Friday, August 8, 2014


Karen came down tonight so she could miss the tour de Utah and we went to see the movie Lucy.  It was OK.  Karen wanted everyone to know she won 100 dollars to day in the drawing.  She is so lucky.  Rachel I just love those pictures.  They are so cute.  I am so excited to play tomorrow.  We are meeting at the Ogden Dinosaur Park and Museum 1544 Park Blvd.  It is up 12th avenue past Harrison.  It looks like 12th turns into Ogden Canyon Road.  Everyone drive safe.  Robin is going to come with us.  I think her and Karen are driving and me and dad are picking up Grandma Bodily.  Should be a fun day.  I will see you around 10:00.  LOVE MOM

Train ride

Well we will see everyone tomorrow for the most epic birthday party ever.  I am ready.  We had a good day.  Casey worked on the car all day trying to get it running.  He is not there yet but he is close.  I took the boys to the mall this morning to get out of the house and it was fun to walk around.  Oliver took a long nap in the afternoon and me and Issac played cars and I made some salsa.  It turned out really good and I have been eating it all day.  After dinner to get out of the house we all went out for ice cream.  Isaac didn't want to go home so I dropped Casey off and we headed to the park.  When we got their we saw the train driving around and Isaac was so excited.  So we were waiting for it to come back and Andrea from the ward was walking over to get her kids and she reminded me it was the ward party.  I had completely forgotten.  So the train was over their so we walked over.  They were in the middle of the program so the train wasn't running so we waited.  It was really fun to talk to everyone and then Isaac got to go on a ride which he loved.  I was worried because it was Oliver's bed time but he just fell asleep, he is an angel.  When the ride was over it started to rain really really hard.  We were parked kind of far away so we just waited in the pavilion for it to stop and then hurried to the van before it started up again.  It turned out to be a fun evening.  Well everyone drive safe tomorrow and we will see you then.


Robin's grapes are crazy

My salsa

Isaac was making up names for all the cars.  It was so cute.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Today was good after work I meet up wih mom and Julie, it was fun. I got some new storage things for my little storage place on my patio. I'm excited thanks mom. I am so excited tomorrow is Friday It's been a long week. I don't have to much else going on have a good one



Today was really pleasant weather.  It was really nice outside.  I put a roast in the crock pot for dinner and that tasted good.  I put potatoes from our garden in, they were a little small but tasted really good.  I was going to take Isaac to the jump zone but it never worked out so we ended up getting Dad's present then we had some time before we had to pick up Casey so we went to Merrill Olsen park and Isaac waded in the water.  It was really fun.  When we got Casey we got him some tool and got ice cream with sprinkles on it.  After dinner we walked to the park and it was nice.  A lady down the street was there and she has a daughter Isaac's age and they play together well.  It was nice to talk to her also.  I took Isaac's old stroller for Oliver since Isaac always wants to take his happy birthday wagon.  The old stroller is a lot lighter and it was good to push.  I hope that you got all your fabric figured out Mom.  I am sorry that I missed your call.  I am excited to sew pot holders, this will be fun.



Work was quiet and I got a lot done today.  I slept last night and that really helped.  I picked up
Robin and we went to meet Kay and Julie.  We went to JoAnn's and Shopko and Spaghetti factory.  It was fun.  WE got all the stuff we need to make pot holders for next weekend.  I am excited for the weekend also.  It will be fun to hang out.  Have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. I got to help in assemble things today so that made the day go by fast. Then after work I went to Heber and got rolls for the luncheon tomorrow. I am excited for the weekend. It should be an epic birthday adventure. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Baby step

Today was good. I am still watching the girl for qc work so time is starting to drag because I'm not doing anything. But it's nice to see what she does so I can know how to deal with some issues. My throat is so dry. I don't know if it's allergies or oncoming cold.cor just annoying. It's a mixture. Walter called me today he had his school orientation today. He's excited. He has some paper work to fill out and still has to go to the school to get classes but it's moving along. So that was good. Well I think that is all I have . Night


Rainbow Chicken Nuggets

Isaac wanted to eat rainbow chicken nuggets today.  I think that if we invent them we will make a million selling them to little kids, maybe. Today was good.  It was raining this morning so Casey drove the van and I didn't have to water the lawn which was nice.  We played parking garage a lot today, I am glad that he likes it.  Isaac took a nap this afternoon which was a nice break.  Oliver is teething right now so he doesn't feel a hundred percent.  He was cold his morning so I put him in long pants and socks and he looked pretty cute in them.  I had enrichment tonight so Casey took the boys to Chick fil and saw the old cars that were meeting their.  I only stayed an hour since I had to come home and feed Oliver but I was ready to go anyway.  They hadn't started yet we had just been eating so I felt like it was a good time to slip out.  I hope that you sleep better tonight Mom, I hate being tired.  I will plan on 10 am for Saturday then.  That will be fun.  I forgot to say that they are starting a weekend shift at Casey's work and he is going to apply to be the lead for that.  It will give him more time to work on his contracting in the week.


