Saturday, March 13, 2021


 We went to kamas today. Karen needed magnets so we brought her some up. We did buy stuff for a picnic tomorrow. I am worried about it being to cold. I can't believe those fish. They are huge. I don't think I ever caught one that big.  That bag is so cute just Robin. Luna will love it.  We are staying the night. We will see you guys tomorrow. Love you guys. That is neat isaac got that award


 I love your bag Robin, good job.  We had a fun day.  Isaac had his last basketball game at 8 which is early.  They won but it was a close game.  Isaac won most improved player.  Then Randy came over and we headed to Soda Springs to go fishing.  We had a fun time.  Randy knew a good place to eat in Grave so we stopped for lunch.  It was really good.  They have good fries.  Then we went to Soda Springs. Their is a fish farm and releases fishes into a pond.  We caught 6 huge rainbow trout.  The biggest was 10 lbs.  Afterwards we picked up some doughnuts and watched a gyser that they have.  When we got home Randy and Casey cut all fish into filet.  We got the vacuum sealer and sealed some fish for Randy's friends and for Randy.  We cook three for dinner.  It was good.  Casey and Randy did a lot of work to clean the fish.  We will see Mom and Dad tomorrow.  Ruth is going to call in the morning to firm up plans.




Today was good. It snowed so we didn't work on the island. I saw a bag in instagram I liked so I tried making it today. It wasn't as cut as I wanted but I was fun to do a quick project. 


Friday, March 12, 2021


 I worked at home today. I feel like I have a cold. I hope not. Dad said I snored all night. We went and got karen some magnets and we went to the learning store. I just love that place. it is a dangerous place to shop. I could buy everything. We are going to kamas tomorrow to play with magnets. Everyone have a nice weekend


I walked this morning and it was pretty.  We skipped exercise class.  I had a doctor's appointment to get a new IUD.  Casey watched Ruth and we met up for lunch afterwards.  Me and Ruth took Tony to the dog park.  It wasn't muddy and they out wood chips down so it was really nice.  Tony had a fun time.  We walked to get the boys and someone accidentally ran Ruth over with their scooter.  Her poor knee was scrapped.  I tied a face mask to stop the bleeding.  She was really good about it all.  We just had a quiet day the rest of the day.  They moved the appointment about Oliver to Tuesday.  Love you guys and I hope you have a good weekend.  Isaac has his last basketball game and then we are going fishing.  We are meeting up with Mom and Dad in Sunday.




 It was a pretty morning today. The trees were all covered with frost so it looked like a beautiful winter day. It was certainly cold enough it was 13 when I left for work. Work was good. Fridays usually drag a bit but I made it thru. I went to do my physics lab tonight the first part was good but when I went to the the second part is said to use 2 bars magnets and they only included one in my kit. So I may have to get creative on that one. Since I couldn't do much on the lab I decided to do my lean mid term. It was a pretty easy one. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Thursday, March 11, 2021


 I made it to Friday YEAH!  I had a headache today.  I blamed the storm coming in.  It was a blizzard most of the afternoon.  Dad didn't get any snow at our house.  Weird.  I worked today and they changed the days I am coming in to work.  I go in on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  I don't really care when I go in so it wasn't a huge deal.  I take a lot of Friday's off.  I took April 2 and April 9th off.  They are doing a big corporate review of all administrative assistants.  They have been doing that a lot lately and it usually means they are cutting jobs.  Maybe I will get to retire early.  Robin, I love your jokes.  They are always so funny.  Karen I am glad you didn't have to shovel.  Rachel that is a really low interest rate.  I would go the longer the better on the loan.  Kids always need something.  Nice to have extra money.  We did take the tens unit up to Bryan this evening and all the food that the neighbor gave us.  They seem to like that. Have a nice Friday.  I thought it was next weekend we sprang ahead.  Thanks for reminding me.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was good.  It was a nice morning and too warm for gloves which is nice.  We helped in Isaac's class and corrected papers.  Preschool was fun and it is nice to talk with Tracy.  Oliver had a good day at school and was happy.  He filled a line on his chart so we got some cookies.  I went to the bank and looked into refinancing the mortgage.  Our interest rate is 4.50 and we can get it down to 2.85 or 2.25 if we do a 20 or 15 year loan.  Our payment would be a lot less with a 30 year loan but I think we are going to 15 or 20.  We will save so much money.  I can't believe how low to interest rates are.  After dinner we met Casey at the climbing gym.  It wasn't as busy and was fun.  Love you guys and have a good Friday.




