Saturday, October 12, 2013


today was good I slept in and that was amazing. Then I went to witchapalozza with walters family. mostly his moms aunts and cousins. it was fun I did his mom and sisters makeup before and they like it I put on funky eyelashes. I didn't get any pictures but his family took a ton so I think I will get one soon. well have a great night I'm glad everyone is doing well and is having a fun weekend. love you robin

They be wed

Sorry I didn't blog last night it was after midnight when we got home and I forgot to write.  Josh Groban was amazing as usual.  His concert was really neat.  He did a lot with lighting and I really liked that.  His voice is amazing.  We got our new jackets and we are set until the next concert.  We went up to Logan this morning, Rachel followed us and then we went to lunch with Casey and Rachel and Isaac.  We went back home and took a nap and then we went and looked at shingles.  The wedding was really nice and Isaac was so handsome in his suit.  He did such a good job as the ring bearer and we had a really nice time.  I am glad that we are home.  Bed sounds really good.  I am so glad you finally got your birthday present Karen.  Yeah for me.  It should be a quiet week for me.  I am excited for Casey's birthday next weekend.  LOVE MOM


 I hope that mom and Rachel had a fun time at the concert last night. I also hope that all the wedding stuff today went well and that you had fun. I got the oil changed in my car this morning. Other than that I just cleaned up a bit around my house. Nothing too exciting but it is nice to have done. I did get my kindle yesterday in the mail. Thanks for the nice birthday present. Well have a good one. Bye

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sewing Machine

I am excited for Josh Groban also.  It is going to be epic.  I am excited.  I have got everything worked out and I am ready to come down.  Today I was at Randy's and Terry had a sewing machine that she was going to take to the DI so I snagged it for Karen.  I am excited.  I have been looking but all the sewing machines at the thrift stores are crap.  Your welcome.  Today was good.  The girls picked up Lauri at the airport so they were gone all morning.  They went to dinner at 4 but Isaac was asleep so we weren't able to go.  He was really tired today and needed the nap.  He had another late night and I felt bad.  Kimi had here bachelrolette party tonight at the crystal inn.  I had Randy watch Isaac for a hour and a ran up there.  It was good to go at the beginning, I said hi and had fun and then left.  It was good.  Well I will see you tomorrow Mom.  Yeah for Josh Groban.


I see Friday in my future

I made it to Friday and Josh Groban.  YEAH for me.  I am so excited.  I love the pumpkin Karen that is so cute.  I couldn't download my picture on my phone.  I am assuming it is the salad because I got Rachel's message saying she didn't know if she could eat it.  Hopefully it will download someday.  It just takes a couple of days.  I went and saw Kyle.  He is in bad shape and just wants to die but doesn't take any pain meds because it might kill him.  He is just so confused.  Julie was a mess and looked worse than Kyle did.  They all left and I stayed for awhile.  He was going to go to sleep when I left.  It is rainy and cold here today.  Dad took me to Del Taco for dinner and it tasted good.  I love hard tacos.  Have a great breakfast Robin.  Free food is Free food.  I am going to meet Rachel at the Gateway and go to dinner and then the concert.  Saturday is the wedding and we are just going up for the day.  Have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM


That is a cool pumpkin karen that is awesome. Today was alright. work was crazy my boss just gets under my skin some days and i let it get to me to much. but the work day is done and I am relaxing and enjoying the night. I have watched law and order and vegged it was nice. Tomorrow at work they want to take us to breakfast so we are going in the morning I guess. i think its going to be a catstrophe but thats just me. anyway have a great night robin

did it

Well I got my pumpkin carved and my salad made. I went to the store and got a glow stick to put in my pumpkin tomorrow. Other than that my day was pretty quiet. To make up for the short email here is a picture of my pumpkin and the original picture. Have a good one.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tired from my big busy day

Today was good.  This morning me and Isaac watched movies in his room so we didn't wake anyone up.  It was fun.  kalysis came and picked up the towels for enrichment so I feel good having that done.  I made waffles for lunch and they turned out good.  We went thrift store shopping for a while and Randy got Isaac a truck he likes.  Me, Mandy and Isaac came home when Casey went to work to take a nap.  Isaac really needed one.  I finished the binding on the quilt and fell asleep also.  Everyone was gone when I got up so we meet up with them at randys and spent the evening there.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  Robin Charlotte likes your make-up posts.  Karen that sounds like a good desert and I am glad you had a fun night mom.  That sounds nice.


