Friday, May 4, 2012

We are off

We are headed to Lava hot spring tomorrow.  It will be fun.  I am excited to go swimming.  We are ready to go.  I wont blog tomorrow but I will on Sunday.  Today was good.  Not much happened just the usual.  Casey salsa turned out good and everyone at his work liked it.  Well here are some pictures of Isaac, he is cute.


Thursday, May 3, 2012

may the 4th be with you

well tomorrow is star wars day so don't forget to celebrate. not to much else worked both jobs, its going to be a long 5 months. but hopefully the mean green will be awesome. well have a good night robin

Good Day

I had a normal day also. I like normal days. Sounds like everyone is having quarto de mayo tomorrow. That will be fun. ME and dad walked the mall tonight and they had this tens unit for really cheap so we bought it for dad to try on his shoulders to see if they will help the pain levels. He tried it tonight and said he helped. I hope it works for him. I am excited to go look at the house tomorrow Karen. It looks like a nice one. Not much else to report. That is good you got a book for Isaac. I am excited to see it. I bet he loves it. Robin worked both places today so she came home and to bed. She was so tired. Have a nice Friday. LOVE MOM
Today was good.  Just the normal stuff.  We went on a walk this morning.  I made a photo book for 6 to 10 months for Isaac so I went and picked that up.  It turned out good, they changed the program so it was a lot easier to do and it was only 25 dollar.  I think that I am just going to keep making them of past events, it will be fun.  I mowed the lawn when Isaac took a nap.  Casey is making salsa for a work party tomorrow and it smells good.  Not much else going on, everyone have a good night.



Well no rain here yet. It does look at it can though. I am doing laundry right now. It will be nice to have clean clothes. The monthly company party is tomorrow so that should be fun. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. I love paydays. Well have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. BYE

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Modern paying

I have decided that I need to start paying my bills electronically. Man that is a job to get them set up. I was a stress bucket before it was over with today. I still have a few problem bills but I will continue to strive to get into the 21st century. I miss checks. I think I am just going to go order a new box on Saturday. How does that sound for exciting. I am getting better at the electronic payment features. Well that was the excitement in my day. My plant is still alive also at work. I got one for secretary day. I don't have much else in the way of news. We had a quiet night. Dad made another rice recipe and it was good. Have a good thursday. It looks like it might turn rainy again. LOVE MOM


Karen, you have a green thumb.  Good job.  It is fun to have plants.  My peas are doing well and that is exciting.  Today was good.  I meet Casey for lunch at Great Harvest.  We ate outside and Isaac was interested in the wheel barrel out side of the Garden Store.  Casey went shooting with a guy from his work and he taught him a lot about aiming and really helped him.  We had leftovers for dinner and they tasted good.  We have been having problems getting a hotel in Lava so I think that we are just going to go up there and wing it.  If we can't find anything we will just come home.  It will be fun anyway.  Well that is all I have to report.  Everyone have a good night.



well today I had to go into work at 6 and then fly out to lagoon were I had orientation. I am beat. Tomorrow I get to go in a normal time but I have to go back to lagoon for fittings. so another long couple days in the mist. i am sleepy though going to head for bed have a great thursday robin

Half way

Well my day was good. I am glad that the week is half over. I got my new plant from thinkgeek and it is actually coming alive. Yeah! I didn't kill the unkillable plant twice. My strawberries are getting new growth on them so that is nice. Well I hope that everyone has had a great Wednesday. BYE

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


My day was good. It was rainy here this morning also. But it did clear out. I had fun after work. i met mom for dinner and then we went to Walmart. My garden is still going good. I haven't killed it yet. i am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday. Half way thru the week. Have a great Wednesday. BYE

just one more minute

well today was good. I bought a shocker pen and got some people at work. it was fun. then I was suppost to go to lagoon but my boss texted me and said that its now on thursday. so i went to the gym and got some groceries for the week. Tomorrow I have to go into work at 6. so early.... well have a good night robin


Isaac is going to love Lava Hot Springs. He is getting so big. That is neat he said nana. He is so smart. You are such a good mom. I went to Heber tonight after work and had dinner with Karen. Robin was suppose to work at Lagoon but that got canceled so I decided to just take off and visit. I had to go to work early this morning so I left early but I still am over a 1/2 hour so I am going to leave early another day also. That is something fun to look forward to. It rained here this morning also. Dad and I worked on the partnership for our family tonight. We are going forward with that. I think that will be good for us. When it is all ready to go we will all have to sign it. Have a great Wednesday. The week is almost over with. LOVE MOM


