Friday, December 7, 2018

Nice day

I only worked 1/2 day and came home and took a nap.  I really feel like that is helping me get better.  I hear so well now.  It is amazing.  We went to El Matador for dinner and then went and saw Jeran for his birthday.  He had been really sick and almost died just before Christmas. He didn't look to great but it was fun to see everyone.  We were going to go see a movie but got home and decided to play Nintendo.  It was a nice evening.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM


Jenkins is cute.  We should take him somewhere tomorrow, that would be fun.  Today was pretty uneventful.  I worked out this morning and it was hard.  Oliver didn't have school so it was nice to stay and talk a while.  We cleaned the house when we got home.  The kids were tired so we didn't do much else.  I had to go visiting teaching after Casey got home.  We watched half of incredibles 2 which was good, thanks Karen.  We will head down tomorrow.  Casey is going to stay so he can give his grandma's stuff to his aunt.  Love you guys.



Today was good. We did secret santa at work. I got a gift card to joanns. It was a pretty chill night for me. Me and Jenkins took a nap. It was nice


Thursday, December 6, 2018

One more day

I'm glad tomorrow is friday. I just chilled all night work was so busy. I'm sorry dad isn't feeling well. But I'm glad they fixed your ears mom. Karen I like your saying it it cute. Everyone have a good friday



I like that saying Karen, it is pretty.  I am glad that Mom and Dad went to the doctors.  You have been really sick, I am glad that you can hear now.  We had a good day.  While the boys were at school we went grocery shopping which is nice.  The kids had dentist appointments this afternoon.  They did really well and let them clean their teeth, I was proud of all of them.  Isaac had one small cavity and a sealant they need to fix so he is going back next week.  They are also going to cut the tie on his upper lip.  The dentist thinks we should watch Oliver closely and see if he is having trouble breathing.  He thinks he would benefit from getting his tonsils out.  Imogene came over and played for a bit which was fine.  We went out to get a waffle for dinner but it wasn't very good.  I had book group and we did our favorite things presents and the scissors were a good idea.  It was a fun night and fun to talk with everyone.  Everyone have a good Friday and get some rest.


I made a fabric ornament last night but I don't like it and am not making any more.

Oliver drew me as a snowman in a house, it was cute.

I can hear

Dad didn't feel very good last night and had a small fever this morning so I made him a doctor's appointment in Park City and made one for me as well.  He has a bad sinus infection and they gave him some antibiotics.  I have one also but they cleaned my ear out and gave me a breathing treatment.  That treatment must have done something with the fluid in my ears because I can hear.  It made me cry.  It is so nice to not hear in a tunnel.  That was my big news.  She also gave me some codeine cough medicine.  I am in heaven.  There was a huge wreck in Parleys and it took us 90 minutes to get home.  Dad said it was bad but I just wanted to go home.  It would have been better to go visit Karen.  Oh well my bad.  I was suppose to hook up with Julie tonight but it was so late the party was already over.  I am excited for the weekend.  Karen, are you still planning on you coming down tomorrow after work.  Robin, don't let me forget to give you the vitamins I bought you the other day.  I spaced the yesterday.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice day.  All day I just kept thinking about Casey and the saying kept coming into my mind.  No good deed goes unpunished.  Let him know we all think he did a wonderful job of taking care of his grandma.  LOVE YA MOM

Almost Friday

I am that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for a weekend.  I hope you and dad get feeling beeter, mom. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

What do you think of this quote to put on the elf shoes " May the spririt of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas give you hope, and the warmth of Christmas grant you love"

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Hump day

So the interviews weren't really interviews.  It was just to talk but I felt better about that.  I think they will offer me the job tomorrow.  I think this is a good step for me.  I still have a bad cough so I decided to leave work early.  We came home and both took naps.  This cold is kicking our butts.  (Don't tell Isaac I used that word :)) We picked Robin up for dinner and went to the Bombay house by where she lives and we walk in and the guy says HI Gary Bodily.  He was famous.  It tasted really good.  We went to Ikea after dinner and found Robin's Christmas present from us.  Making progress.  Rachel your likes look really nice.  Robin put hers ups also.  I kind of feel like the grinch. I should decorate.  I did wear my Christmas sweatshirt so that should count for something.  Everyone have a nice Thursday.  I am going to work 1/2 days the rest of the week.  See if I can get this cold under control.  LOVE MOM


It snowed a little bit today and it made everything look pretty.  I worked out today and then Oliver had school.  Randy picked him up and took him to their institute class.  They had a fun time and Oliver fell asleep in the car on the way to our house.  Me and Ruth spent the day together.  It was nice we played a lot of board games.  We did piano lessons after Isaac came home.  We got busy yesterday and didn't get to it.  It is fun and he is getting better.  Casey had scouts and he took Isaac with him because they were getting ice cream.  When the got home they put up the Christmas lights and it looks really good.  Love you guys and have a good night.


Ugly sweater

They are having an ugly sweater contest at work. I don't currently own one so keep your eyes open and see if you guys see one. My day was good. My class was hyper today so it was a bit of a challenge to get them focused but thry got some stuff done so that is good. Work went good as well. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Good luck tomorrow Mom, you will do great.  I like your Christmas decorations Robin, good job.  I am glad that your class is going well Karen, you are doing a great job.  Today it was cold up here also.  While Oliver was at school me and Ruthie went to the store and then story time.  It was a cute story time and I am glad that we are going.  We just played at home the rest of the afternoon.  After dinner Casey bought some more Christmas lights for outside and bought me a wreath.  It is pretty.  Hopefully sometime this week we can get the lights up.  Love you guys.


