Saturday, January 22, 2011

a month

oh my I can't believe a month has gone by. I guess it takes a baby to show you how fast the months really roll by. Well today I went to a friends baby shower. it was fun, then I came home and just chilled the rest of the night. I didn't get to much accomplished. shocker. well I hope everyone has a relaxful sunday.


Back in the Salty City

We are home safe and sound. It was a whirl wind trip. I did get all my laundry caught back up. The house looked nice. Boy Karen you did accomplish a lot today. That sounds like you could have used a nap. I am glad that Casey's dad and family came up. That is good. I am glad that Casey is feeling a little better. I was worried about him. Poor guy. I have been doing ironing and I am getting to see some light at the end but I am tired and hopefully will work on it a little bit tomorrow. I found the cutest onsies at Walmart for Isaac. I am excited for you to see them. LOVE MOM


Casey's dad, terry and collin came and visited us today. It was fun to have them come. Collin watches man vs food and they had the waffle place by us on the show so we went there for lunch. It was fun. I asked terry about the table cloths and she has the white one and said we could borrow them. She said the she thinks the lady that had the tables took the purple ones. Casey is feeling a little bit better, he ate some today and that was good.

One month

Happy one month birthday to Isaac. I had a good day today. It was so nice outside, but my allergies were bad. Oh well what can you do. I went and got my car washed, went to the bank, got my hair trimmed, grocery shopping, and copied the program. Whew! I also went and saw the Green Hornet. It was a pretty good movie, the guy that played the Green Hornet got a little annoying, but it was still a pretty good show. Mom gave me Casey's recipe on how to make his shredded roast beef so I am going to make that tomorrow. I hope it turns out. Well I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. BYE

Friday, January 21, 2011

Safe and Sound in Logan

We made it safe and sound in Logan. We stopped in Layton and ate at Marie Calendars and then came up. Everything looked good in the house. It is a nice house. We just went to Walmarts and they had some new onsies for Isaac. They are so dang cute. He will be just darling in them. I also bought Karen some lancets. I knew you would be excited about that one. Not much else going on here but laundry. Boy do I have a ton of it. I really think it weighed that much coming up. Have a great saturday. Good luck with your program Karen and your talk with the bishop.


lazy days and fridays

Well today was chill again nothing to crazy to report. just living. I was going to work on karens skirt but it seems like alot. I just drank a pepsi though so I might get done tonight :) I hope casey is ok, tell him to drink a lot of nyquil it will make life better ;) I will call you tomorrow for dinner rachel. I hope your program goes well karen. I also hope mom and dads drive goes well up to logan. well have a great night


The sickness

Robin, your funny. I had fun last night, thanks everyone for taking care of Isaac he is spoiled. Casey is sick today and he stayed home from work. I feel bad for him. Luckly me and Isaac haven't gotten it. I hope that everyone has a good weekend. Robin if you want to do dinner let me know.



Well I made it to the weekend. Yeah! Things were good today. I stayed busy so time went by pretty fast at work. I hope that mom and dad had a good trip up to Logan. The weather here is suppose to be 60 tomorrow. It will be nice to have a warm sunny day. I even manged to clean up my front room a bit. I have just been dumping stuff in my front room when I get back from trips and I had to clean up the clutter. I am going to make the program for church also, but I am not going to copy it until tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone has a great Saturday. BYE

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well today was good nothing out of the ordinary. we had sewing night. I started on karens skirt. I hope it turns our cute. Rachel came over with isaac. It was fun to see how fast isaac has grown. I am sorry that your work is crazy karen. well nothing else to exciting.

love you

sewing night

Well I will have you know that I even sewed (a little bit). Isaac is just getting bigger and bigger. He was a good baby tonight. I finished a baby quilt that I started a while back. One project done. Karen you will be proud of Robin. She cut out your skirt and is sewing it as I write. No other news to report. It is nice not to have piles of snow everywhere. We are headed to Logan tomorrow night. WE are taking grandma with us. Have a great weekend.