Today was good. Nothing to wild. I went into work and then afterwards me and Jeramy walked jenkins. It was so cold. I liked the 65 weather we were having. I'm so glad it's Friday tomorrow. I'm not excited we are losing an hour on Saturday. But it will be nice to have it lighter at night 


 My day was good. I had a couple inches of snow this morning. I decided not to shovel it though. It was a good choice because it melted. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Hump day

 I went into work early and so I left early.  It was nice to come home and just veg.  We had hot dogs with my home made chili I made the other day.  It tasted good.  Rachel your quilt is beautiful.  I hope the family place is good.  I am glad they are talking with you first.  Robin, I can't believe you are still doing inventory. That seems like you have been doing that for months.  Karen you are so cute.  If Amazon doesn't have it your don't need it.  :)  Every one have a nice day.  I am going into work tomorrow also but not going in early.  I am working from home on Friday.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was good and busy.  I walked this morning.  I stayed up too late programming so it was hard to get going.  We went and did kindergarten registration and Ruth is super excited.  They did a test with her and all day she kept asking to do the test again.  Afterwards we went to exercise class which was fun.  We met Casey for lunch.  I had quilt group at my house and come people came and it was fun to talk quilts.  We walked to get the boys and it is a beautiful day.  The kids love the mud and puddles.  They have a fun time walking home.  I ran some errands and got an appointment with the family place.  It is a screening call on Friday with just me to talk about what is going on.  After dinner Isaac had basketball practice and we went rock climbing.  It was busy but fun.  Oliver had a meltdown so he came with me to pick up Isaac.  Good times.  Oh I finished quilting my quilt and I love it.  Love you guys.




 We got some snow last night, but I didn't have to shovel so that was nice. Work is still moving along. I started work on my physics lab tonight. It said it needed 8.5 x 14 paper. I didn't have any so like the lazy person I am I did go to the store to get some. I just ordered it on Amazon. I hope everyone had a great day bye


I went in today and did inventory for was a long day and we didn't finish. So tomorrow I am going in again to try and finish. Me and Jeramy went to la fontaine for dinner. I guess they signed off on another stimulus check. So that will be fun. 


Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 I worked at the office today and got a lot done.  It felt nice.  Nothing too exciting.  I came home and made a pizza and we just vegged.  I have to go into work early to do screenings tomorrow.  I hope they are going to stop that soon.  Robin I am glad that Luna is going well.  She likes to move around.  Karen, I am glad you have a quiet week.  I love Ruth calling us and talking with us.  I am glad you talked to the doctor Rachel  about Oliver.  I hate to see him so upset.  Not much else to report on my end.  Dad did give the taxes to Tom today so we should have them next week sometime I hope.  LOVE MOM 


 I woke up and we had a ton of new snow.  I panicked because I had thrown the kids snow boots away yesterday.  It melted by the end of the day so all is well.  It was a pretty walk this morning with all the snow.  Oliver had a wellness check today so we kept him home and gave him a mental health day.  His check up went well and he is growing good.  At asked about classes for dealing with your emotions and they said to try the family place so I am going to do that.  Oliver wanted little caesars for lunch.  We did crafts and Oliver played all afternoon.  It was nice.  Casey worked late and just got home.  He has been busy.  We just had a lazy night.  I quilted my quilt and am almost done.  Love you guys.




 My day was good. The morning was busy. I had meetings and a bunch of email requests to do. Then are doing remodel stuff at work so it is loud and smells funny. I hope they finish quickly. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was good. I slept in and then had a doctor's appointment. I got juice so next time I can do my glucose test. It took a minute to find her heart beat she kept moving around. But she finally stayed put. Then I went to work and it was one thing after another. I'm going in tomorrow to do in inventory. Hopefully we finish everything quickly. Jenkins went outside today and 30 minutes later he was still out there. So I checked in him. He just looked at me like I was crazy and stayed outside for a while longer. I think he was soaking up the sun. 

Monday, March 8, 2021


 My day was good. I was tired though. I did take my economics midterm tonight, I did okay I got a 75. I am still struggling with supply and demand curves apparently. Oh well at least I passed. I can't take my lean midterm until Thursday so it will be a quiet school week. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  We did resistance with weights and it felt good.  It was yellow day at Ruth's preschool and she found yellow pants so she looked awesome.  I worked on my programming.  Tell Dad thanks for all his help.  After lunch we helped the PTA at school hang up posters for the one school one book thing.  I left a bit to drop Ruth off at dance and then picked her up.  It was fun.  But I saw Oliver waking to pe and he was doing good and it was fun to see him.  We were hanging posters buy where his pe was and at the end he started throwing a huge tantrum.  He was upset either he didn't think he was getting enough turns or it was time to leave.  Anyway he was so upset and I talked him but he would calm down.  They went to recess and his teacher said it was fine.  But after school we were finishing up and he was so upset because he knew he was a trouble.  Sorry for the long story.  We went rock climbing after dinner and that was fun.  It was really busy there.  Ruth was happy after after she talked with you Mom.  Thanks for talking with her.  She was so cute about it.  Love you guys.



Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the la...