Saturday, April 18, 2020

Nice day

We slept in today and then Casey called and said he wanted to look at a car in SLC so they came down and we met them and got Sawadee and went to the park to eat it.  We played for a while and then went to the Jordan river walk way and walked around.  it is so nice to be outside.  I even cooked lasagna for dinner.  There were a lot more people out and about today.  Karen, I am glad you got some of your homework done.  That finger looks really burnt.  That is going to be sore for awhile.  Robin, I hope you had a nice day as well and that you got some sunshine.  Everyone enjoy tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. I slept in this morning. Then I ordered pizza 🍕 for lunch. It tasted good. Then I worked on homework for the rest of the day. I got a lot done. I have one more assignment to do and one more final project. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, April 17, 2020


It was a long day of payroll for me and I still didn't get it all done.  I will be glad when payroll gets back to normal.  It is crazy.  Not much happening on our end.  We did go to Sprouts to get dad some probiotics and they had sea weed snacks for the kids.  That was our big adventure.  Dad did buy some new games for his computer and I think he is enjoying playing those.  Karen good luck with school.  That sounds like a lot of work.  LOVE MOM


Good job with school Karen, you are so smart.  Today was good.  It was hat day for Oliver and he wore his hat over his head phones which was funny.  We got done with school early today.  We checked to see if we could watch Trolls 2 again so we watched that.  The kids echos came today and I think they will be fun for them.  It was sunny and the kids really wanted to do their water balloons from easter so they got in their swimsuits and we did them.  They had fun.  Casey mowed the front yard and it looks a lot better.  Ruth was spinning on the swing.  She came in from dinner and said she didn't feel good and then threw up all over.  Poor thing.  We watched the first Trolls after dinner.  I liked it better than the second one.  Love you guys.



Things are going good here in Kamas. I am making some headway with the homework I have to do. I finished one of my presentations last night and turned it in. This morning my professor graded it. He gave me a 20/20 and made a comment that it was a well done presentation. So I feel good about that. I just have 2 more projects to turn in and 2 homework assignments to turn in. Should be a busy weekend. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, April 16, 2020

20 years

I went to work today and they had my certificate for 20 years with Intermountain.  I get to choose a prize.  I am not sure what to get.  I think I will just get a purse.  They do have a bike you can get.  Does anyone want a bike?  I thought that might be a nice prize.  Let me know.  Robin, my eyes are dry also.  I keep thinking it is allergies but you would think it would be the other way around.  Karen that was such a good idea to get the kids a gift card to watch Trolls.  Robin do you want to hook up this weekend and go for a hike?  Me and Rachel were thinking about that.  Grabbing some lunches and then walking around for a while.  Still social distancing but can be together for a little while.  Karen has to get her final papers done so I am not sure if she will join us.  Let me know what you think.  Everyone kept giving me masks today.  I have one for me and dad now.  That is good because I think that is how we are going to be able to get out of the house by wearing masks.  I hope that Casey is feeling better.  I got really behind in my emails going to work.  I thought that was interesting because I have been able to get caught up and now I am behind again.  It is the end of the pay period so that always give me more emails.  Dad put new hard drives in his old computer and they seem to help the speed.  He felt good about that one.  LOVE MOM


I went to go on a walk this morning and we had a ton of snow and it was still snowing.  So I just went downstairs and sewed.  School went well today.  Oliver had a call with his class and he was really cute.  Karen was super sweet and sent us a amazon gift so we could watch trolls 2 this afternoon.   Thank you so much.  We had a fu. Time watching it.  After dinner Josh Groban had a you tube stream of a live concert he did for his bridges album.   So I watched it and sewed.  It was a lot of fun.  I enjoyed it.  Love you guys.  We are so spoiled.   I only took school pictures today.  Isaac's class is reading wonder and he had to draw himself like the wonder cover.  This is what he can up with.



