I slept in this morning and that was nice. We went to leatherbys for lunch and they have the best soup bowls. Isaac needs to go. The ice cream is huge. We did go to Kohl's and they were giving kohls cash. That is nice. We went to Costco after Robin went home. It was really busy. Karen went home to study and we just vegged. Robin did they test you for anemia. You look so pale. Have a nice Sunday love mom
Saturday, April 17, 2021
I am glad that everyone got to meet up. That is fun. We had a good day and kept busy. No walked this morning and it was cold. Isaac had a game at 9 and we made it early even. He did good and had fun. The kids made a blanket fort with the chairs. We came home and then Oliver had a game. The little kids are so cute to watch. Oliver did really good. He played defense and was good to stay in his spot. He did get distracted a bit but he didn't cry or whine. He was cute. We got pizza on the way home for lunch. Casey worked on the van door and I took the kids to a new park in North Logan that we have been wanting to check out. It was a lot warmer by then and we had a fun time. It was a nice park. Isaac has been wanting to make apple fritters so we went to the store and got the ingredients. They were a lot of work but they tasted really good. After dinner I took Tony on another walk. I think Casey has the door almost finished. It will be nice to have an automatic door again. Love you guys.
I had a good day. I met up with mom, dad, Robin, and Jeremy for lunch. It was fun seeing everyone. Then I came home and read my economics book. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, April 16, 2021
It is a cold spring. We walked this morning and it is hard to get up. Isaac had a dentist appointment this morning. He had a permanent tooth coming threw his gum on top of his baby tooth. They pulled the baby tooth and it will be ok. Isaac was so cute at the dentist and everyone loved him. He had a report in Summit county at school so he went back so be could do that. He felt fine and had a good day. The van was done today so we got gas for the rental and traded them. It is good to have the van back. We ordered parts to fix the automatic door and Casey is going to fix that this weekend. We were tired also today. We are just watching movies tonight. Love you.
My day was good. I had trouble sleeping last night so I was tired today. It was snowy here for most of the day. I am hoping to see the sun again one day. I have 2 of my finals on Tuesday next week and the 3rd one starts on the 24th. I still have a paper to write, but it is only 700 - 900 words so I am going to do it tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye
It was snowing on my way to work today. Weird weather. I am glad lagoon was good weather. I was tired today and glad I got to go home early. I took a nap. We just hung out and watched a movie. Not much else to report on my end. Everyone have a nice weekend. I can't believe april is half over with. Love mom
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Today was a busy day but good. I walked this morning and it wasn't windy which was really nice. We helped Isaac class and that is fun. We worked at preschool. I like it. It is nice to talk with Traci and the kids are all cute. Ruth had a playdate with Emily and went to her house. Isaac had Collin come over and play. Isaac also got to got ice skating at school and had a fun time. Isaac had a soccer game and it was so cold. I didn't bring blankets for our legs. I need to remember next time. Ruth had soccer practice also right close to Isaac so I could run her over and then go back to get Isaac after the game. I worry input Ruth in the wrong soccer team. She looks so much older than everyone else. Everyone was starving and I hadn't started dinner. So Casey met up with us at the soccer field and we went and got dinner afterwards. Then homework and go to bed. They all played soccer well and had a fun time. Love you guys.
I went into work today. It was good. I just worked on payments that got sent back. I came home and we met up with the gumm gang at italian place. It was so nice to visit. Nothing new to report. They are excited for the shower. It rained here all day. Love ❤️ mom
My day was good. It is still cold here. They hired a contractor engineer for 6 months so we went out to lunch to welcome him. It was fun. I also called the window place and they are coming Monday to finish up the rest of the windows. Usually I got a soda when I come home for lunch. Since I didn't go home I had no caffeine. It was rough. So I ran to 7-11 and got a soda. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
I am so glad that your neighborhood is moving. He is the worst. That is so much for that house. It looks like he put new floors in. I walked this morning and it was cold and windy. It snowed for some of the day. Our power didn't go out like Mom's. We finally made it back to exercise class which was nice. I had quilt group and it is so fun to talk to everyone. Sylvia's grandson was there and he goes to Ruth's school so they played together and had a fun time. Everyone liked my quilt. They cancelled Oliver's soccer game because of the weather so we just hung out at home. Ruth was sweet and snuck out with Casey after dinner to buy me some fabric. She is cute. Love you guys.
