Saturday, May 19, 2018


Cute pictures Robin.  I am glad that everyone had a good day.  We had a good time in Clifton.  This morning we went to Lee's to get some things to bring up and their was a huge sale going on and it was super crowded.  We picked up Leona and drove to Clifton.  We made a fire and roasted hot dogs and smores.  The kids were really good and we had a fun time.  Ruthie poked Oliver just below his eye with a stick, poor kid.  He fell asleep in the car on the way home and he was able to open his eye fine when he woke up so he is fine.  Calleen is working on the store and Isaac was thinking of menu items for her and when we got home he started working on a menu for her.  I have meetings tomorrow and Casey is going to work so it will be a busy day.



We went and picked up grandma and took her to put flowers on grandpa's grave afterwards we went to Walmart and walked around.  She wanted Valarine root but they didn't have any.  WE went to Texas Roadhouse afterwards and it was Ok.  We then went to Walgrens and got her Valarine root and then took her back to Lehi.  We stopped on the way at the Tavern discount center and got me some clothes at Christopher Banks.  Grandma got her some shirts and a skirt also.  It was 5 when we left her house.  It was a nice day to spend with her.  I am glad you guys had a nice day as well.  I love the pictures also.  Karen that was a lot of papers.  I need to do that as well.  Have a nice sunday.  Rachel I hope Clifton was fun.  LOVE MOM


Cute pictures Robin. My day was good. I had bought a groupon for paper shredding and got a notice that it was about to expire.  So I went and took my papers in to shred. I had 21 pounds of paper to shred. It is nice to have gone. Then I went grocery shopping. Roast sounded good so i found a recipe for roast and potatoes for the instant pot. It turned out really good. I will have leftovers all week. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Not friday

I'm so glad tomorrow is friday. Today went but I feel like it's been a long week. I was going to work on projects but I didn't feel like it so I just relaxed. Have a good one



Work was busy for me today,  We did have a taco pot luck today and it turned out good.  I made that chili and cream cheese dip and there wasn't anything left.  We went to my new bosses house for dinner for a farewell dinner and it was nice.  It was outside and they had a lot of flowers.  I am excited for tomorrow.  I thought we would leave around 6.  Is that too early.  Do you want to meet at the Mall?  We really can meet anywhere we want to.  Think about what would be fun.  We are going to take grandma out on Saturday and put flowers on Mel's grave.  She has really wanted to do that.  Everyone drive safe to Ogden and we will see you soon.  LOVE MOM


I finished a baby quilt for a lady in young women's.  It was so fast to make.  It is out of woven fabric so it is soft.  It turned out really modern looking and I don't know if it is a good baby blanket but I am giving it to her anyway.  Casey was coughing a lot last night so he slept in and was going to go to work late but then ended up staying home.  He finished putting the molding around the door but it still needs some finishing work done to it.  Oliver slept in till 11 and even then had a hard time waking up.  He must be growing.  The kids had dentist appointments this afternoon so I had to pick up Oliver and Isaac early from school.  They all did really well and I think that it was a good dentist visit for them.  Ruthie was so good and let them clean her teeth, it was cute.  Isaac has a cavity and we are going to fix it after school is out.  He said Ruthie's tonsils are big so I am going to make an appointment for the ENT.  The kids wanted to go canoeing tonight so we went over but it was so windy we didn't dare go out on the water so we just ran around.  Isaac packed snacks for his boat so we ate those on the shore.  We are excited to meet up tomorrow, we will leave as soon as Casey is done with work.



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  My glasses weren't ready today, they said maybe Monday. Work was good. It is still busy, but it has calmed down so it isn't crazy. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


It was a busy day today and I didn't get a lot done but I went to a couple of meeting and I got free lunch and SWAG so it was good.  They are having a taco lunch tomorrow so I had to go to the store and get some stuff for that.  I didn't get my application back yet so that is a good sign we might be going to the demolition derby.  Rachel those are beautiful pictures.  That is fun to be able to go canoeing at a minutes notice.  Isaac looks so big rowing the canoe.  I think Ruth is so cute.  No mud.  What a difference a little girl is.  Isaac and Oliver love mud.  Have a nice Thursday.  We are going to a farewell dinner tomorrow night at the president of primary's.  Hopefully it will go good.  LOVE MOM