Today was good it is.nice tomorrow is Friday. My eyes are so dry. I just wore glasses all day. them I made stir fry. Then I finished putting the chenelle-it on the top of Neverland panel. It took a lot longer than expected. But it was fun. Love you



It was cold and snowy here today. The sun did finally come out a little this evening. I got my allergy shot this morning. Just one more week of double shots and then I am on one a week for a while. Work was good. I stayed busy. Then after work I did homework. I hope everyone had a great day and I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Bye

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hump Day

Robin that is so nice you went to Costco to get supplies for Jeramy's friends.  I am glad you found those items.  We went to Walmart and there were more cars there than usual.  it still wasn't crowded but I hadn't connected the stimulus checks with shopping.  I bet that is what is going on.  A lot of people haven't had money to buy food.  That makes me feel better.  I have been worried about that.  Karen good luck with the end of the semester.  It is hard to keep focus in normal times this has to be a struggle.  If you need help let us know.  I am sorry that Casey isn't feels well.  I am glad he gets to work from home in his PJ's.  I am going into work for a little while tomorrow.  I need to get some things signed and printed and then scanned.  It is just not working out from home to do those things.  It is so cold and is suppose to snow tonight.  Dad ordered some new hard drives for his old computer because it was having problems.  They came tonight so we walked to the mail box and got them.  It was raining.  It was actually kind of fun to go out in the rain in the dark.  Felt like I was breaking the rules.  I have been taking Melatonin at night to sleep.  I just have been having such a hard time with that lately and nothing is working so I thought I would give it a try.  It is really helping me and I feel a lot calmer.  Sleep helps.  Have a nice Thursday.  Be safe in the snow.  LOVE MOM

What day is it?

It was cold and rainy all day today
  I wasn't able to walk because of the rain.  School went well.  Isaac had a call with his call and I knew how to do it and it went better.  Isaac was able to type and chat with everyone, he liked that.  We ordered sandwiches for lunch and they tasted good.  Mom and Dad ordered us dinner from El sol so it was a good food day.  Thanks again Mom and Dad that was fun.  We got our stimulus check deposited today.  It is fun. 


Bunnies fluff makes them cute.  Bunnies are cute.


Today was ok.  Glad we are closer to the weekend. Jeramy s friends don't have a Costco card so we ran to Costco to pick them up some diapers and toilet paper. It was so busy. Everyone working at Costco we're shocked how busy it was. I guess it had died down . I think everyone got their stimulas checks and buying food. Luckily their lines went fast. We bought us some more steak and we had tinfoil dinners. It tasted good. 



It was a cold windy day here. Work is going good.  After work I went to the store because I needed some Dr. Pepper. Then I read stuff for school. Tomorrow I have to do homework on it. I hope everyone is doing good and that you all had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


My day was good. I did get my shot this morning. I still do 2 times a week this week and next week, then I go to once a week for about 2 months and then it is monthly after that. It was meeting day at work so I spent all morning on the phone. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

I agree

I agree with Robin,  It was a long day as well.  I did get a lot done so that felt nice.  I was at 14 emails when I finished with work.  I think I have never had so few emails in my in box.  I was pretty excited.  We had another earthquake tonight.  I was thinking we were over those.  It lasted a long time.  Facebook said it was 4.2.  Rachel, I hope the kids had a fun sleep over.  Karen, I am glad you got your shot.  Do you just do once a week now or do you go on Thursday.  It is suppose to be rainy and cold the next two days but the weekend looks warm.  Well everyone have a great hump day.  I am going into work on Thursday.  I think I will go in for a full day just to get out of the house for awhile.  There is a few things that I need to print and get signed.  LOVE YA MOM


The kids aren't going back to school this school year.  The kids were excited about it and it will be good.  The kids had a fun time at Randy's.   They came home at lunch time.  I was able to finish quilting my quilt and I bound it.  I chose the wrong pattern to.quilt it.  I think it is too busy a pattern for the quilt.   Oh well, it is good to know and it will be a good tv quilt.  We did school this afternoon and it went pretty fast.  After dinner we went on a walk.  It was cold but it was nice.  We are going to buy Oliver and Ruth an Alexa for their rooms with the stimulus check.  Isaac wants a light up toliet seat that is motion activated,  it is funny. Love you guys.



Today was a long day. I woke up tired. We had tacos tonight and it tasted good. Not alot going on just work and tacos. We are wild in quarantine.