Today Isaac was talking more.  He called bananas nana's.  It was cute.  I also took him to first dam and he said duck.  I guess he has said that before but it was cute.  We walked on the pier and he loved watching the water and ducks.  It was rainy this morning so we went grocery shopping and then just played in the backyard when it cleared out.  My visiting teachers came over and that was nice to talk to them.  Jenn came over and sewed with me also and that was fun.  We went to first dam in the afternoon, he loved being in the water.  I have attached a picture.  I made lasagna for dinner and it was good but he have a lot of it left.  Everyone have a good night.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Food Everywhere

It was the day of treats. We had staff meeting this morning and someone's wife made pesto and butterscotch squares. They were really good. I am glad everyone had a good day. It looks really cloudy when I went to Walmart tonight. Is is suppose to rain? Good luck at Lagoon Robin. I hope you have a good time. Dad hurt his knee so he is wearing a brace. I made a doctor's appointment today to have someone look at his stomach. See if that is what is really wrong. They didn't have those cars at Walmart Rachel. I will have to go to another Walmart and see if I can get one for Isaac. That is fun to make cookies. I bet the boys loved those. Boys love food. You will always have people who will eat your food. Don't work to hard. LOVE MOM


Welcome back Robin, that is sad about Mrs. Witkowski.  It seems like she had a great life from her obituary.  It made me happy she did so much.  Karen, that sounds like a really fun day.  I like where you work.  You always find these awesome companies to work for.  Me day was good.  It was the same as always.  We went on a walk in the morning, and Isaac took a long nap this afternoon.  Casey came home kind of early and it was windy so we went to fly a kite.  It was gusty so it wasn't great kite flying weather but it was fun.  I made chocolate chip cookies and they turned out.  Good times.



So i keep falling a sleep and not blogging sorry. But things are going well I went to the gym today and on saturday I got rid of all my old cloths and cleaned my closet. Its been a feat. well I don't know if you heard my mrs. witkowski passed away it was strange to have my 5th grade memories come back. its been a while ;) well that is all my news. I work lagoon tomorrow after sugar house long day. have a good one robin


I have had a good Monday. My car started so that was nice. My plants are still alive. I have kept them alive almost 3 days now. Keep your fingers crossed that it continues that way. We had engineering meeting this morning and there was a plate of doughnuts on the table. Apparently they were from Friday when they had guest, so they were as hard as a rock. John (one of the brothers that owns the company) Went and bought new doughnut's cause he said he felt guilty having everyone come in and say the doughnuts look good but them not being edible. So i had a doughnut and then we had a hamburger lunch for their father's birthday. It was fun. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, April 29, 2012

nice day

WE had a nice day today. We went to sacrament meeting and then we got a call from Karen saying her car wouldn't start so we drove to Heber and it was a nice adventure. We got her car working so we came back home and I crashed for a while. Dad made rice pilaf and it was really good. Then Neil's wife was singing in a gosple choir so we went and saw that. It was fun. Much different than a mormon singing group. Halleluiah. They did say an interesting thing and I really like it. Instead of I will believe when I see it, they said I see it when I believe it. It liked that. It was very uplfiting and it was glad we went. Not much going on this week. I am busy at work but that is becoming the norm. I like that. Well have a great week. LOVE MOM


Karen, I am so glad that you live close so Mom and Dad could help you.  Today was the perfect day for that to happen.  Today was good for us.  Casey went to work today and came home and cooked dinner.  It tasted really good.  Me and Isaac went on a walk this morning.  Then we went to church.  Isaac was ready for his nap when we left so I thought he would fall asleep during church but he didn't.  He was really grumpy near the end of sacrament so I took him home and gave him a nap.  After dinner Casey wanted to fly the kite.  So we grabbed a couple of Dad's kits and went to the park by Randy's house.  Since we were close we stopped by and he came with us.  It was so fun.  There wasn't any wind but we tried for a while and got it up a couple of times.  I really enjoy flying kites, I haven't done it in a while.  We will have to do it again when it is windy.



Well I owe a big thanks to mom and dad for the rescue today. I got up to go to church and my car wouldn't start. So they came and help me get a new battery for my car. At least it happened today and not Monday morning. It would have bee more stressful on Monday. I am good to go now though. I hope that everyone had a good Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...