this morning and me and Dad sat outside and got some sun. It felt so nice. It rained all afternoon but we were able to go around and see grapes this evening. Casey and Rachel and Kelsey and Mike came for dinner that was nice. I made frajitas. They tasted good. I am still feeling a little off from the teeth. I don't hurt just feel like I have been run over with a truck. Weird. I don't even need any medicine. I think I am just tired. Grandpa Gumm wasn't doing so good yesterday. I am worried about him. My glasses are working out really good for being new. It usually takes about a week for me to adjust and I am already use to them. That is good. I can see better also.
Love you guys.
Love you guys.
So the main street I live on is Bloor and If you walk on it straight for about 20 minutes you get to my church. And they blocked off half of it today for a big street thing they had people selling things, music groups and so forth. It was fun to see everyone out and about. it made the walk more amusing. Other then that nothing to crazy, they got my records at church so now i'm prime target for "the to-do list". Well have a great sunday.
Rachel I think that both quilts look awsome. You and mom are good. I am impressed. Well I tried a new reciepe and it was pretty good. Other than that it has been a pretty calm day. I took a nap and it was great. I was tired. Well congrats on your new calling Rachel, does this mean you aren't camp director any more? Well I hope that everyone has had a great day.
I got my quilt back from Sylvia and I finished binding it today after church and it turned out really good.

We got a calling today, we are going to be in the nursery again. I think that it will be fun.
Here is a picture of Mom's Quilt. She stills needsto put a border on but I think that it is beautiful and thought that everyone would like to see.
We got a calling today, we are going to be in the nursery again. I think that it will be fun.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...