Thursday, November 2, 2023


 Work was good. Not much going on. I came home and we had a easy dinner. I did go to the store and made Mac and cheese for saturday lunch and I am going to make Ramon noodle casserole for saturday dinner.  Drive safe Rachel. I will miss Oliver but that is fun he gets to go to a birthday party. Luna is coming to spend the night also. Love mom


 Oliver has a birthday party on Saturday so he is going to stay home.  We will leave around 5 tomorrow so Oliver isn't alone.  I finished Mom's quilt today so I think we are all ready.  Today was good.  The kids were good but got done with the lessons fast and were kind of bored.  It's fine.  Isaac had chamber music practice and the little kids had piano lessons.  I went to exercise class and it was so much fun.  It felt good to go.  See you guys tomorrow.

Love Rachel 


 I am jealous that you had the day off Robin. My day was good. I went to work and it went by pretty fast. Then I came home and me and mom went grocery shopping. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 


I took that off so that was nice. I started working on Lunas doll house. Jeramy had the day off too. I didn't finish, we went down to Provo after dinner to help his sister pick out flooring. Then we just relaxed all night


Wednesday, November 1, 2023


 I made it back to work and it was a huge mess. It took me all day to get it cleaned back up. Crazy. Intermountain laid 66 people off yesterday. 5 of them were people I had worked with when I was in continuous improvement. It was really hard. I worked late and dad and Karen cooked dinner. Karen helped me park in the garage. It was nervous. I hope I can get out in the morning. I think my tooth is starting to get better. I used the Clove oil. Man That stuff is powerful. I had to dilute it in water. Not a.lot but a little. I hope the pain goes away soon. I am excited for the weekend. Love mom


 I am glad everyone had a good Halloween.  Thanks for coming up Mom and Dad.  Today was good. going good and I am liking it.  The first graders were all hurt and wanted to go to the office.  They would come back with a green wrap around were they were hurt.  It was funny.  After school we just worked on getting caught up on all the school work.  Isaac went to an escape room for young men's.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


 We had a big busy day. We got up and went to Lehi and the dentist fixed my tooth. It is so much better. We slowly made out way up to Logan and did parties at school. It was fun to do. We hung out with the kids and then came home. I think that is funny Luna loved the candy when you guys were little you went to one house that was scary and you were done.  Rachel is going to come down on Friday night for the quilt class. I did get my material for my quilt. Dad helped me find my material. I wish it was Friday. Have a nice sugar high with the kids. Love mom


This morning started off rough. Luna wanted to wear the pink tights I had and not her orange ones. Then she refused to put in her dress. I wrangled her in it and it was wwlll.  by the time we got to daycare she was warming up to it. After work I grabbed pizza. Then we took her trick or treating. She loves it. She kept saying I want more candy. And after one house she was in the yard and screamed trick or treat. It was so funny. We let her have a few pieces. 



 My day was good. It is staying pretty busy at work so that is nice. I had to go pick up a part we needed at the end of the day so I left about 15 minutes late. Traffic was crazy. I got a bunch of trick or treaters so that was fun. I turned off my light about 8 because I was getting teenagers instead of little kids. They weren't even wearing costumes. So I was done with that. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, October 30, 2023


Jeramy has the week off so he slept in. Me and Luna were heading to the car and she Tripped down the garage stairs and hit the floor pretty hard. I felt bad. But she didn't blead or bruise. She said her head broke in the car. But I think she just had a headache. Then I hit my head on the car door. So we were winning. Work went by fast. Then we just took it easy. It's getting so dark so early it's hard to do anything outdoors after dinner



 Well I made it to work today. It was the first payroll on the new system. I hope it goes OK. My tooth has been bothering me so I called the dentist and I am going to go have him check it at 8 in the morning. I think it has a dry socket. We are going to play on our way to Logan and going to do parties at the school. I am ready to go. Not much else to report on my end. Rachel I hope you had a nice day home. That has to feel nice. I missed.luna calling tonight. Hope her day went well. Have a really nice Halloween. Love mom


 Today was good.  Isaac woke up and his stomach hurt so he stayed home from school. The little kids had pajama day and they were really excited.  I don't work on Mondays so we just had a relaxed day.  I got Tony some food and Isaac a Jamba juice.  I got everything ready for the class and worked on another quilt.  Isaac helped me fold laundry which was nice.  Casey went rock climbing and had a fun time and said it was really beautiful.  He came home around bed time.   The kids are super excited for Halloween.  Thanks for coming up Mom and Dad.

Love Rachel 

Sunday, October 29, 2023


Sorry I forgot to blog yesterday. We went to the zoo yesterday. It was fun to run around. Then this morning we cleaned out the garden. And I cleaned. Everywhere I cleaned Luna was right behind me destroying everything. But it felt nice to have some things put away. When Luna went down for a nap I worked on my mystery quilt. I'm ready for Saturday now. Afterluna woke up we made cookies. Then we took a walk around the block. Luna has so much energy. After dinner we set up a jungle gym downstairs so she could work out more energy. 



 We had a quiet Sunday. We did put all the treat bags together for the Halloween parties and ran out candy. We went to Costco and target. It was cold I can't imagine so much snow. Rachel that must have been cold. We took it easy and that felt nice. I am excited to go to logan for Halloween. Have a nice Monday. Love mom


 Wow that is a lot of snow Rachel. Makes me glad I am at a lower elevation now. My day was good. I slept in and then we went to Costco and target. After lunch I took a nap. Then I was just lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone has a great week.  Bye 


 Today was good.  I made sough dough bread this morning.  Then we got ready to go to polygamist cave.  So Casey got all the caving gear ready.  Their was so much snow up at Tony's Grove and we didn't have the right shoes on for snow.  So we just walked around for a while.  Ruth and Ollie's feet were cold so we went back to the van while Casey, Isaac and Tony went around the lake.  It was very beautiful up there and it was a fun time.  We went to the store and got everyone winter gear so we are ready for snow now.  Casey has tomorrow off and is going rock climbing with his college friend Gretta.  Everyone have a good Monday.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...