rainy day

I saw on the count down only 1 more day for josh groban :) hope you guys have fun! I'm glad you got your hair cut rachel its the best feeling. you feel so fresh. Karen on msn the put some halloween recipes I thought you would like it :) well nothing to crazy for me it was a relaxing day work was normal. and I just came home and vegged. walter is still working on paper work. gotta love the government. He has a job interview tomorrow for SLCC college so keep your fingers crossed for that. he hopes he gets it. well have a great night. so close to the weekend. just a few more days robin


It is raining.  Karen that does sound like a good salad.  I will be interested to see how all the colors turn out.  That is fun they gave you a pumpkin.  That will be fun to carve you are very good at that.  I had a class this afternoon I went to and I wasn't impressed with the new software.  It is going to be interesting to see how it all works out. I had a fun time at Gardner Village.  They decorated it so cute and there were a lot of fun stores.  I am glad I went.  It started to rain after we went to dinner so it was perfect timing.  Not much else to report.  Two more days and Josh will be here.  Have a great Thursday.  It has been a busy week.  LOVE MOM

Half way

Well my day was good. Work only dragged a little bit. They gave us pumpkins to carve for the party on Friday. So after work I went to WalMart. I got a pumpkin carving kit. I also got stuff to make a macaroni salad. I got green and orange noodle and black food coloring for the mayo. I thought that would make it look more halloweenie. It looked like a good recipe. It needed 1 pound of bacon cooked and crumbled. I was just going to get the already crumbled stuff, but it only came in 3oz containers. So it was cheaper just to buy bacon and cook it. So I did that and boiled eggs when I got home. I am going to carve my pumpkin tomorrow. Well I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Good job Karen on your doctors appointment.  I am glad that you are doing better.  Robin it sounds like you had a good evening.  That is fun.  I am glad that you had a good day Mom.  That sounds fun to meet up with Julie and Kay, have fun.  Today was good but busy.  Everyone spent the night at our house and that was fun.  Thanks for the mattresses Mom.  When everyone got up they jumped on the trampoline and ate apples.  Then we went thrift store shopping.  I thought that they would be busy today so I hadn't canceled with Jenn so I left them shopping and sewed with Jenn and it was fun.  Casey brought Isaac home when he had to go to work.  Then we headed to scouts.  The boys were pretty good today.  Then we went up to Randy's and spent the evening with the girls.  It was a really fun night.  Charlotte cut mine and half of Isaac's hair.  I love mine.  She did a a line and it is really really cute.  Isaac looks good also she just got the bottom half done.  He loved being the center of attention and is worn out.  Well I am off to bed, everyone have a good night.


Part 2

Today was good. Work was work. I was so excited when the work day was over instant happiness :) then me and Walter got subway sandwiches and drove up cottonwood canyon and ate on a hiking trail with all the pretty leaves then got apple cider from Starbucks. He had some more paper work to fill out so we didnt get pumpkins done. We are thinking Saturday before witch's night out. I'm glad that your doctors visit went well Karen that is super awesome. Good job. I'm excited for you guys to see josh groban that will be awesome. I had some people start asking about make up jobs so that will be fun. October is starting to pick up some speed. Have a great night



Karen that is such wonderful news.  Congratulations.  You did it.  I bet Dr. Miner was so proud of you.  Keep up the good work.  My day was good.  Work was quiet and I am getting caught back up.  There are clear spots on my desk.  It looks so nice.  I handed over the final project I took over for the other job.  That felt nice also.  One less thing to worry about.  Tomorrow I have a class by the IMED center and then in the evening I am going out with Kay and Julie.  They are going to Gardner village.  I am going to ride Trax down there after the class.  I am going to ride down with some one from work and she is going to drop me off at Trax.  That should be good.  Not much else going on with me.  I hope you got your pumpkins carved Robin and Rachel I hope you are having fun with Casey's sisters.  I bet Isaac is loving all the attention.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM   PS Two more days and I get to go to Josh :)


Well my day was good. My doctors appointment was good also. My A1C was 7.1. Yea. I got in early so I got done early as well. It was nice. Work was good and short because I only had to work four hours today. Well have a good one. Bye

