Saturday, March 23, 2013
its in the bag
today was good I was with mom and karen for most of the day doing costco and ikea. I am just relaxing the rest of the night. MY photoshoot went well It was mostly just beauty stuff. I am going to just chill tomorrow I am excited to just have a day off I have to do homework. well have a great one
Costco Run
Robin and Karen and me went to Costco this afternoon and Rachel you have a box full of stuff. I will have Casey bring it home with him. I found some granola I thought maybe Isaac might like. We did by a whole bunch of meatballs and had meatballs sandwiches for dinner. I was going to send some home but with Casey working all day I wasn't sure how to do that. Dan did make his connection in Detroit so he will be in China in 12 hours. That is a good thing. I had a nice day, we just went to Ikea and then Costco. Hope you had a good day also. LOVE MOM
Friday, March 22, 2013
I had a bad day
Thanks for posting the pictures Rachel and getting dad's prescription. I am sorry you had to wait but he will love you forever that he has some more. Today didn't turn out so good. I waited for Jed to call me this morning about overnighting dad's meds to him. I finally called him at 10 and he said that Dan was going to China on Saturday and he was taking the meds and he would call me later to let me know the times. He never called me so at 1:00 I called Mel to see if I could talk with Dan and he said Dan was leaving at 7:00 in the morning and he would take the meds. He is taking a detector over to China. I asked if he for sure had plane reservations and he said he did and except for the detector not working he would be going. So that instilled a lot of confidence so I called Fed Ex and decided to ship the drugs myself. It takes 4 days for over night to China and costs 700.00. I was pretty upset by this time. So I took the meds up to Seer and made them put them into the suitcase before I would leave. I called dad and they didn't even tell him he wasn't coming home on Sunday until after I had taken the drugs up to Seer. He is now staying until at least Tuesday. Dad was crying on the phone tonight. We both were pretty upset. If Dan isn't on the plane at 7:00 dad is buying an airplane ticket and coming home. Dad only has enough meds until Monday. I feel so bad for him. I don't know what else I can do to help him. I will let you know as I find out more. LOVE MOM
I love KoolAid
I hope that Dad is able to make it home this weekend. I hope it starts to work out. Good luck with your photo shoot Robin, I am sure that it will turn out great. I did laundry today also Karen, it is pretty exciting. Isaac likes it though so he can play with his laundry basket. It has wheel under it and he pulls it around, we played with it all night. We went to the playgroup today and that was nice. I think that it will be a good thing for us. It is nice to get out of the house. I picked up the prescription for you Mom. We had to wait for it to be signed again but Isaac did really good. Casey fixed someones bike tonight so he didn't come home until late. He is going down to SLC tomorrow to work. Mom I love the squeeze koolaid. It is so good, me and Isaac drank two glasses each today. Thank you. I am going to have to get more. Everyone have a good weekend and don't work too hard.
PS My wheat is growing really well and I attached a picture.
PS My wheat is growing really well and I attached a picture.
Yeah it's the weekend. Work went by pretty fast today. I thought it was going to be slow but I got enough stuff to stay busy. I am doing laundry right now. Not very exciting but it needs to be done. It was really cold today and it snowed most of the morning. The sun did come out in the afternoon so any snow that did stick got mostly melted. I am planning on coming down and meeting mom for lunch tomorrow. Good luck with your photo shoot Robin. I am sure that it will be awesome. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
No dad
Dad didn't make his plane today. He is hoping that Sunday he gets to come home. I am getting some pills ready and they are going to ship them tomorrow so dad won't run out of pills. Just same old same old at my place. I think I am going to just go with the flow this weekend. I will see what I feel like on Saturday. That is a new one for me. I don't have much else going on. My puzzle is looking better and that was the extent of my activity tonight. I really need to clean but it will wait. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
sorry I forgot to blog last night but things are going well. I have a photoshot tomorrow. I am not prepared at all. I am going with the flow on this one. it will be a surprise to us all what will happen. Work was good today. it was a guys birthday so we went to sizzler for lunch. Then I came home and watched breaking bad. I guess I should be productive. Tomorrow is friday, its the guy that grommets last day so I think we are going out for lunch. have a great one
So glad
Well i am glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. Work is going good. Nothing too exciting to report there. Isaac is cute. I love the wheel barrel also. Did you put he in it and push him around. That is why I always thought it was cool. I am sorry that dad has to stay a little longer in China. Maybe he will get to see something else cool there since he has to stay. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Isaac is so cute. I love the way he said good night to the wheelbarrow. That just makes your whole day. I had a good day. Work was quiet and I didn't have a lot to do but I kept busy. I was so random tonight. I called Robin and we went shopping. It was so much fun just to walk around. We went to Gormans and we will all have to go there. I bought everyone a surprise. It was way fun. Dad called and they want him to stay in China. I don't have any details but I will keep you updated. I really loved the spring weather today. It was nice to have rain. I was very lucky and missed it both to and from work. I am off to play candy crush and try to catch up to Karen.
