well today was good. I worked more on my mask. then some kids from work went to a hypnotists show in odgen it was fun. well going to head for bed don't forget about the time change
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Let it snow
We made it back safe and sound from Logan. It was a really nice day. At least for me. Dad had to work at Harolds all day but I got to play with Isaac and me and Rachel even got to sew. I made a baby blanket for someone at my work. I even got my hair cut. It was a good day. It did snow and there was snow in Logan but I think we have more than they do. It is cold. Karen Hot Chocolate does sound good. I even got a really nice pair of pants for 17 dollars at Christopher Banks. Thanks for reminding us Karen. One extra hour that will feel nice. LOVE YOU GUYS LOVE MOM
First of the Season
Well I am enjoying my first hot chocolate of the season. IT has been cold and windy here all day. I did get alot done though. I went to the bank, then got my oil changed and then I went grocery shopping. Then after lunch I went and renewed my apartment lease. I hope that it didn't snow to much on you up north. I hope that mom and dad had a good trip to Logan and back. Well I have that everyone has a great Sunday and don't forget to fall back tonight. Love ya BYE
save it
well today was good. I went out and looked at all the halloween sales. everything was 90% off so I raked it!!! I got a lot of cool stuff for GREAT prices. wigs were a dollar and costumes were 5-7 which were normally 50-80 dollars. so stoked. then I worked on my mask for the rest of the night. killed more brain cells if that were possible. well have a great one and be safe in this weather.
Friday, November 4, 2011
It is snowing in Logan. We made it safe and sound. It was a nice drive. We we to walmart because a pipe for a drain on the furnace came unglued. It was dripping water we will fix it in the morning. Have a good Saturday. We are going home tomorrow. Love mom
Yeah for Friday
Well it is really wingy and stormy looking here right now. It is also chilly. (I would say cold but you guys are colder up there). I had a good Friday. I stayed busy all day so it went by pretty quick. I keep feeling like I should be planning a primary lesson, but I don't teach this Sunday so I don't need to plan one. I am sure that I will get over the feeling. I am going to get the oil changed in my car tomorrow. It will be good to have done before the holidays. So wish me luck that it isn't too busy tomorrow morning. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Thursday, November 3, 2011
last day
well today was good not to much. I worked at lagoon for a bit. It was my official last day till next season. I also starting sculpting a gargoyle face, I will post pictures as I go. But its fun. anyway have a great friday
But my lips hurt real bad
Today was good. I took Isaac to the park and he liked that. The slide made him laugh. He loves walking through leafs and kicking them with his feet. Yesterday and today he steers towards them, it is cute. I had an enrichment meeting tonight, it was at Angela house in nymans nook, they have some really nice houses up there. I took Isaac and he did really well, we did have to leave around 8:45 because he was ready to leave and go to bed. It will be fun being involved in enrichment. I am cutting up some of my scraps to make a scrap quilt. I have been throwing all my scraps in the corner and I finally decided to take care of them, it feels good to clean up the room a bit. Well I am off to bed, I hope that you sleep better tonight Karen. You should buy some melatonin, it really works.
So glad
I am so glad it is almost friday. It is hard to get back in the groove when you have played for a week. WE are going to Logan. I am not sure if it will be Friday night or Saturday morning. I will keep you updated on that one. I got all my laundry done. That was good. I was really behind. I have just been doing enough to keep going for over 2 weeks. It was nice to get caught back up. Now it is ironing, ironing. I haven't done that in weeks also. Well have a great friday. Just think in three fridays we will be sorting through our bounty. :)
Almost Friday
Well today was a busy day for me today at work. There was a company meeting today. Then I had a design review. So that was pretty much my afternoon. I am tired though. I had trouble sleeping last night. I hate nights like that. YOu just keep tossing and turning and looking at the clock think "if I fall asleep right now I still can get ..... hours of sleep" the blank is for the varies times you figure that out during the night. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Yeah. It is suppose to be really cold and rainy though. Well I hope that everyone had a great Thurdays. BYE
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
well today I worked at lagoon still cleaning stuff up. Then me mom and dad went shopping. I had most everything I needed and all the costumes are cheap and sleezy so I didn't get any. I think I am going to make some more things this winter while I have down time. anywho have a great night
Black Friday
Well with all this talk of shopping, I am so excited. It will be fun to go out and shop around. It is cold here today. I am not looking forward to snow. I am glad you enjoyed the books. I love books. I am glad Isaac loves them also. I love the hard books they make now. They didn't do that much when you guys were little. It is so much nicer. They will last so much longer. I had a good day at work. I am behind from missing work but I don't care. I had such a nice time. It is fun to be able to play once in a while. Have a great Thursday. I can't believe it is November already. Time is going to fast. LOVE MOM
Mom found a book of our children books yesterday so today I went through them. It was so fun, I had forgotten about a lot of them and seeing them brought back a lot of memories. We read a lot of books when we were little. I found the poky little puppy and it is different than the one that Karen bought Isaac. I liked your copy better. We had a good day, it was chili but we were still able to go outside and walk around. Casey came home tonight and that was nice. Isaac has been scared of his bath the last couple of night so Casey helped me and we just went really slow with him and eventually he took a bath. Something must of scarred him one night, hopefully he is over it now. I am excited for Thanksgiving and shopping. I need to put a countdown on the blog, that would be fun. I will do it tomorrow.
