Monday, June 20, 2011


Sorry I have been the worst at blogging. sorry..... but anyway lets do catch up I worked and then worked some more... on sunday lagoon closed early so I went over to josh's house and we watch some t.v and movies. It was nice to relax for a bit. we watched gnomio and juliet I lost track of time and didn't get to watch the last part of it the the first part was really cute. Sounds like everyone is crazy busy. I am sorry about isaac's teeth rachel. I hope they come in fast then grandpa can feed him grown up food :) I'm sorry things are hard with grandma if you need anything mom let me know. I like your embroidery karen its pretty. I hope isn't getting to hot up there. its still chilly at night up here. anyway I better go to bed hope everyone has a great week ;)

love you

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