Good Night Wheelbarrow
Thanks for adding the picture Karen, I really like how the room turned out. Good job. Robin good job cleaning your car, I love clean cars. Mom I hope that Dad gets home soon and isn't delayed too long. I am glad that training is well. We had a good day. We started the play group today and I think that it will be fun. Most of the kids there are two so they are all about Isaac's age. I think that there were 9 kids total so it was a good size. They are going to meet every Wednesday and Friday It was rainy today but not bad enough that we stayed inside. Isaac loves the wheelbarrow and we used it a lot today. When we were putting him to bed he said night night wheelbarrow. It makes me laugh. Casey was asked to fix someones bike at brigerland so we went with him just to hang out. The guy didn't show up so we went out to icecream. It was a nice evening. Everyone have a good night.
Happy First Day of Spring
Well today was the first day of spring, so of course it was cold and snowing. But we did get cupcakes at work so that almost made up for it. I move my bed back against the wall and it is nice having everything but where it belongs. Work was good. I stayed busy for the most part so it went by pretty quick. Rachel I added a picture to my blog yesterday after you posted yours. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
I love your color of your room karen it looks really nice. I keep getting complements on my bag rachel everyone loves it. I think if we just start a fan page on facebook we will get some likes. I'm glad someone is taking over for forms mom that will be nice. I am doing good though. I'm more lazy then tired. I ran out of melatonin so I think that is why i am tired I have a hard time going to sleep. I will have to go get a new stock. Work was good we are staying ahead so its been nice. I decided last minute to clean my car, so at like 8;30 I went out and did that. hoepfully it looks nice it was dark so who know what I will find tomorrow. Not to much else have a great night
Love the name
I love the name of your fabric mountain. That is cute. I think you should make and design bags. I will help any way you need me to. I had a busy day and it was 3 before I got lunch today but that is OK. I trained the new person on forms and that was good. She will be really good. I talked with dad and they brought over the other detectors finally. They aren't working and so he has been doing that which is going to be hard if they don't start working since it is already Wednesday there and he leaves on Friday. I am not looking forward to rain and cold. I love the pictures you guys posted. Karen your room looks really nice. I love the color you picked out. Rachel your table runner is really cute. It turned out really nice. Not much else to report. Have a nice hump day. Robin I have been worried about you being so tired. Do you need any help? I can cook dinners or do your laundry. If you need anything you just let us know. LOVE MOM
Fabric Mountain
Today was a good day. Isaac really didn't want to go to story time but we went anyway and had to leave early since he didn't want to be there. I didn't even get to pick out new books for us. He was pretty good for most of it and then he just wanted to go in the car. He was tired from this weekend I think. He took a two and a half hour nap which was really nice since I sewed with Jenn today. I did this weeks mystery quilt and attached a picture, it is cute. We worked in the yard the rest of the afternoon. I have the blackberries all trimmed and a little of the raspberries. When Casey got home he drove the truck back and started pruning the trees. He go the pear done and a little of one apple tree. We will keep at it. The bishop wanted to take to me today and they called me to be a Bear leader. I think that it will be a fun calling and will work out good with Isaac. I hope that it is fun anyway. I am glad that you got some paint Karen.. That is a lot of work. Robin, if we start selling bags Casey said we need to call our site Fabric Mountain, it will be awesome. Everyone have a good night.

Monday, March 18, 2013
Thank You
Thanks for a fun weekend. I feel like I had a vacation. Thank you for being a great host Karen. We had a good day. It was nice to be back at home. I had a bunch of errands to do this morning so today went pretty fast. The are having you pick up the mystery quilt on Monday instead of Friday so we went and got it today. It is cute. I will take a picture when I am done. I planted peas today, I am excited about that. We will have a ton of peas between me and Karen. We went to khols and bought me and Isaac some new shoes. We got Isaac new sandals and I just needed a nice pair for going places. I have used my shoes outside to much so they will be my out door shoes now. Me and Isaac planted some wheat in a Easter basket on Thursday and when we came back yesterday it has grown. It is so fun to see. I hope that everyone has a good night. I am hating this cold weather, come back spring. :)
No Lips
I was doing laundry and working on my puzzle, my princess has no lips. I can't find the piece. I am sure eventually she will have lips. I had a such a nice weekend also. It was nice to laugh and play. Work was steady but nothing to major. I did work with the lady that took over forms. She is really nice. Dad called and was going to a famous shopping mall this morning. He was excited about that. He is just mostly hanging out incase there are problems. So I guess going to the mall is a good sign. It was cold this morning. I was back into a coat this morning. Two more days and it is spring. The days get longer than the night. I just love this time of year. Have a nice Tuesday.
tomorrow will be good
I was tired today but work went well today. Then I came home and I felt like I had a million things to do. but I was not productive so hopefully tomorrow I will be better. Not to much else with me. thanks for the fun weekend.
Things are good here in Kamas. It was colder today though. I wish it was as warm as it was last week. Work by fast which was nice. Thanks for the fun weekend and all the help you guys. I had a great time. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...