Monday, October 7, 2013

fall festivities

today was good. Work went fast so that was nice. it was so slow the last two weeks it nice its starting to speed up. Then I met up with walter. I decided to have fall festivities. So we went to the store and got pumpkins and root beer extract. Then I came home and made steaks. they were really good. I ate a few bites and was full so walter ate mine to. after he was extremely full so we finished the root beer and froze them in the freezer in by root beer mugs and red boxed star trek. we didn't make it to pumkin carving, so we are going to try another night. I will post pictures when we get them done. Not to much else with me. I'm glad that you guys are doing well. Isaac looks so cute in his outfits. The makeup one makes me laugh. :) OH mom walters nephews liked the chocolate milk straws. I guess they work out. anyway have a great night robin

Day went fast

Dad had a doctor's appointment this morning so I went in to work late.  The doctor thinks he just had a lot of stress and he reacted to that. I know none of us thought that one.  I went to work and left a little early so we could go to dinner with Rachel.  It was so much fun to see everyone.  I hope Charlotte had a good time.  Good luck Karen with the doctor.  I feel bad we are taking the day to play but I understand it is hard to miss so much work.  We will play another day.  I am so glad that Walter's grandma liked her blanket.  That was the perfect gift.  I am glad you thought of that Robin.  I am excited that you got an appointment for the ultrasound.  That will be here before you know it.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Today was a pretty busy day.  This morning me and Isaac went to the store and got stuff to absorb the smell downstairs.  It is helping, I can still smell it but it isn't as bad.  Then we went to the fabric store and got some binding fabric.  It will be nice to get that quilt all done.  Then I had a doctors appointment.  I didn't have to wait and it went really fast.  Everything looks good, the ultrasound will be on Oct 28 so then we will know what it is.  I am excited to find out.  When I was at the fabric store they had all this cute fabric and I had to tell myself to wait.  After lunch Casey jumped on the trampoline with Isaac and I was able to get most of the kits done for enrichment this Friday.  Then we headed to SLC to put up Charlotte and have dinner with Mom and Dad.  It was a really nice day and I am glad that I went down.  Thanks Mom and Dad for the nice evening.  Isaac was sad to leave you guys.  He fell asleep in the car which was nice since he didn't get a nap.  Everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.  Good luck at your doctors tomorrow Karen.  I hope that everything goes great.



Well my Monday was good. A lady at work made pumpkin chocolate muffins and they were super yummy. I think that might have made the morning good. I made the steaks mom got me (on the grill Robin got me for my birthday) and they turned out really good. I am all set to go to the doctor tomorrow. And by a lucky break it is during engineering meeting. I guess I will just have to miss it, darn. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye  

Sunday, October 6, 2013


today I went to walters house for his grandma's 90th birthday. She liked the blanket I got her, so that was nice. I am going to witchapalozza on saturday. apperently its with all of his aunts and cousins. so that will be awkward. I hope it goes well. anyway thanks for the fun time yesterday. Isaac looks so cute in his outfits. hes all grown up. nothing to much else with me have a great night robin


My day was pretty quiet as well. Rachel I am sorry about the smell. That is rough. Thanks for the fun time yesterday mom and Robin I had a great time. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye

Something has died

Friday I noticed that it was smelling bad downstairs but I couldn't find anything.  It has gotten worse as the weekend went on and it is a dead mouse in the wall.  Casey thinks when he put all the insulation up it got trapped and died.  I need to go to Lowes tomorrow and get something to get ride of the smell.  We had a good weekend.  Casey worked Friday and Sunday.  He is taking tomorrow off to pick up Charlotte and didn't want to us his leave.  Yesterday we got paint for the race car bed and went grocery shopping.  Then we walked to the park.  Isaac made a friend and he can climb the rope ladder by himself.  Today we were all tired and just took it easy.  We did paint one side of the race car bed and went on a walk.  During Isaac's nap I finally finished quilting the quilt.  I just need to bind it now.  YEA.   This evening I had some energy so I tried on Isaacs new outfits and they fit really good.  His Halloween costume is a little big but it will work great.  Thanks Mom.  I attached pictures.  I like your burp cloth Mom.  It is really cute.


Quiet day

It was a quiet day for me here in SLC.  I got up late and then dad went to work.  I washed the sheets on my bed and made a burb cloth.  I thought I would make one boy one and then one girl one and so forth.  I always seems to use them up.  I only had one in my stash.  Everyone is always so good to post pictures so I took one of what I made. It is isn't fancy but it looks cute.  I hope everyone had a great day.  It was so pretty outside.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...