Friday, March 23, 2018


We made it to Costco and the party is starting to take shape.  We are coming up tomorrow.  We will leave around 10:00.  The employee elevator broke today and it dropped 4 floors.  There were 6 people in the elevator at the time.  It was pretty scary.  No one was hurt.  I am so glad it is the weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was another busy day.  I went visiting teaching this morning then we went to story time, it was a shorter one today.  Then we went and signed up for swimming classes and went grocery shopping.  After we picked up Isaac Imogene came over to play.  The rain had cleared up and it was so pretty so they played outside for a bit and then mario kart.  Isaac also left his tooth when eating a apple.  I was sent her home and some neighbors were walking by and Oliver wanted to show them his bike so all the kids started riding bikes until Casey came home.  After dinner we started setting up the swing set but Casey wanted to cut back some branches and it ended up with him cutting off a dead part of the tree which was pretty bit.  It was fun to spend the evening doing yard work again.  Thanks for coming up and drive safe.


Thursday, March 22, 2018


That is funny about Walter's sister, she is really popping them out.  Crazy.  Today was good.  I was so stressed about getting everything done but today went smoothly and everything worked out.  I babysat this morning.  I took down the trains and we built a vtech road and this afternoon we put hot wheels out.  I thought it would mix it up.  Oliver had school and had a good time.  He got to bring his umbrella since it was raining he and enjoyed that.  I went visiting teaching and then my visiting teachers came over which was a lot of visiting.  Isaac had his science fair tonight and he was happy and had fun.  It seemed like there wasn't a lot of projects but the kids liked reading them all and looking at everything.  When we got home Casey finished working on Ron's van and took that back.  We were outside for a bit but then came in and played play dough.  I finished Oliver's duffel bag, I love it and think it turned out perfect.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday and don't work too hard.




I lost motivation to work around 3 so I started looking up everyone's horoscope at work just to take a break. I guess mercury is in retrograde until April 15th so I guess traffic will be bad and technology won't work as good. It also says people in your past will show up. Which is funny because emily Walters sister sent me a baby announcement. She had a girl on Valentine's day. And traffic was bad so it's retrograde day for me ha ha ha I'm glad tomorrow is Friday


Man was it windy when we got out of the car.  I even lost my balance.  The wind has really been wild tonight.  I couldn't sleep last night so it was a long day.  I was also out of coke and so I had tea this morning and it just wasn't cutting it so I walked over to the u of u and got me a coke.  I had a lot better afternoon.  It was hard to be motivated today but I did get a few things done.  Tomorrow we are suppose to find out what they decided in the meetings.  I am hoping that this will pretty much end the reorganization but I still think they have a lot of departments left to redo.  I am excited for this weekend.  I really need paper towels and toilet paper at Costco also.  We went to all a dollar and got some Easter stuff for the baskets.  That was fun.  It is suppose to be a pretty day on Saturday.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. That means the weekend is almost here. It rained here off and on all day. I am glad that we are getting rain now and not snow. Yeah for spring. My day was good. I had another meeting at 11 and it went until 1 so that took up a chunk of my day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


My day was good. I was in meetings for most the day. So I didn't get a lot done, but I did get some clarity on some things that they want me to do. Tomorrow might be more of the same, but I will make it thru. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


I decided I didn't want to wait so I went to joanns and found a background for my elephant. I found one that I liked. So I worked on that most of the night. I am working on quilting it I'm still practicing on strips. So it's slow moving. Well not much else with me same ole. I can meet up on Friday mom. Or go up to Logan Saturday I'm pretty chill


Clip board of fun

Work was OK today.  I got most of what I needed to do done so I won't be very busy tomorrow.  Or maybe somebody will walk by and give me a project.  We just vegged tonight and watched Ragnarok.  It is a good show.  Robin, Karen and me are going to Costco on Friday to get things for the Easter weekend.  Let me know what sounds good.  I was thinking of Hoagies for lunch.  Does that sound good?  Tomorrow they are having a huge meeting at the Salt Palace to unveil the rest of the reorganization and then on Friday they are having town hall meetings to explain it all.  I have to help in Administration on Friday.  I hope it isn't too traumatic of a change.  Well have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM


On Instagram everyone was showing this seam ripper and said it was awesome.  It was only 6 dollars so I bought it.  It came yesterday and it is so awesome.  It looks like a blade but it doesn't cut the fabric and is so fast.  It is a Kai Seam Ripper.  Today was good.  This morning we went grocery shopping and then we volunteered at Isaac's school.  Oliver peed his pants which was fun.  After school we dropped off the science fair project.  I didn't want to drive Imogene home and then come back so we just did it really fast.  Casey had scouts tonight so I took the kids to noodle's and company for dinner.  I didn't really take pictures today, I have one of Ruth's hair, I put it in a ponytail with a bow, it was cute.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018


