Saturday, September 18, 2010

Home again

We made it home to Logan safe and sound. Rachel came back with us and Casey is bringing his new car here and then they are going to take it to Blackfoot for the funeral on Monday. We had a really nice day sewing with Julie and she finished up a whole rag quilt. I was amazed. I worked on my bow ties and Rachel got two baby blankets sewn. We were on fire. It is good to be home safe and sound. Grandma had a good time at Wendover. I am glad that Karen and Robin had good Saturdays. It has been a good weekend.


i think i have legs

Well today I shot for a short film. I"m excited for it I think it will be good. my legs are surely tired though. I am also pretty beat I'm excited to sleep for a bit. We are shooting tomorrow but not until 2 so that will be nice. well I wish I had some pictures to post but I forgot my camera on set so hopefully some will start to float around or i guess you will just have to wait the the movie is finished . :)


Just a thought

Hey mom Conference is in 2 weeks and I am thinking about coming up north. What do you think about that plan?

New Shoes

I went and got me a new pair of shoes today. Also a new can opener. I went and saw resident evil and it was pretty good. I didn't see your zombie Robin, but I might have missed it. I did get the programs done for church last night. I am doing laundry now. I was down to my last pair of socks. I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. BYE

The Weekend

I got a Strawberry Rubarb pie, I forgot to say, thanks Karen. Terry's Dad passed away on Thursday and they are having the funeral on Monday. I took the day off and we are going to go. It is in Idaho. Casey is going to go and get his new car today and that will be fun.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Well mom and grandma made it safe to slc. :) I had to work tonight at lagoon. It was a crazy day but I made it through alive. Tomorrow I am shooting a short film it should be fun. we are shooting sunday as well. I have to start at 7am. I think its way to early but what can you do. well better head for bed have a great saturday



Well I am not cooking tonight so I ordered pizza. I am just waiting for it to be delivered. Work was good. I stayed busy most of the day so that was nice. What kind of pie did you get Rachel? I hope that mom's drive down to SLC went well. I also hope that you got to leave work early. I am glad that it is the weekend. I have to make a sacrament program tonight. I hope that I don't forget. Well have a good weekend everyone. BYE

Thursday, September 16, 2010

creepy crawley

This week is going really slow I can't believe it. I am glad I'm not the only one. well tomorrow I am going to work at lagoon most of the day. it should be a long day I don't know when I will be done. Today I worked for the video thing again but today was the last day. And then I did the makeup test. It should be a pretty cool movie. It was fun to see alot of people I knew. it was fun. Well nothing else to crazy, Drive safe and be safe :)

love you


I got a pie

Today was good, it seems like this week is going slower. After work Casey was waiting for a detector so he was home and that was nice. We went and ran some errands and I dropped him off at work. Pie has been sounding good so I stopped at Village Inn and got a pie. I am going to eat it after I blog. Casey found a car he likes and Monday is going to go and get it. It is in Jackson hole. It is a Mercedes and looks a lot like a Volvo. It is four doors for the baby and is supposed to be a really safe car. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday, it will be a fun weekend.


Bath night

I am getting Grandma ready for Wendover this weekend. We went to the bank and got money and now we gave her a bath. She is going to wear her new outfit we got a walmarts the other day. She is going to look uptown for sure. I got us appointments to get our haircut next tuesday. Mine is getting really long. I am excited to come down tomorrow. I doubt I can leave early from work but I will be there around 8:00 I am up for a late movie of resident evil. What is your schedule Robin? Well I will call when I get to SLC. Karen have a great weekend if you don't hear from me. I will plant a long crop so it won't wither. Well have a great night.


Almost Friday

Mom I haven't seen the movie yet I think that I am going this weekend. Work was busy today. I am almost caught up but not quiet yet. It was warm here today. It was 97. I am sorry that you got suck in traffic too Rachel. That gives me road rage. Good luck with your test movie makeup Robin. I bet you do great. Well have a great Friday everyone.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hump Day

I didn't get your email Rachel. I got a lot of them you sent me though. That 9-11 was something. Everyone watched it with me. Thanks for sending it. I will look for it tomorrow. The afternoon got crazy busy. BreeAnn got put on bed rest. I think that is good for her. She still has some time left. She needs to take it easy. Robin I have been thinking and I would really like to come and see the shows for frightmare. Was the the 25 or the 1st of October we can go? Let me know which days are best for you and times and I think I would like to plan on going. I hope you had fun at the movies Karen. Did you see the zombie mask. I really want to go see it. I am excited to sew on Saturday. I am coming down on Friday night. I can pick you up Rachel and we can go together if you want to. Kay is picking Grandma up at the apartment around 10:00. I was thinking of getting you around 11:00 and then we can pick up some lunch along the way. Boy I was a writer tonight.