My day was good as well. I didn't do anything exciting like canoeing. Work went well. Then I came home and was just lazy.  I am glad that the week is half over. My new glasses should be ready tomorrow so that should be fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good. It was a girls birthday at work so we went to olive garden for lunch it tasted good. Then another girl I work with her birthday is Friday and she wanted a bag like mine so I made one for her. I am going to start the table cloth's next. I've been eyeing these crazy shoes for a while and I finally bought them. They arrived today. They are fun Have a good Thursday



Today was good.  We just played at home this morning and Neve came over to play as well.  I volunteered at the school for the last time.  It is fun to go and eat lunch with Isaac.  Afterwards I took the little kids to Chick Fil and they played for a while.  Casey worked on finishing the sliding door and it is looking really nice, I like his idea of doing it.  We impulsively decided to go canoeing and it was a lot of fun and so pretty.  I think everyone had a good time but it is a late night.  Ruthie hates bugs and getting mud on her shoes, it is pretty funny.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Made it

Wow thanks for the bag Rachel and Robin,  I didn't even know I got one.  They are beautiful.  I love the garden ruins.  That is so cute.  I love the way Ruth has her hands on her back just like Isaac does. We are going to have to get her a big girl car seat soon.  I went to Kamas after work.  The gala was a lot of fun.  Thank you Karen for inviting me.  It was at the new fancy place they have built up there for weddings. Robin I am glad you are making progress.  I feel my house is stepping backwards.  I am learning to just write in the dust.  Dad had to get his blood taken this morning.  He was suppose to do it in February, you know you hate to rush into those things.  He also had a heart check up and he is doing really good.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Thanks to Robin's generosity I made the two bags last night and they are really cute.  One is for Mom, thanks again Robin.  Today was good.  I babysat this morning and the kids were good.  Oliver had school and Ruthie didn't nap.  I think she is done napping which is sad.  It rained a bit on the bike ride home with Isaac but it felt nice and it was fun.  The boys had swimming lessons and when I was getting Oliver dressed he kept spitting in my face so I made him get dressed himself which was traumatic.  I had young women's and we went to someones house and gave a missionary lesson.  We were done early which was really nice.  While I was gone Isaac made a garden ruins tour and he was able to take me on it.  I took a picture at all the signs he made, it was really cute.


Garden Ruins Entrance

Garden Ruins Valley

Garden Ruins Palace

Garden Ruins Patio Area


Yesterday after work I got a call inviting me to a gala dinner for south summit. I got invited because I volunteered and taught that class on solidworks. So mom came up tonight and went with me. It was fun. Other than that it was just the usual for a Tuesday. Work was busy, but I made it thru. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Clean it up

Today was good. It was slower and it was nice to go slow. I came home and vacuumed and did dishes. I still feel like my place is out of control but baby step to greatness my back was Still sore so I just relaxed the rest of the night


Monday, May 14, 2018

Rain rain go away

Today was good I had meetings all day. Then it was crazy raining all night. A girl I work with liked my bag so I am making her one. I cut out all the pieces but my back started to hurt so I just relaxed the rest of the night



Work was busy at my place as well.  I am hoping that is a good sign.  We did go grocery shopping after work so now we have food.  That is always a good thing.  I am going up to Kamas after work.  Dad is staying down here because he has a doctor's appointment.  I did send off for Demolition Derby tickets today.  I am hoping we get them this year.  The boys are at such a good age.  It was rainy here this afternoon.  I love the raspberries that way.  That is a lot of work.  The kids will play back there all the time.  Robin, I hope your day went well.  LOV EMOM


Today was good. Work was busy so it went by pretty quick for a Monday. Since I helped teach that class at the high school I get to go to a gala for it tomorrow and mom is going to come up with me. It should be fun. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


Ruthie went to bed late last night and Isaac didn't sleep well so we were tired today.  The kids seem to be feeling better which is good.  Oliver had school this afternoon and we went to Lee's while he was gone.  Casey was tired so he came home a little early and took a nap.  He mowed the lawn and made a path behind the raspberries so now we just have a row of them.  It will be a lot easier to take care of.  I weeded most of it this evening and it looks really nice.  The girls came over to play for a little bit also.  I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy mothers day

I hope everyone had a good mothers day. I like you quilt Rachel good job. I'm glad you habe new toilets Karen good job. I was super lazy today but It was nice to just hibernate for the day. Have a good week.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...