Saturday, April 18, 2015

Just keep sleeping

Today was chill. I slept in which was nice. Then I picked up walter and meet mom and dad for lunch. It was tastey. Then me and Walter were going to go see a show but we didn't see anything we wanted to see. He was going to game tonight so I figured I would make burp cloths for a bit. But I feel a sleep and took a long nap. I woke up and decided to sew a bit so I did two of them. I work at scheels tomorrow so nothing to exciting


Get the work done day

I had a nice day.  We slept in and then I did four batches of laundry and dad bought this wax cleaner and I was using it on the window and I started using it on the table where dad keeps his plants and it just cleaned it up so nice that we decided to do the TV table and it was really nice.  We met Robin and Walter for lunch and it was fun to visit.  We came back home and took a nap and then went and got the oil changed in the Jeep.  We went for a walk while we were waiting for it and it was so nice to be outside.  We went grocery shopping and I cooked some stuff for lunches this week.  It was nice to just get organized again.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  I love your TV table Karen that fits your TV perfect. Now we can watch two different movies at your house :)  Have a nice Sunday.  It is suppose to be a really nice day.  I think that is so cute that Oliver has to hold a binky also.  Cute kids. LOVE MOM


I like your TV stand Karen, good job.  Today was good, we spent most of it outside.  Isaac really wants to do jobs outside so we have been working on cleaning up Robin's patio area.  It is looking pretty good.  After Oliver's nap we went to the Ryan's place park and it was fun but hot.  Isaac's friend was their and he had a fun time.  Everyone have a good Sunday and get some rest.



Sorry I didn't blog last night. I fell asleep watching a movie and then I forgot to blog after I woke up. Today I got my TV stand put together and then I setup my other TV. I did have to run to Park City to get a hdmi cable. Other than that it was pretty easy to do. I hope everyone had a great day.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Lovely Weather

I am sorry about Susan.  I am glad that Grandma is going out and staying with her.  Thanks for last night.  It was a really good night and good to be with everyone.  Isaac didn't want to go, he is cute.  Today the weather was so nice.  We played outside in the morning and all afternoon.  We did some yard work also and Isaac loved that.  We cut back some grapes and it was fun.  Well everyone have a good weekend and thanks for everything.


Spoiled Boys


I know that is a deep subject.  Grandma Bodily called dad today and said that Susan had fallen and she was going down to help her.  I don't have any more details but she left this evening at 10:00 to go down.  We were going to go out there after work but she said she would rather take a nap before she left so we went and got me some sunglass clips for my glasses because the glare has been so bad at work the last couple of days.  Hopefully that will help some.  We had firehouse subs for dinner and then just vegged.  Not much else going on with us.  I did buy a new fan while we were at Walmart.  I thought that would help when it warms up again.  Everyone have a great weekend.  Robin, I love your burp clothes.  Oh Spit is my favorite one.  I think you could sell a lot of those.  I think that is funny you ate at Panda.  WE did also.  We walked around Best Buy and bought Imitation Game.  It is on Vudu for you guys.  Oliver was so cute walking under the signs.  He is getting the hang of walking.  Isaac didn't want to leave and kept thinking of ways for all of us to stay.  It was so cute.  Love you guys MOM

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Sorry I didn't make it to dinner. Hope you guys had fun. Work was good super busy so time went by fast. Then I got my ruffle foot from amazon. It was only 10.00. I was excited. I wanted to do a snow white themed burp cloth. I put a failed attempt below. The soft yellow fabric is hard to sew irmts really strechy. I just need to be vigilant at pinning it really good before sewing but it was a good learning experiance. I put a picture below. Me and Walter went to panda for dinner. So that,was fun. Have a good friday


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Let it go

It was snowy all day today. On my way to work the roads we not bad the 5 minutes from work it started to stick and the roads were horrible. But work was good. I am having a hard time focusing, I think it's the weather. Then I met up with Walter for dinner I made beef stroganoff I pinned a new recipe, Walter said it was a keeper. I think it feeds four but in our case it fed Walter :) lol. Are you in slc tomorrow Rachel. I don't work Thursday so I can go out for dinner. Walter is pending depending on. The va. Anyway not much else with me have a good night stay warm


More than an inch

We got a lot of snow and it is still snowing here.  It was so bright outside today the glare was tough from the windows onto the computer. I hope it is better tomorrow.  I haven't had a chance to talk with dad yet.  I got roped in to babysitting and I didn't get home until now and he is in the tub.  I would love to meet for dinner.  How far down do you want to come?  I will email you in the morning and we can decide where to meet.  Have a great day.  Be safe in the snow.  LOVE MOM


It snowed all day here.  We got quiet a bit of snow.  Isaac and Casey made a snowman even.  It was cowboy day at Isaac's school so we went and got him a cowboy shirt this morning to wear.  He looked really cute in it.  I had to go visiting teaching when it was time to pick him up so Casey dropped him off and picked him up which was really sweet.  We went to Logan burger for dinner and walked around the mall for a while to get out of the house.  Isaac wanted a train so we went to the toy store and got one since they are on sale.  Tomorrow I have my yearly check up and Casey has fork lift training so Jenn is going to watch the boys for a while in the morning.  I think we are going to meet up with Mom and Dad for dinner if anyone wants to come.



