Saturday, August 29, 2020

Nice day

 We had a nice day. We hooked up with Karen in Park City for lunch. Dad needed some new shoes and karen needed a printer cartridge. I got king crab for dinner and Rachel and the kids came down. There was so much meat on the legs. They were good. I have never cooked it before so it was fun. We are going to lagoon tomorrow. They close at 6 so it will be a quick trip I am impressed with your mail box Robin. So cute


Today was good. We slept in..then I made a mail box. It was fun. Jeramy smoked some roast beef. It tasted good. Hope everyone is having a good weekend

Friday, August 28, 2020

We made it

 We made it to the weekend.  That is always nice.  I was over my hours so I left around 230 and went to Kay's house and we went shopping for some stuff for Alyssa's shower.  It is for sure going to be on Karen's real birthday, Sept 12 at 4:00 at Jen's house.  Good luck Rachel with your water heaters.  Call if you need anything.  Drive safe.  I m going to try and cook crab tomorrow night and then on Sunday we are going to Lagoon.  It looks like it will be cooler so that will be nice.  Did everyone get the pictures of the spiders?  We are cranking them out.  Looking good.  LOVE MOM 


 Thanks guys, I hope everything goes smoothly with the water heater.  Ruthie didn't sleep well against night.  I think she is growing and it is waking her up.  Anyway I was tired.  I walked and went to exercise class, we did yoga today and that always feels good.  Me and Ruth had Jimmy John's for lunch and that was fun.  Then we got a new craft and went grocery shopping.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was another really hot day.  The boys had a fun day at school and are liking all the recesses they have.  After dinner we walked to the park and the kids played for a while.  It was a pretty evening.  Love you guys and we will drive down tomorrow.



easy street

Today was nice I'm glad it was Friday. Jeramy made chicken fajitas tonight and it tasted good. We just took it easy and relaxed hope everyone has a good weekend



 Yeah, it's the weekend. Things are going good here. Just work and school stuff. I did take a break and scrubbed my tub. It needed it. Good luck installing your water heater Rachel. If you need help just give me a call. Have a great weekend everyone. Bye 

Thursday, August 27, 2020


I am glad the boys made it back to school.  I wish we had a video of the epic turn for Isaac.  That is fun.  Not much going on with me.  We worked today and went and got the jeep.  Hopefully it is fixed this time.  Rachel if you change your mind and need help we can come up.  We don't mind helping.  I am over my hours so tomorrow I am going to get off work a little early and meet up with Kay and go shopping for Alyssa's wedding shower.  I think that will be fun.  Have a nice Friday.  The last one in August.  Man time is going by way to fast.  Be safe.  LOVE MOM 


 I was tired today. I had trouble falling asleep last night and then at 230 my heoa filter alarm went off saying I needed to replace the filter. I made it through the day. Work was good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 The boys made it back to school.  They seemed to be feeling a lot better today, they weren't ever really sick just a bit of a cold.  Isaac dogged a ball at four square and did a 180 turn and all the kids cheered for him. The was really happy.  Me and Ruth had a good day together.  We went and got more chocolate milk and went to her preschool open house.  She likes to do crafts so we do that and reads books. It is fun.  Tony is doing better on his walks with not pulling.  It was really hot when we walked to get the boys.  He was laying down and drinking water when we got back which was funny.  Oliver had a virtual back to school night tonight so we did that.  One of the water heaters was dented so Casey went and exchanged it for a better one.  Don't worry about coming to help.  Randy said he would come so I think we are ok.  Thank you.  We will still come down Saturday for dinner.  Love you guys.



Wednesday, August 26, 2020

I think I can, I think I can

It was a long day but I got a lot done so that was good.  Dad's jeep is back in the shop and hopefully it is fixed this time.  They said the wheel bearing went out.  I am going into work tomorrow so that will make the day go by fast.  Rachel I think we should come up on Saturday and help you.  It is so much easier to have a few more hands.  Robin, I did order that netting today so Halloween is starting to take shape.  We have a whole box full of spiders.  Everyone have a nice day.  I hope Isaac doesn't throw up tonight.  I did watch the hurricane a lot today.  I like to watch the storm but not all the damage it does.  LOVE MOM 


Today was good  they didn't have food trucks that we liked so we went to wallabies for dinner. We made a homemade hornet catcher. It was working but the last few days we didn't catch any. So I figured it needed to update the sugar water. Last time Jeramy added honey so with the sugar and sitting in the heat it firmented so we made hornet wine. Lol I think that is why they stopped going in. So we replaced it so it should smell like sugar again. 



Isaac threw up again last night so we kept him home again.  Oliver was doing better so I took him to school.  He still has a runny nose so I asked his teacher what she thought.  She didn't know so we went and talked to the school nurse.  She check Oliver out and he was good but they called the district and they wanted him to wait 24 hours before coming back.  I got his work and we headed home. I emailed Isaac's teacher and got his work also.  It felt good to get them caught up and do their school work.  Then we just played the rest of the afternoon.  I did walk Tony this morning.  The pet instructor suggest a new harnesses and I got it.  Yesterday we were still struggling but today went a lot better.  He hardly pulled at all so that was awesome.  Mom ordered us pizza for dinner which was fun and tasted good.  Our water heaters have been failing and Casey has been keeping them going but this week one stopped working again.  So we decided to replace both of them.  So tonight we went and bought them and we will install this Saturday.  It will be nice.  Love you guys and have a good night.  This week is going fast.



