Saturday, June 25, 2011

Nice Day

I had a really nice day. We went to Logan and I got to play with Rachel and Isaac. So much fun. He is so dang cute. We came home and went to the store. I am tired. Sorry I didn't blog last night I fell asleep and never woke up again. I have been tired. It was such a good day. Thanks LOVE MOM

Poor Kindle

Karen, I am sorry about your kindle. I remember you bought it on my birthday so your should have until the 17th. I am glad that you get a new one. Robin I am excited for your quilt. That will be fun. I talked to Sylvia and she said that we can use her quilt machine anytime we want so you could use that to quilt it. We had a really nice day. Mom and Dad came up. Me, Mom and Isaac hung out all morning. It was really nice. Mom got Isaac an awesome farm set. I love it and he has enjoyed it also, it is really cute. Mom and Dad left and Casey helped his brother move an organ. So Isaac napped and I relaxed. When Casey got home we were going to grill some hamburgers but the grill wasn't warming up fast enough so we got quizno's and ate outside. It was nice. Then we mowed the lawn. It was a nice day. I am excited to celebrate Mom's birthday tomorrow. It will be fun.

Sad, Sad Day

Well my kindle broke. The top right corner went blank and wouldn't show anything. the good news it that I am still in my year warranty until the 10th of July, so they are sending me a new one and it will be here Tuesday. I can make it. Well I got a lot done today. I got my oil changed, got play money for my lesson, went grocery shopping, washed my car, and am doing laundry. I had to get all the boring stuff this weekend so I could play next weekend. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, June 24, 2011

le friday

today was good. I worked form 12 to 5 at zions and then went to dinner with mom and dad. then I cut fabric for a quilt for the rest of the night. it was nice to relax and not work a ton of hours. anyway tomorrow I work at lagoon. I hope Isaac gets feeling better poor thing. I'm glad things are going well for you karen. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Made it

Well I made it thru Friday. I am sorry that Isaac is sick Rachel. I guess he take after me with the croup. All I can saw is get vicks, I love that stuff. Well my was good. I moved a bunch of paper off my desk, so yeah I made progress. The free lunch today was good. It was fun to just sit around and talk to everyone at lunch. Every usually just scatters. Well I hope that everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow. BYE

Thursday, June 23, 2011


the quilt turned out beautiful rachel i love it. Mom wanted me to blogg about an idea I had. On sunday I have the night free after 5 and josh said he could come down. so if you wanted to come down to and have dinner and play telistrations and eat cake for mom. ..... just an idea. today I worked all day I am pretty beat but I get to sleep in a bit tomorrow so that will be nice. :) anywho not to much else is going on I'm glad everyone is doing well

love you


Rachel that quilt is amazing. I love it. You did a good job. Poor Isaac teething is miserable. They should be popping out soon. I had a nice night tonight me and Julie went and saw Grandma and then we went to a mexican resturant. It was a good adventure. Karen I haven't made any plans yet. Rachel do you want to have a bonfire one night? That would be fun. I need to start making plans for sure. Karen do you have any thing you would like to do? Well have a great friday. I worked an extra hour today so I get to leave at 3:30 tomorrow from work YEAH LOVE MOM

I finished it

I finally finished the Sea Urchin Quilt. I think that it turned out really good. It feels so good to have it done. Here is a picture.

Karen was so sweet and sent Isaac some teething rings. He loves them. Thank you Karen. Here is a picture of him playing with one of the rings and a picture of his sore teeth.

Hot potato

Well it was hot here today. It was 105 outside today. I hope that you had a good dinner with Julie, mom. I had a good day. Work was busy so it made the day go by fast. So mom do you have a preliminary plan for the 4th? I was just wondering what the plan was. Well I hope that everyone one has a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Well I have never heard of that country before. I guess we will learn a lot about it before Oct 19. I did have fun being there. Not much else going on with me either. Work was slow and then dad was on a conference call until right now. I guess it is better than 3 in the morning like most times. WEll have a great Thursday. I am going to pick Julie up and take her out to dinner and then we are going to go see Grandma. I hope it is a nice evening. Have a great day.


Half way

Well it is half way thru the week. Things are going good. Work was a little slow today but I made it. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope that you had a fun time at the letter opening tonight mom. That is cool no one else will under stand him when he speaks Albanian. just 8 more days until I get to come up and play. It will be nice to have a long weekend. Well I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. BYE

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


today was good. I worked at zions this morning and then me and josh went to rent at night. It was fun they did an amazing job, it was good to see. well not to much happenening I work both jobs tomorrow. hopefully its fun. o well better head for bed


Summer Fun

Today was good. Casey came home and we had Kelly over for a barbecue. It was really fun. We grilled some hamburgers and hot dogs and ate outside. Then we played croquet. It was really fun. Isaac loves to be outside. I just brought his high chair outside and he sat and played for a long time. He only took two naps today so he went right to bed. Well I sounds like everyone had a good day. I am glad. Everyone stay safe.



