Sunday, August 23, 2020


 We made it back and had a fun time.  We went to Cottonwood Lake by Afton Wyoming.  It is a pretty drive.  We stopped in Montpellier for lunch, it is a cute town.  We found a really nice camp spot and we were by ourselves so Tony could be off his leash.  He was really good to stay by us.  We didn't bring enough air mattresses so I dropped everyone off at the late and drove to Afton to buy one.  Their isn't much there but I was lucky and found one.  The lake is smaller than Tony's grove so there wasn't many places to canoe so they were done when I got back.  We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows for dinner and the kids told ghost stories.  Oliver lost his shoe but we found it in the morning.  Their were sticker bushes and the dog and kids picked up a bunch of those.  Tony had a hard time sleeping, he got cold.  Casey ended up putting him in the sleeping bag with him and he did a lot better.  This morning we went hiking and it was fun and really pretty.  Their was a big boulder Oliver had fun climbing.  We had sandwiches for lunch and then headed back.  We are all tired but it was really fun and nice to get away.  Ruthie's preschool asked if I could work their on Thursday's and I am going to do it.  Ruth can stay with me and it will be fun to do.  Love you guys and have a good Monday.  It will be hard to get back to normal life.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...