Well I got my prescriptions with my new insurance and all I have to say is that I have sucky insurance. But oh well what can you do. Things were busy for me at work today. They were having a design review at 9 and the engineer gave me a huge stack of red lines to fix before the review, so I was working like crazy to get it all done. I didn't get them all done before the review but I got the important ones done. I guess that that will teach them to give me a little more time to fix stuff. I hope that you all had a fun time sewing tonight. Have a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Well today I worked on my coat. I got a lot done. I just need to fix a few things on the lining. My neck was really sore today so I am blaming all my problems on that :) well nothing else to excting with me just same ole same ole. Have a great night



Well it was nice here until the wind started blowing. Then the temperature dropped and it got chilly out. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope that you all have a fun time sewing tomorrow. I paid my bills tonight and did my dishes. Wow I know exciting. I am going to run to the pharmacy at lunch and get my prescriptions filled. I am sorry that the interviews didn't go well also mom. That would be a hard job to do. Have a great one BYE

same old

I an sorry your interviews didn't go well, it makes for a long day when you work late. I had a good day. It has been good staying home with Isaac. He has been fun. I don't have a lot of exciting things happening though. It will be fun to sew tomorrow.


Working Late

I worked late tonight and the interviews didn't go so swell but I guess not everything can go right. Just new and wanting it to go well. Next time. I am tired tonight. I did get a lot done at work today so that was nice. I am all caught back up though so tomorrow will be a little slower. I am excited to sew tomorrow. I have a lot of half done projects I need to finish up. Well have a great day. LOVE MOM


Well today I went to joanns to get some fabric for my dresses. I found some colors that I liked, I'm excited to start making them. I am working on my coat tonight, I have the front complete I just have to finish the lining. Well nothing else to exciting. I stayed up way to late sewing but it was worth it. I hope everyone has a great wensday...


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No money

Today I went to staples to fax Isaac's birth certificate to the insurance company and I forgot to bring my wallet. It was 1.25 and I had 1.10 in my pocket, the nice kid said that it was enough. He was reaqlly sweet. I am loosing it I guess. Other than that it was a quite day. I wish that we had that great weather up here. I would really like to go on a walk. :)


We had a nice night. We went to Target and walked around. We went to the one by Kays. It was nice. Baby or Us is right there also but we didn't it make it that far. It was nice here also but the snow is coming. They are doing job interviews tomorrow so I am going to work late and working until 6. It will be nice to sleep in. I couldn't find a cute outfit for Isaac. They just seem too big and the ones seem to small. I need to go to Walmart and get some of there sizes. He fits right into them. Karen I think we are going to come down the weekend after presidents day. I think the home show will still be on. I will keep you updated on that one. Well have a great hump day.



Well it was another beautiful day here. 60 degrees and sunny. I hope this doesn't mean that it is going to be super hot this summer. Oh well I will just enjoy it while I can. I could still use a nap though. I spend too much time playing when I come up to SLC and that doesn't leave a lot of time for sleeping. I am glad that everything is going well for everyone in SLC. I hope that you don't get snowed on too much tomorrow. Have a great one. BYE

Monday, January 17, 2011

Good Day

I had a nice day, I was tired so it was nice to stay home and get caught up. Isaac is a good baby and it was fun to be with him. I am glad that the birth announcements turned out. I forgot to keep one for my self. I will have to grab one when from what is left over. I keep forgetting to tell you that I used the snuggle holder last week and Isaac really liked it. I was going to use it again today and go on a walk but he was hungry and I didn't get to it again. I will try again tomorrow if it is a nice day. Thanks for the nice weekend everyone. It was fun to be together.

Sloppy Joes

I made another recipe out of the book you got me Karen and it was really good. I made it a little to runny but I just got some of the juice off of it. It made enough to feed an army. Rachel I hung Isaac's birth announcement in my office today and it looked so nice. Thank you it made my day. It was really warm here also. It was nice. We took grandma to Shopko tonight after dinner and the jazzy there was so slow. She didn't like that at all. She is getting really good at driving those around. I got all her prescriptions done tonight. I need to take them to Logan this weekend to get them signed. I was getting way behind on those. She will get a lot of money back. Well not much else to report. It is going to be hard to work a full week. I haven't done that is a while.



Well I made it thru Monday. I think that it helped that I took a three hour nap when I got back to St. George. Work was good today, nothing too exciting to report. I do have to say that it was sunny and 57 outside today. I think that is why it was hard going to work. You only get so many pretty and warm days during the winter and they all seem to happen when I am at work. Oh well what can you do. I hope that your movie making went well yesterday Robin. Well have a great week everyone. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...