Well my day was good. I had a meeting in the morning so I wasn't bored all day. It lasted from 9 to 1230. It was chilly here today. I am glad that you got lots of blood Robin. You can never have too much. Well just three weeks until Thanksgiving. I am excited to see everyone. Have a great one. BYE
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
blood donor
Well today was good. I worked at lagoon help cleaning the madness. then me and a girl from work went and got some eyelashes as well and blood. now with moms additions, I have a whole bucket of eyelashes and at least 10 liters of fake blood. I am set for the next year. :) I feel like october is the end of the year for me and november is the start of the new. well i'm glad everyone is doing well, it snowed up here they said it is good weather until friday and then its going to get bad.... Also 24 more days till we get to shop shop shop. :)
Back home
I had a fun trip to Logan. Boy it was hard to leave and come back to the thought I have to work tomorrow. Oh well, it was so nice to be able to play for awhile. Thanks Rachel for letting me come up. It was fun. I finished up a burp cloth tonight and watching Ghost Whispers. Me and dad went grocery shopping I guess you have to do that once in awhile. I am back to work the rest of the week. Next week I am going to have to try and work all week. Have a great night. LOVE MOM
Fun Times
Today was really fun, thank you Mom. We went to Walmart int he morning to get Robin some blood and eye lashes, it was really fun to shop. We got some breakfast sandwiches at Subway and they tasted so good. Then we came home to give Isaac a break. He took a nap when Mom went to the Doctors. We meet Debbie for lunch and it was fun to see her. Our waiter was horrible though and it took so long to get our lunches so we weren't able to go fabric shopping or get our hair cut. Casey came home tonight and we played some monkey ball, it was really fun. Well tomorrow will be quiet, I will miss everyone being gone.
Well there are a lot of ones in the date today. I liked your picture of Isaac, Rachel. That was a cute custume. My day was good. I stayed busy so it went by pretty fast. It is really windy down here. We have wind advisories until tomorrow. I guess that is better than the snow/rain they said you guys were going to get up north. Well have a great Wednesday everyone.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Well its officially over!! the winter season is now here and that means less work, more food, and fun! yeah. Isaac is super cute in his costume, I loved it. Sorry you didn't get more trick or treaters karen :( but I guess that is more candy for you!! :) well not to much else going on have a great one
Happy Halloween
We had a really fun Halloween. Mom made it up to Logan and we went to the mall to trick or treat. We had dinner at the Olive Garden and it was really good. Then we went up to Casey's Dad's to show him Isaac's costume. He was super cute. Here is a picture. He loved walking in the mall. Mom is co-blogging with me.

Well my day was good. i am glad that you made it safe up to Logan mom. I hope that you had fun with Rachel and Isaac. I am sorry that I didn't blog yesterday. i had one all written but the post button wasn't working. It was annoying. So far I have had 4 whole treat-or-treaters. I may have a lot of candy left over. They had doughnuts at work this morning so I was all sugared up this morning. Be careful driving tomorrow mom it is suppose to snow up north. Well have a good one. BYE
Sunday, October 30, 2011
do not disturb
Sorry the mirror wasn't more secure I hope no one got hurt. but like mom said I have on here, so no biggie. well today I stayed in my sweats all day and watched movies. it was nice to not do anything all day long. tomorrow I am not to sure what I am doing but I am going to ogden and hang out with a few girls from work and then we are going to just hang out and see what happens. most likely movie and dinner. but who knows. well have a great night
home again
We made it home safe and sound. It was a good trip. I am glad we went. The ocean was amazing and it was good to be there to support everyone during the funeral. The funeral went well and there were a lot of people there. Ann was an amazing person. SHe is going to be missed. I am going to Logan tomorrow afternoon. Rachel I should be up there around 3 or 4. That is my plan right now. If I can get away sooner I will. Dad is going to try to come with me but I doubt he can. I am going to pack my suitcase and take it with me and then if dad is coming with me, I will come home and pack him up. I need to get my car inspected. I know why wait until the last day. I thought we could drop it off at Jiffy Lube and trick or treat at the mall. Just an idea. I am staying the night. The pictures are so cute. He is getting big. Don't worry about the mirror. Robin has bought her a new one here. It is nice to be back home.
This evening Isaac and myself were walking into each room just to walk around and in Mom and Dad's room Isaac touched the long mirror that is Robins and it fell and broke. I am sorry Robin. I will replace it. Other than that we had a good day. It was stake conference today so we didn't go to church. Casey didn't have to leave until noon so he made us lunch. It was a nice day. I finished my block of the month and I just need to quilt it now, one more hour and I will be done. I am excited for Halloween tomorrow. It should be fun. Here are some pictures of Isaac from today.

Here is my post from Sunday. I finally got it to post
Well my day has been good. Primary went well. We talked about Peter teaching the gospel to the gentiles. Then they used the playdough to make the vision Peter had. They seemed to have fun. i only had 4 kids so it was pretty easy to everyone on line. I am glad that mom and dad had a good trip. I hope that Robin had a good PJ day. Rachel I really like your quilt. I think you did a good job. Well I hope that everyone has a great week.
Well my day has been good. Primary went well. We talked about Peter teaching the gospel to the gentiles. Then they used the playdough to make the vision Peter had. They seemed to have fun. i only had 4 kids so it was pretty easy to everyone on line. I am glad that mom and dad had a good trip. I hope that Robin had a good PJ day. Rachel I really like your quilt. I think you did a good job. Well I hope that everyone has a great week.
well today was the closing of frightmares. so excited. I am going back for a few days to clean up and organize. but nothing to crazy. well I'm am off to bed. I have the whole day off tomorrow. its going to be a pajama day and sleep day :) woot!!!
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...