I love it when the nights stay light.  It is so nice.  After work I went and got my hair cut and it is short but it feels good.  It was starting to bug me and Karen's looked so cute, I decided to go for it.  I did dishes and laundry when I got home.  I love Isaacs science fair.  Good job.  I love the grapes in the chocolate. I think we should do some of them.  I will sacrifice and eat the chocolate ones.  Karen we can run to Costco.  I was going to go up to Logan and work on Easter as well.  Do you want to drive with us?  Robin do you want to come.  I thought we could get organized.  Easter is coming fast.  Have a nice hump day.  It is suppose to rain on Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good and busy.  We went to Joanns this morning just to walk around and that was fun.  We read book and painted when we got home.  Oliver wanted to make cookies so we did that.  He looks mad in the picture but he isn't.  He wanted to go to Randy's house so Randy picked Oliver up from school and they had fun, they went to the park.  Ruthie took a nap and I worked on the duffel bags.  After school Collin came over to play and they played Mario Kart, they had fun.  Randy brought Oliver home and we had dinner.  I had to go to young women's so Casey and Isaac finished up the science fair project, they did a good job.  Love you guys and have a good night.



Things are going good here. We did have engineering meeting this morning so that took up a chunk of time. Isaac's project looks nice I hope he wins a ribbon. Mom do you want to do a costco run this weekend? I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today went by fast we are starting to train the new girls on some new things to lighten the workload on me. It's going to be a long bumpy road. But hopefully in the end it's good. I ended up working late but I just went to the gym and that was about my night. Hope Isaacs science fair project goes well.


Monday, March 19, 2018


MY day was good. Work went by quick. It seemed like I would just start working on something and then it was lunch time. After work mom and dad came up and we had spaghetti for dinner. It was fun hanging out until they had to leave for the doctor. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


Work was good.  It went by fast.  I helped with a make a wish presentation and it turned out nice.  We went to Kamas for dinner and it was nice to visit with Karen.  Dad had a doctor's appointment at 7 with Dr. Strong.  Not much else going on with us.  Rachel you are a work machine.  I thought you were going to dig up the blackberries and put the swing there.  We can come up and help pull them out.  Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  I love that it stays light so long.  We didn't get home until after 8 and it was still light.  LOVE MOM


I was so sad to have Isaac go back to school but it turned out to be a good day and he had a good time at school.  I babysat this morning and that was fun.  Afterwards we went to Micheal's and got a board for the science fair and then to Sam's to pick up the pictures for it.  We had lunch there and it was fun.  The little kids were so cute.  Oliver was superstar today and was so happy.  They are talking about pets and he said that mean Greyson doesn't like animals because he is mean.  Mean Greyson also didn't like the granola bars, it made me laugh.  Ruthie woke up at 5 I think so she took a nap and I worked on the duffel bags.  I have the handles on all of them and a zipper on one.  After school Imogene played for a little bit and we were outside.  I was able to finished cleaning up the raspberries and blackberries, they look a lot better.  Casey worked on Ron's van and we pulled out the swing set to see what we need and where to put it.  I love having nicer weather.  Love you guys.



Today was ok. It felt like tues. So I'm already off on the wrong day foot. I threw off my sleep schedule this weekend so I was tired. I hope everyone had a good Monday


Sunday, March 18, 2018


My day was good also. I went and got my hair cut. It needed to be trimmed. Then I came home and did dishes and laundry. Then I made rice pudding. It tasted really good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Nice Weekend

This weekend didn't turn out at all like I planned.  I had planned to go to Rachel's on Saturday and Grandma on Sunday.  It snowed and then Grandma had Jani visiting.  So we ended up have a different weekend but still a lot of fun.  We ended up at Ikea, thanks Robin for going with us.  Yes we did get meatballs and missed the kids pushing carts around.  I don't think I have eaten there without them.  We got a cute little design your own bookcase and I really like it.  I think it will be a lot more useful to us.  The neighbors took the old table.  Robin I do love the elephant on the black but I think the gray would work.  It is up to you.  That is amazing.  Rachel what a fun idea. Hu Hut at your own house.  Bet the kids loved that.  I got dizzy when we were putting the furniture together so I just kind of took it easy after that.  I hate it when I do that.  I hope it goes away soon.  Dad has a doctor's appointment tomorrow after work so we are going up to Karen's for dinner.  I think it will be good weather.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


That elephant is awesome Robin, I do like the darker background better.  That is fun that you guys went to Ikea, that sounds like a good day.  I hope that you got some meatballs.  Today was good.  I had meeting all morning until lunch but we got scheduling things done so that was nice.  I got the serger out this afternoon and started sewing the edges of the duffel bags, I even threaded the machine.  I was so brave and it wasn't that bad.  I went to church and everyone else stayed home in honor of Isaac's last sick day.  I taught and it went well.  We made the hu hot for dinner and it was a lot of fun.  We put all the ingredients out on the table and then the kids put what they wanted in a bowl and Casey fried it up.  It was fun and tasted good.  We played in the backyard for a while and then made ice cream.  We made mint and it tasted good.  I think we have everything to write up Isaac's science fair project.  I am so sad to send him back to school.  I will miss him and our lazy mornings.  Summer will be here soon.


Flower power

Today was good I meet up with mom and dad and went to Ikea. I like how it looks in your apt mom. I came home and went to the gym then I  finished my elephant. I don't think I like the gray background I bought. I might go get a dark purple batique fabric I get paid Friday so I am going to wait for the background.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...