long day

I had a meeting at 7 so I went to work early.  It was a busy day for me.  I never really sat down for a long time.  I am hoping tomorrow will be quieter.  I have my interview at 8:00 in the morning so wish me luck on that one.  My cough is still a mess.  I lost it in a meeting this morning.  It was full of doctors. It was embarrassing.  It was cold this morning for sure.  It is suppose to be warmer for the weekend so that will be nice.  We just vegged tonight.  I think that is funny about your Christmas tree.  I will be interested in what he does with it when you are at work.  Jenkins didn't look thrilled with Santa either.  He might not like Christmas very much.  Rachel, I hope everything is going good for you.  I am excited to see the kids this weekend.  I can't believe how fast the time is going.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. I got a lot done at work so that was nice. I decorated for Christmas. Jenkins didn't like it he's not a big fan of change. He keeps sniffing my tree and looking at me so I put it on top of a box with a pee pad around it. I'm assuming tomorrow at work hes going to be sneaky. I got my machine back today I guess it was a spring that went weird. I tried it out tonight and it was working so that is a relief. Stay warm.



Well it was negative 3 here this morning. Man is that cold. Class is going good. There are fewer questions so I think they are getting it. Then work was good. I had meeting all morning and then in the afternoon I was working on the stuff discussed in the meeting. I did get an appointment to get my oil changed on Saturday in Tooele. I got it for 815 so i should be done pretty quick. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, December 3, 2018


I made it to work and did really well.  I decided to leave early because I started to cough.  My cough is not so often anymore but still sounds really bad.  We went to pick up Robin's picture but it wasn't right so we have to go back.  We walked around and went to Carters and they had some cute PJ's on the lost leader this week.  Dad said he would take me to Yellow Fin and it tasted so good.  I walked over to Old Navy hoping they had cute adult PJ's but no such luck.  I will continue my hunt for those.  Robin we are going to have to take Jenkins to liberty park on Saturday.  We can walk him around the whole park.  He is use to playing and go places on the weekend.  He hasn't had many weekends home.  I have to go to work early tomorrow and take minutes for a 7 meeting.  Wish me luck on that one.  Rachel the kids looks so cute.  I am glad you got to play with Thomas trains for a little while longer.  Robin if you want to still go to Ikea on Wednesday, I am game.  I thought it would be nice to see what lamps they have.  Karen, I hope your colds doesn't get bad.  It is going around.  LOVE MOM


I'm feeling  better but I still have to take it slow. A girl called out today because she had the cold so the day went by fast. I was busy. I went to Walmart tonight and picked up some more dog food. I came home for lunch and Jenkins ran past me as I was leaving. He kept jumping around like it was fun so I grabbed his leash and did a mini walk. I might have to go to the park tomorrow and burn off some of his energy. I had to go to the bathroom and he wouldn't stop focusing he wanted to go on another walk. So I think I'm getting the hints lol


Today was good.  It snowed so we have enough to cover the ground which is pretty.  We are loving the countdown calendars, thank you Karen.  The kids are really excited to open them each morning.  I worked out this morning and Thomas was sick so Oliver didn't have anyone to play with but he played soccer and had a fun time.  He had a fun time at school also.  Isaac forgot his snow pants at school so I ran in to grab them and his teacher said that he was doing a really job and is a good student.  I also got the Christmas party date set.  If you have any ideas Mom let me know.  Isaac had an electric kit from Terry and he made alarm and a car, he had fun with it.  Oliver wanted to play trains so we got the Thomas trains out and it was a lot of fun to play with.  He was cute.  I hope that everyone is feeling better.  Their are a lot of people I know sick, it is that time of year.


 This is from Sunday, I missed it yesterday

I cut Oliver's hair also

He didn't want me to take a picture of it


Well I made it thru Monday. It was hard getting up, but I did it. I have a bit of a cough but I still feel pretty good. So my cold isn't too bad. My class is going good. There are few questions so I think they are doing good. Work is moving along. Nothing too crazy there. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Leona had a bad urinary track infection so they think that was causing her pain and kidney dysfunction.  So she is feeling better and is getting discharged tomorrow.  Casey and Calleen moved everything out of Pioneer lodge into our garage and someone is going to pick it up this week.  Today was good.  We went to church and Oliver was wild in class.  Ruthie said that her class is her favorite which is fun.  When Casey was done we took the kids sledging.  Their wasn't a lot of snow but it was a lot of fun.  It is easier to climb the hills with now snow and no one was their.  We were able to go pretty fast done the hill, it was fun.  Casey made turkey soup and it was really good.  Calleen had to drive back to drop off a box of Leona that they left in her car.  I hope that everyone feels better, take a lot of Vitamin C.


The plauge

This cold is rough.  I am almost wondering if it is the flu.  I am sorry you aren't feeling good Robin.  I hope you get feeling better soon.  I hope I didn't give Karen the plague.  I sound so bad.  I am hoping for a miracle cure.  My ears don't hurt so bad so I am hoping the antibiotic is helping.  Rachel,  I hope you had a nice day.  You have had a long weekend.  I hope Leona is doing OK.  We came home and just vegged.  Dad isn't feeling great either.  It has been a week so I am hoping we are over the worst of it. Not much else to report from our end.  Be careful in the cold snowy weather.  LOVE MOM


Sorry I didn't blog the cold got the best of me. I just took a nap and took out Jenkins a million times. I think he wanted to go on a long walk but I didn't have it in me. I'm sorry leona isn't doing great that is hard. Let me know if you need anything. It snowed like 5 inches where I am. It goes up to Jenkins body. Have a good Monday, drive safe. I hope you get feeling better mom.



Thanks Rachel for making that blanket. It looks amazing. My weekend was good. Mom and dad came up. We got my Christmas decorations up. It looks pretty. Then we just hung out and played games. It was fun. They took off at lunch. Then I came home and took a nap. I hope everyone had a great weekend.Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...