Good Day

It was a nice day.  Nothing great just a nice day.  Work was good and we just hung out tonight.  Dad is still trying to get over his cough and I didn't sleep very good last night so we both just vegged.  I think 10 will be perfect for Saturday.  That will be fun.  It is suppose to be really nice weather.  I hope everyone had a good day.  Good job on the lawn mowing Karen.  I bet your lawn is nice and green now.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM

no rain

Well there has been no rain here today. I kept hoping it would so I wouldn't have to mow, but alas it didn't so I had to mow. It really needed to be done so I am kind of glad I got it done. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I am glad that the week is half over. Tomorrow I have to go shopping and get stuff for the luncheon at work. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

It's raining

Today was good. I'm just shadowing still so I feel useless but I guess it's all learning. I vacuumed today it was needed it feels nice. Walter had a friend pass away so it may be a hit or miss on when he can make it for dad's epic day. The funerals Saturday. I am glad that it's Wednesday tomorrow I am ready for the weekend. Well not to much else


Two eyes in the dark

Mom, I think that we should meet around 10:00 Saturday if that works for everyone.  I think that you sounded good on the family news letter also, good job.  We had a good day.  We played with the parking garage a lot and it was fun.  Isaac is getting pretty good at pretending.  The lady who did story time today does a really good job.  Last time she did it, it was about rockets and Isaac has been obsessed with them since then.  Today she talked about camping and she did the bear hunt.  He has talked about that all day.  About the cave and the bears eyes, it made an impression.  It did rain this evening but it looked like it was more over by the wellsville's.  After Oliver went to bed and Casey was headed that way Isaac had a ton of energy so we went to Joanns and ran around.  It was fun.  Their was big puddles in the parking lot and he jumped in those for a long time.  I am excited for Saturday.  We will have a fun time.


Double Rainbow

Tonight it started to pour rain and then there was a huge double rainbow.  It was just beautiful.  I did look on the weather and saw that Logan was getting pounded.  I hope you got a good rain storm.  It will do amazing things to your garden.  Not much else going on with me.  I am going to hook up with Julie and Robin on Thursday and go to Spaghetti Factory and Joanns to get fabric to make pot holders.  What time are we meeting on Saturday?  Have a great Wednesday. 



My day has been good. Work stay pretty busy and of course there was engineering meeting. The weather was pretty in the morning but it got stormy in the afternoon. Spaghetti sounded good today, so I cooked and made that for dinner. Then I was super good and even did my dishes. Rachel that sounds like a fun trip to the toy store. I hope it helps the potty training. Well I hope everyone had a good day. Bye

Monday, August 4, 2014

A trip to the toy store

We had a good day.  We went grocery shopping this morning and that went smoothly.  When we got home I had Oliver laying on the floor by Isaac and he rolled over to him.  It was cute that his first roll was over to his brother.  Our beans were ready and Salmon sounded good to Casey so I made Salmon and green beans, it tasted really good.  Isaac had his jar full of fluffy balls from going to the potty so we took him to red balloon toys and he chose out a parking garage.  I think that it will be fun and we had a good time playing with it tonight.  We made a big deal about the potty and brought the jar with us and handed it to the cashier and told them that he had peed in the potty and earned the prize.  We are hoping that it will motivate him more.  We tried at least.  I hope that Dad feels better soon.  If you have any birthday suggestions for Dad let me know.


rainy days and mondays

It really rained here tonight.  It was cool.  Lots of lightening.  It has quieted down now but for awhile there it was crazy.  I won best tasting in the competition today.  It was fun to have a party at work.  I made lemonade ice cream.  Grandma Bodily gave me the recipe.  Dad has a bad cough so he stayed home from work today. He has a check up with his heart doctor tomorrow morning so hopefully he will listen to his lungs and made sure he is OK.  I am going to go with him.  Robin I am glad you job is going well and Karen I am glad you got your meds.  That always feels better.  Rachel, tell Casey I really like that car.  I love that style.  He is really going to love it once it works.  LOVE MOM


Today was good I started to get trained on qc stuff. The day goes so fast. It's nice to have it move along. I also went to the gym after work it was nice. I then came home and ate a million cookies. So it was a balanced day :) it started raining really hard tonight it was fun. Well that's about all with me have a good Tuesday



My Monday has been good. Work went by fast. The weather was nice most of the day. After work it got rainy and stormy. I went to Heber after work and got some more insulin pens. Exciting times I know. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, August 3, 2014


We had a nice Sunday.  We took Grandma Bodily out to breakfast and Walmart and then came back home and had a nap.  That was nice.  I made dinner for someone that we Home Teach because they had a baby and then we put a puzzle together and watched a movie.  Not much else going on with us.  Have a great week.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I had a nap also. It did rain a little bit here today. It still looks like it could rain at any time though. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was chill I odd nothing but sleep it was nice, it did make cookies but burned half of them o well I tried. Not to much else with me have a good weekend


We had a good day.  We went to church this morning which went good.  I had to teach and I think it went pretty well.  Casey was amazing today and picked and dried apricots and then made bread.  The blackberries are coming on and they taste so good.  This year is a good year for berries, they taste really good.  I also attached a picture of Casey's car finally.  It is pretty awesome.  Well not much else going on I hope that everyone had a good day.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...