Well after I blogged last night it started snowing. It has been snowing off and on since then. We have only about an inch that stuck though. Work was good. Nothing to wild and crazy to report. I am glad that Oliver likes the giraffe. I thought it was cute. I hope everyone had a great tax day. Bye

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


We got snow here also.  It was windy this morning and by this afternoon it was snowing.  We have about an inch.  I think we had too much time inside today but other than that it was good.  We went to story time this morning and Casey mowed the lawn while we were gone.  We helped him rake up some sticks when we got back.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and it was nice.  Oliver slept the whole time and I did two and a half blocks.  Casey spent the day making black beans and they turned out really good, he does a good job and makes enough to last a long time.  He had scouts tonight and we painted Isaac car that Mom got him.  It was fun and he loved it.  Here are some pictures.  The one with the balls was from yesterday, I forgot it.  Isaac and Oliver were being so cute hugging their blankets today, I didn't get great pictures but you get the idea.  They were so cute.  Oliver has been hugging the giraffe a lot also Karen, thanks.



It has been snowing here off and on all night.  I did come home from work and tried the path of greatness and took a nap.  It felt so nice. It seems strange to work normal hours.  I have been working longer days because I have been taking time off and it is nice to be back to a normal schedule.  Dad continues to feel a lot better.  I hope the medicine kills all the bad bacteria this time.  Not much else going on with me.  Have a great tax day.  It is nice to have mine mailed and waiting for a return.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Super windy. It was so lovely this morning on my way to work. I had to work at scheels tonight and I came home in snow and the cold. Luckily the weather had calmed down on my way home so the roads were nice. On facebook a girl posted a short film I worked on last summer. It was fun to see. Not much else I think me and Walter are going to meet up for dinner tomorrow so that will be nice. I have tomorrow night off scheels. Stay warm it's suppose to snow again tomorrow



Things are going good here. It started out a little windy and sunny here and then it got super windy and cloudy here in the afternoon. So far though we haven't had any precipitation though. Work is going good. Tomorrow is tax day, so happy tax day everyone. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Image result for tax jokes

Monday, April 13, 2015


We walked a lot today which was good.  This morning we started to walk around the block and ended up going to the park.  Isaac had school so we came home ate lunch and then he went to school.  I gave Oliver a nap and sewed for an hour.  It was nice.  We played in the backyard until Casey got home from work.  After dinner we went walking up in the canyon on the river walk.  Isaac wanted to explore so we took a side trail that was fun.  Isaac and Oliver and both good hikers.  I am sad that it is going to be bad weather the rest of the week.  Hopefully we get a lot of rain.


Isaac put his shirt on backwards

I am going to strive for greatness

Robin I am all for striving for greatness.  I bet Rachel would just like 8 hours of sleep.  I hope those teeth come in soon.  Work was really busy but I knew it would be.  It was payroll and then we went out for lunch.  We tried that Pizza Studio where you make your own pizza.  I really liked it.  We will have to try it.  Not much else going on with us.  We stopped by Great Harvest and got some bread.  They make there's with honey.  Dad is feeling a lot better.  The pills are helping.  Have a great Tuesday.  Watch out the weather is suppose to be crazy.  LOVE MOM

It's a monday

Well its monday. I had to work scheels tonight so I don't have much to report. Just made it through work. Mom I will just make you a burp cloth or whatever you need. What are they having a boy or girl?? Do they have a theme? Not much else going on with me have a good night



My day has been good. Thanks everyone for the fun weekend. It was hard getting up and going to work today though. I had to take a cyber security training this morning. It was a couple of slideshow and then some questions. It wasn't too bad to do. Work went by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, April 12, 2015

I'm Back

Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I just got out of my normal routine and I loved it.  Thanks Rachel and Karen for the fun day.  I will work out with you a day to take off and come and spend the night.  I haven't done that for a long time.  We had a really nice day today.  We went and got Grandma and took her to the gun show.  She loved it.  We saw Gary's cousin from vernal selling there.  He was selling tazers and everyone bought one when he asked how we were related.  It was fun.  Karen got Grandma one for mothers day and we got one.  I think they we be nice to have around.  Karen you only have to charge them once every 3 months.   Robin I love the burp clothes.  How much are you selling them for because I need one for a gift.  I am glad that Casey is only working one day overtime this week.  It will be good for him to rest up.  Have a great week.  I can't believe that April is almost half over with.  Time goes too fast.  LOVE MOM


Robin, I love the burp clothes and I think that is a really good idea to start off with.  Good job.  I can help if you need anything.  Thanks for coming up yesterday Mom, Dad and Karen.  It was a fun time.  Isaac has talked all day about you coming back to visit again and play the spooky game.  Oliver didn't sleep well last night.  I gave him early nap and then just went to church late.  It works out pretty good.  We walked to church which was really nice.  It was a pretty day but windy.  We just played in the backyard after dinner.  Casey is working tomorrow and then he has the rest of the week off which will be nice.  Well everyone have a good Monday and thanks for everything.



Today was nice I didn't have to work. I got an ad in the mail for joanns and simplicity patterns were 5 for 5 dollars. They are normally 15.00 each. So I went down and got 5. I got one for a cassarole dish holder. I'm excited to make it. The I have made and executive decision to make some burp cloths to sell. They are fast and inexpensive so I thought it would be a good start. I made two today. I was in the middle is third but the embroidery went weird and made a hole so I had to throw it out. But hopefully I can make about 5 more this week. That is the goal. I need 10 items on etsy to start getting traffic. So I'm baby stepping. Other then that I am doing laundry and watching movies. Have a good week



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...