its only wensday

Well today was basically a repeat of yesterday. It didn't seem so chaotic though. yesterday was just crazy. I'm sorry you got stuck in traffic rachel. that is the worst possible thing to go through. i hate traffic. well tomorrow I have a makeup test for the movie that I am working on for the weekend. it should be interesting. but hopefully its good. well have a great night



I got stuck in traffic today. It took me an HOUR to get downtown. By the time I brought Casey dinner it was 6:30 and I was starving. A truck rolled over and they closed I80, here is the article - Tractor-trailer rollover closes portion of I-80 on-ramp to I-15. People drive like maniacs too, that is all I am going to say. Seeing Resident Evil sounds like fun Karen. I may have to go tomorrow. That would be fun. I emailed you today Mom but I am not sure if you got it. I am excited to sew this weekend. It will be fun.


Well works was busy today and I wasn't even scanning things. I have a headache today. The allergies are bad down here still. I am glad that the week is half over. I think that I am going to go and see Resident Evil if I have time. Well I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


today I worked doing makeup for a learn to do jewelry short. I am going in for the next three days it should be interesting I only have one girl and then 2 on friday. nothing to crazy. then I worked at lagoon. I am beat. Its nice to work alot though, I would rather work then sit home and stress about not working. :) well on saturday I have an early early morning but maybe we will be done by dinner so I can meet up with you..... we will see. as usual. well have a great wensday

love you

Felt that one

Boy did I feel this storm come in. My headache is bad. I didn't even need to look outside to know that a storm was here. I am a walking barometer. I am glad you guys had a quiet night. So did I. I got some laundry done and some ironing. I still have a lot of ironing to do. I am going to SLC on friday after work and then grandma and Kay are going to wendover and me and Rachel are going to Julies to sew. It should be a fun saturday. Not too much else to report.



Karen, that is a lot of work for you. At least you wont be bored I guess. Just take a deep breath. I had an uneventful day, work went good. I brought Casey some dinner and came home. I have started playing this new tower game and it is addicting. I need to stop playing it but it is fun. Everyone have a good night and stay safe.

What a day

Well the engineering sectary came in today and said that she wasn't coming back. They still haven't figured out what is wrong with her breathing. But she does have asthma and they told her that the chemical and things that they use at work will just aggravate it. So they were going to hire a temp, but the temp they were going to have come in got hired at another place. She I am still going to have to cover her stuff as best as I can. Oh well. I am getting my dishes done, so that is a good thing. Now I have to work on laundry, maybe later. Well have a great rest of the week.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Well today I worked at lagoon it was good nothing to crazy daisy. We did makeup tests for the actors so it went pretty smooth. Tomorrow I got a job doing makeup for a girl I guess its for a work video thing. and then I work at lagoon. whew this week will be busy its already starting to get filled up with things. It will be good though. well thanks for the nice weekend it was good to see everyone :)


checking in is not calling home and seeing what is for dinner

I heard that on a commercial tonight and I thought it was funny. I am glad you guys had a good trip. I had a really good time. It was fun to be all together. Kyle is home from the hospital. They said he didn't have a fever and he couldn't stay. Go Figure. Dad made it to SLC safe and sound. He had a doctor's appointment in Brigham City and the doctor said he was doing really well. A lot of his soreness is because of the damage that occured before he got treatment. I am tired tonight also. Farmville and then straight to bed for me. Karen I hope your apartment is smelling good. I think the fans should have made it better. Well have a great tuesday. LOVE MOM

Fun new shirts

I had a good day, I was tired also but not as bad I thought I would be. I had a great weekend, thank you Karen for having a Birthday and being such a great host. I am sorry I stole your extra life, that wasn't cool. Work went good, I went and brought Casey dinner after and then I went grocery shopping. Now I am just putting my feet up and playing a game. I wore my new shirt today and that was really fun, it is the light blue striped shirt. Thank you Grandma for it, it is really cute.


Well today was a good day. I am a little tired but that is to be expected. I had a good time this weekend. Thanks for the fun birthday. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home safe and sound

I am home safe and sound. What a fun weekend. Boy that place was nice to stay at. We might have to do that one again. Happy Birthday Karen. You are so neat. Well I am tired but I wanted to let you know that Kyle is in the hospital with a bladder infection. Poor Guy. I will keep you posted as I find things out. Since we were all together I can't think of anything else.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...