Monday, April 13, 2020


I looked in my bank account and the stimulus check is pending in there for the 15th.  So I will be here soon.  School went well today.  Randy called and had the kids spend the night tonight.  They will have a fun time.  Me and Casey went and picked up Thai food for dinner.  We went and priced shingles for the roof.  Then we watched Yesterday.   It was a good movie.  Love you guys.  If you need a hair cut come to Logan, they opened that up again and like Mom said gyms.


Back to work

I went back to work today and that was a struggle but I made it.  I actually made some progress so I felt good about that one.  We did go to curb pick up for dad's drugs tonight.  It was nice not to have to go into an instacare.  They weren't letting anyone just walk in so that was nice.  Not much else to report on my end.  Man it was cold and windy here today as well.  I took the garbage out and got mail and that was it.  I am sorry Jenkins got wet.  He might be traumatized for the rest of his life.  He is such a funny dog.  I am glad that Jeramy is feeling better.  That makes me feel better, I was worried.  Rachel, that was sweet of Randy to come and get the kids for a sleep over.  I bet is feels too quiet for you both.  I hope Ruth makes it through the night.  I give it a 50 percent chance.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  I didn't get my stimulus check.  I was hoping I would be the first but I think I will probably be the last.  On KSL I was ready where they are going to start opening things back up.  In Logan they opened the gyms back up.  I thought that was a light at the end of the tunnel.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


Nothing too exciting here in Kamas. It was just the usual for a Monday. It was cold and windy here today. It even showed for a little bit. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I'm glad everyone had a good Easter. Sorry we missed it. Jeramy is feeling better so that is good. He bought a dead pool .ask for work and it was delivered on Saturday. We just slept and relaxed all weekend. I worked from home today.. it was ok it was so cold out I didn't take Jenkins on a walk. We bothed.missed going out. Lol our grass was very yellow so I tried to program our sprinkler system on Sunday. I thought i got it all down but it popped up randomly when Jenkins was outside. I ran out to turn it off and I looked over and Jenkins was soaked just standing in one spot defeated. It was so funny but he wouldn't go out side the rest of the night. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Nice Weekend

Thanks for the fun weekend.  It was nice to hang out with Karen and then go to Logan.  I sure had fun with the kids.  They are so dang cute.  I am glad they liked their Easter Baskets. You do a good job Rachel.  We came home this morning and then dad went to work and I took a nap.  We did go for a long walk this afternoon and that felt nice.  I made 30 clove garlic chicken for dinner.  We are immuned now for everything.  Robin, I am glad that Jeramy is starting to feel better. I was worried about him.  I am glad that you are doing well.  Jenkins is going to have a hard time when life gets back to normal.  I am so ready for life to get back to normal.  5 weeks that is a long time to do home school.  I guess I have been home for a month now as well.  I am tired of feeling guilty everytime I go somewhere.  Well good luck getting back to work from home tomorrow.  I read where the covid checks started to get deposited on Saturday.  I haven't gotten mine yet.  Rachel when you are ready to do your roof let us know and we can help.  It will be so easy this time because all we have to do is put on shingles.  LOVE MOM

Hoppy Easter

Thanks for the fun weekend.  It was fun to dye Easter eggs and do a hunt.  Thanks again for coming up.  We missed you Robin and hope you guys are feeling better.  Today was nice.  The kids loved their Easter baskets and were really happy.  We thought we hide Isaac's the hardest but that was the first basket they found.  I had a ward council meeting which was good.  Randy and Terri came over and gave the kids some Easter eggs.  I quilted a lot of today.  I ordered a back for my black background quilt and it came on Friday.  So I loaded that on and I have quilted about half of it.  I think I may be ruining the quilt.  I am not sure I chose the best pattern to quilt.  I always think that but it will be ok when I am done I hope.  Casey made a stew with the leftover steak and it tasted really good.  It was cold but we played in the backyard the rest of the evening.  I went on a walk and it felt nice to get out a bit.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.  This is our fifth week of homeschool.  Crazy times.



My day has been good. It was a quiet day and I  got a nap. Thanks again for the fu weekend everyone and thanks for having us up Rachel. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...