I went into work today and the power went off for two hours. Crazy. It snowed here all day. Rachel that quilt is amazing. I love it. You are so gifted. Karen I can't believe they are asking that much money for that junky house. That just floors me. Robin you made 30 weeks. Way to go. I hope you got to work from home today. Not much else to report on my end. I have to go into work tomorrow. I am meeting the gumm gang for dinner at italian village. That should be fun. Love mom
I made it back to work so yeah for me. Work went good I got all my emails all caught up so that was nice. The house next to me is up for sell. The one with the weeds in the front. I can't believe what they are asking. Here is the link if you want to see:
25 E 610 S, Kamas, UT 84036 - MLS 12101433 - Coldwell Banker (coldwellbankerhomes.com)
I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
I like your windows Karen. I am super jealous to be honest. That is so awesome. It was so windy all night last night and all day today. I didn't sleep well because of the wind and I skipped walking Tony. Me and Ruth picked up some more diamond beads to work on this morning. I finished my quilt while Ruth was at school. I have quilt group tomorrow and really wanted to get it done. I thought it was doing a horrible job on it but when I got it off the frame I really liked it. We met Casey for lunch which was fun. Ruth had a playdate after school and Isaac had soccer practice. Me and Oliver took Tony to the park and three the ball for a bit. It was hard with the wind. Casey and Isaac had activity days after dinner. No one came but they got to met the other leader and make some plans. Isaac wanted his hair cut but I love his long hair so we kept it long on top and short on the sides. I think it turned out pretty good. It was a busy day.
only tues
Baton down the hatches
It is suppose to be really windy tonight. Everyone be safe. It is suppose to be stormy tomorrow. Karen your windows look amazing. Good job. I am sorry they didn't finish them. Work was work but I made it through. I made an electronic invite to the baby shower on Facebook and I was pretty excited about that one. It was fun. That was my excitement for the day. I made pizza for dinner and that tasted good. I am back to work tomorrow and I have to go in early. Oh well. It will be nice if it is raining and it can wash off my dirty car. LOVE MOM
Well they didn't quite finish all my windows yet. It is all done but the 4 on the front. It took long than they expected. Oh well the ones they got done are looking nice. I have to go back to work tomorrow. It was nice having 2 days off. I got all my school work done for the week so that is nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, April 12, 2021
Work was good. i had a lot emails and didn't get them all done but I will.work on them tomorrow. I did go get my hair cut on my lunch hour and went and got shower invites tonight. Good luck with windows karen. Rachel have fun with the van. Robin good luck. Love mom ps dad's drone worked he was so happy. I bought him a new one last night so he will have two
I am excited for you Karen. That will be so nice to have new windows. Today was busy. I walked this morning and it felt nice to do it again. I skipped exercise class because I had to drop off the van and I didn't want to be sweaty. Everything went smoothly and we got the rental van. It is nice and the kids love it. I had to go grocery shopping because we have been gone for a week and didn't have food. Me and Ruth did the bead craft, we had a fun time. She had dance class and loves that. Oliver played with his now and arrows all afternoon. I went and got him cleats for soccer practice but he didn't want to come. He had a fun time at soccer practice and he had a friend on his team. Isaac has a summit county report due on Friday so we worked on that. We took the van for s drive and got some ice cream. Love you guys.
Well they got everything ready to change stuff tomorrow. The had to cut a bunch of stuff around the windows. It was loud so I didn't get a lot of school stuff done because I couldn't here the videos. I did get economics done so that is good. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Quiet day
Sorry I have been a bad blogger. I don't know why I always forget when we are at Mom and Dads. Anyway we had a really fun time. This is the place monument was so fun. It was a pretty day and it was so nice to walk around. We had a fun time at Lagoon also. Isaac was living his best life. Here are a ton of pictures. They are starting primary next month so we spent a lot of time working on getting that going. Love you guys. It is hard to get back to real life tomorrow.
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...