I had a busy day at work. This whole week is going to be one busy time. Robin didn't have to work tonight so we took her to dinner and then dad had to work for Harold, Robin went with Josh to Rent and I went to the nursing home. Grandma wasn't as bad tonight. She was her usual self. I went and bought cookies afterwards for Austin's letter opening tomorrow night and then I came home and we started to watch Ghost Writer. I have been wanting to see it. Tomorrow night I am going out to Juiles to see where Austin is going. I hope it is somewhere he will love. That is all my news also. Tomorrow is hump day make it through and we are almost to the weekend.

Free food

Well they are giving us a free lunch on Friday. Should be nice. I had a good day. Nothing too exciting to report. It was a very pretty day here today. I wish i could have just played outside all day. Oh well. Rachel that is neat Isaac is getting his first tooth. I hope that it comes in quick and that it won't make him too cranky. Well have a great one. BYE.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Sorry I have been the worst at blogging. sorry..... but anyway lets do catch up I worked and then worked some more... on sunday lagoon closed early so I went over to josh's house and we watch some t.v and movies. It was nice to relax for a bit. we watched gnomio and juliet I lost track of time and didn't get to watch the last part of it the the first part was really cute. Sounds like everyone is crazy busy. I am sorry about isaac's teeth rachel. I hope they come in fast then grandpa can feed him grown up food :) I'm sorry things are hard with grandma if you need anything mom let me know. I like your embroidery karen its pretty. I hope isn't getting to hot up there. its still chilly at night up here. anyway I better go to bed hope everyone has a great week ;)

love you

Nice day

I am sorry Isaac is teething. That is miserable. I hope the come through soon. That is nice that you got to go see Casey's family. Well neither of the father's day presents were here today. I am going to the main office tomorrow and see if they are there. I went straight to the nursing home after work and grandma wasn't having a good day. She thought I was Julie and we were in the bakery, cooking. I did get 1/2 a cup of coffee down her and we went for a little walk in the wheelchair. Then I came home and me and dad went out for dinner and we went to Sprint and got the address changed on the bill and then we went to Ikea and got Robin her book case. We got a lot done tonight. Not too much else to report.


Isaac didn't sleep well last night and I checked his teeth this morning and one of his tooth had kind of broken through, I could feel the ridge. He had a rough day. I gave him some Tylenol and that helped. I feel so bad for him. For lunch I used one of Mom's gift certificates and went and got a sub at Papa Kelseys. It was fun, thanks Mom. Casey's Dad called me and I went over there for dinner. Terry made a nice fire pit in the back and we roasted hot dogs. It was fun. Isaac was pretty good. He sat on my lap and talked for a while so that was fun. He also "drank" from a cup and that was entertaining. I am sorry Mom that you are having a rough time. I feel bad for you, you are doing a good job with everything, I am proud of you. I hope that Grandma moved to her new place OK.


Well I made it thru Monday. it wasn't too bad. But it is hard to wake up in the mornings after being able to sleep in. I stayed busy at work so that was nice. Mom I hope that the package got there. i tried to get it there before father's day. I hope that everyone had a great Monday also. BYE

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

I am glad everyone had a good day. It was very restful for me. Jeff and James came and got the hutch of grandma's. Robin's room is starting to look like Robin's room. That is nice. We went to order that bookcase like Karen's and it was 99 dollars to ship it. It only cost 69. Me and dad will go pick it up for her for that much money. I went to see grandma and then my night kind of went down hill. Kay and I got in a big fight and I am afraid I lost it in the halls of a nursing home. Boy that is the worst thing I can do. I am really struggling. I guess maybe when you lose it in a nursing home you have serious problems is all I can say. I thought I was doing better. I really am trying. It is tough. Kay and Jen are going to move her to the new place tomorrow. It sounds really nice and I think it will help everyone visit her. Well have a great week. Should be a busy one for me. My boss has a huge retreat this week and he said he needed me to do a lot of stuff for it. Should make the week go by fast and then birthday weekend and then the next weekend Karen gets to come home. That will be fun. I am excited for that.


Happy Fathers Day

I hope that you had a good Fathers Day Dad. We had a good day. We just spent the day at home and it was nice. Isaac did alot better at church today so I made it through the whole thing. I don't have much else to report. I hope that everyone had a nice relaxing day. :)


Well I had a good Sunday. One of the other Primary teachers didn't show up so I had my class plus the 7 year olds. So I had about 9 kids altogether. It was fun we were talking about the good shepherd so we made sheep. I think the had fun. It looked like rain this morning, but then it got really windy and all the clouds went away. But the wind stayed. Well I hope that everyone had a good Sunday and a Happy Father's Day.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...