Saturday, October 12, 2013

They be wed

Sorry I didn't blog last night it was after midnight when we got home and I forgot to write.  Josh Groban was amazing as usual.  His concert was really neat.  He did a lot with lighting and I really liked that.  His voice is amazing.  We got our new jackets and we are set until the next concert.  We went up to Logan this morning, Rachel followed us and then we went to lunch with Casey and Rachel and Isaac.  We went back home and took a nap and then we went and looked at shingles.  The wedding was really nice and Isaac was so handsome in his suit.  He did such a good job as the ring bearer and we had a really nice time.  I am glad that we are home.  Bed sounds really good.  I am so glad you finally got your birthday present Karen.  Yeah for me.  It should be a quiet week for me.  I am excited for Casey's birthday next weekend.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...