 Things are going good here. I am glad that the week is half over though. Work is still moving along. Nothing too wild and crazy there. After work I logged onto school and was told I had to do a COVID prevention training. It is was boring and took forever but I made it thru and then I did my cover letter and commented on the discussions I needed to. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

AT work

I went to work today and wearing a mask all day is hard.  No wonder the kids don't feel good.  It wears you out. We went grocery shopping also after work.  Robin, I was with you.  We had bought some meat to fry and I warmed up left over noodles.  It tasted good.  Karen, I am surprised they had a big meeting but I am glad you met the CEO.  Intermountain has canceled all events over 10 people until 2021.  Dad finished up Oliver's knight he wanted.  It is cool.  Good luck with school.  I am working from home tomorrow and that will be good.  I didn't read one email all day.  I am glad it is hump day tomorrow.  Kay called and me and her are going to give Alyssa a shower on September 12 at Jen's back yard.  Kind of a open house.  I told them I couldn't go on the 19th because we are going to the quilt show.  LOVE YOU GUYS LOTS MOM 


 My day went by pretty quickly. We had a company meeting this morning. Our old ceo, new ceo, and graco ceo were there. So that took up most of the morning. Then it was just catch up on stuff in the afternoon. After work I worked on my technical writing homework. I had to find a job I would qualify for and write a cover letter and resume for it. So I got the resume done and just need to wait the cover letter. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 Oliver has a runny nose and a bit of a cough.  We didn't know what was best but we kept him home today.  He is fine and the cough medicine helps so I think he will go tomorrow.  Isaac threw up all night so he stayed home also.  I was tired today.  We didn't do much today, I just had the boys rest.  This evening we mowed the lawn and it looks nice.  Not much exciting to report.  Love you guys.




Today was good. Work was work. I mowed the lawn. Jeramy needed to pick up his prescription at Costco. We ended buying half the store. Then I was tired so we just had warm ups. 


Monday, August 24, 2020


I was with Robin, I just couldn't get into work today.  I had attitude.  I did run errands on my lunch hour and got my blood pressure checked.  It had gone down so that was good.  I want to go to the quilt show.  That is neat they are having that.  I had such a fun time last time.  I have to go into work tomorrow.  They are opening a new clinic and I need to help. Dad's allergies are bad.  He is struggling a little bit.  Well have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM 


 I want to go to the quilt show.  I wonder if they have coupons for it.  Thanks for remembering Robin.  Today was good.  Same old same old, I walked and went to exercise class.  We did arms today and I am sore.  Me and Ruth ran errands afterwards.  We registered Tony with the city and now he is like Mr T with all his tags.  Ruth watched a movie and I worked on my data analysis stuff.  We walked to get the boys and it was so so hot.  We take Tony and just wait for the boys by the canal so we aren't around all the kids.  It has been working.  Tony had puppy class tonight and we learned Take it, Leave it, Drop it and Wait.  It is really interesting and I am learning a lot.  Thanks again Mom.  




Today was a Monday I had a hard time wanting to work. We ran to the store after work for groceries. Then we had shake and bake chicken for dinner. In the 19th they are having the quilts in the garden if you want to go. I'm glad everyone had a good weekend



 My day was good. I got introduced to the new ceo. We are having a welcome meeting tomorrow for him. The graco ceo is also here for that. We get a free box lunch also. That is all my excitement for the day. It was just the usual other than that. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Dad sent me this picture from Lagoon and I wanted to learn how to post pictures.  I DID IT!!!!!


Sunday, August 23, 2020


Rachel, I am so glad you had a fun trip.  It looks beautiful.  That is nice you were all alone in your camp ground.  That is amazing.  Not much going on here.  I slept late and took a nap.  I was lazy.  I did make zucchini casserole tonight for dinner and it tasted really good.  I like the recipe.  I did work a little bit on payroll but no to much.  Those two hurricanes are interesting.  Maybe we will get some of the rain.  We sure could use some.  LOVE MOM 


 I am glad that you had a fun time camping. I just had a lazy day today. I did make chicken enchiladas for dinner. They tasted good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


 We made it back and had a fun time.  We went to Cottonwood Lake by Afton Wyoming.  It is a pretty drive.  We stopped in Montpellier for lunch, it is a cute town.  We found a really nice camp spot and we were by ourselves so Tony could be off his leash.  He was really good to stay by us.  We didn't bring enough air mattresses so I dropped everyone off at the late and drove to Afton to buy one.  Their isn't much there but I was lucky and found one.  The lake is smaller than Tony's grove so there wasn't many places to canoe so they were done when I got back.  We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows for dinner and the kids told ghost stories.  Oliver lost his shoe but we found it in the morning.  Their were sticker bushes and the dog and kids picked up a bunch of those.  Tony had a hard time sleeping, he got cold.  Casey ended up putting him in the sleeping bag with him and he did a lot better.  This morning we went hiking and it was fun and really pretty.  Their was a big boulder Oliver had fun climbing.  We had sandwiches for lunch and then headed back.  We are all tired but it was really fun and nice to get away.  Ruthie's preschool asked if I could work their on Thursday's and I am going to do it.  Ruth can stay with me and it will be fun to do.  Love you guys and have a good Monday.  It will be hard to get back to normal life.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...