Saturday, October 24, 2009
home safe and sound
We are home safe and soundYEAH. Looks like everyone had an eventful day. Car purchase, Zombie makeup and billows. WOW. It was a wild day for us. Grandma and Grandpa Gumm were doing good. Grandma got a perm and then dad worked on the car and we took it out to Julie. We went and saw Grandma Bodily. She is a lot better. It feels nice to be home. Stake Conference tomorrow NO church YEAH. I am going to sleep in. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
Karen, That is a pretty car, I really like it. I am glad that you have a new car now so we wont have to worry about you as much. That is very exciting. I really like it.
We had a good day. We made it back from SLC last night saftely. It wasn't a bad drive. We slept in this morning and then went grocrey shopping. It has been laid back day. Right now Casey is makeing a fire with the billows, so I thought I would check out Karens car.

Robin that is neat that you are getting so much work, that is fun. That is interesting that they have Zoobie Day. I love it, I would love to see that. That is a lot of late nights. I am glad that you get to sleep some tomorrow. Everyone stay safe.
We had a good day. We made it back from SLC last night saftely. It wasn't a bad drive. We slept in this morning and then went grocrey shopping. It has been laid back day. Right now Casey is makeing a fire with the billows, so I thought I would check out Karens car.
Robin that is neat that you are getting so much work, that is fun. That is interesting that they have Zoobie Day. I love it, I would love to see that. That is a lot of late nights. I am glad that you get to sleep some tomorrow. Everyone stay safe.

Well here are the photos of my new car. It is an automatic, has ABS brakes, CD player with mp3 player connector, a sun roof, front wheel drive, and the like. I am excited to be driving it. A little nerous about getting the loan, but that is just normal. Well I really don't have too much to report so I will let you guys go. Love ya BYE
Well I just got back from the zombie walk. Its a huge zombie walk in toronto. One guy said that 3000 people were going to attend. I got a free t-shirt and poster. We did makeup constantly from 12-3.Makeup was only for the first 100 people and there were like 5 of us.. I'm pretty beat. It was fun though everyone was all decked out in zombie jazz. I got a few picts of people I did just for fun. Last night I worked on the film, they shot a huge scene so i was there till 3 am. They bought mc donalds around 11:00 for us. It help tie me over. I have another gig tonight for zombie prom. hopefully that one goes well. Its like a high fashion event at a club so it will be interesting. That goes till 1:30 am. Tommorow I am sleeping and maybe clean up the hurricane mess in my room. :) well have a great zombie day.
BRAINS.. mmmmmm
Friday, October 23, 2009
Safe and Sound in the Salty City
We made it safe and sound to SLC and the spagetti factory was open. That tasted really good. Spoon me is an ice cream place that is almost exactly like that ice cream place by you Robin that is yogurt and then put toppings on it. We tried it one night when we were up there. We went and saw Grandma Bodily. She is out of ICU. It was late and we didn't stay long they were going to give her some more pain medicine. Tomorrow we are going to run errands. Go see Kyle. Take Julie Grandma and Grandpa's car and then Grandma is getting a perm. An exciting day for sure. Rachel and Casey decided to go home so they are on their way home. We are going to carve pumpkins for Sunday dinner. Good luck on your movie Robin. I am excited for you. Good luck with Zombie day also. I hope you get some sleep in between. Karen I hope Panda was good. LOVE MOM
Well I made it thru Friday. I had trouble sleeping last night. I woke up at 5 and could get back to sleep, so today was a long day. I am sorry that you have sucky roommates Robin. That makes it rough. I am glad that Casey had a good birthday dinner. I am going to get me a pumpkin tomorrow so that I can crave it. I got a cool wolf pattern that I want to do. Well I hope that the weekend is great for everyone. BYE
time out
So last night my flat mate next to me decided to blare her music all night. than in the morning there was a note saying she dropped a vodka bottle on the kitchen floor and thinks she cleaned it all up but was to drunk to tell. Needless to say I'm tired and ornery, Luckily I haven't gone in to the kitchen to see the collateral damage but i miss my roommates that were recluse and quite. anyway tonight I'm working on the film that I worked on last week. I hope it goes well. I'm kinda bummed because I have to miss institute but what can you do. Is spoon me a new restaurant in logan. We'll have to go when I get back. I love desserts. :) well I better go have a great night
Late Blogger
I am late blogging sorry. Last night me, Mom and Casey went out to dinner for his birthday to the Black Pearl and then we went to Desert at Spoon Me. They were both really good. I really love spoon me. Then Me and Casey went home and we watched the Office. Pam was really angry and it was different. I am not sure about it. Then I read my book, I am reading Her Fearful Symmetry. It is an interesting book. I will have to let you know how it ends. The last book I read was jumping all over time and it is nice to read a book that is just taking place in the present. I like it. Well tonight we are going to SLC to visit everyone. I am glad that everyone is doing good. Thanks for everything you guys are the best.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
space cadet
well I think I am going to bed early. I took the garbage out for garbage day and he came today. I didn't realize it until Jay called and asked me to take her garbage in. We finally got Casey a birthday dinner and I gave him your card Karen. We went to spoon me for dessert and it was soooo good. I am addicted. Dad went and saw grandma and she is doing a lot better. She is breathing on her own and is awake. Gary said she is having a hard time talking with all the meds but she was having some trouble with that before hand. I am glad she is doing so much better. Have a fun weekend Robin. I am glad you get another quiet one Karen. Enjoy that because it is going to start being the holidays and it will be crazy. Next weekend you get the ER. Me Rachel and Casey are going to SLC after work. Casey's car is down in SLC so we are going to go pick it up. Have a great friday.
Sorry that I didn't blog last night. I was tired after class and just went t0 bed. I hope that Grandma is doing better. It was chilly here today. i think that is might be time to start thinking about turning off the ac and flipping it over to heat. Good luck with all the zombie stuff Robin, it sounds like Saturday is just going to zombies all day long. Well I don't have much else to report so I will let you go.
value village
So today I went shopping for my photoshoots. I got a wig for little red riding hood. and clothes and hats for everything. I luckly was able to get most of it at value village to save some bucks. Well Tomorrow I am going to work on the film shoot again. And on saturday I have my zombie stuff. I hope on sunday things will calm down. Its stake conference so I think I'm going to miss. Plus the zombie prom goes until 1:30 am so I'll be pretty beat. well I'm sorry that grandma isn't doing a well. I'm glad you were able to go down and be with dad for a while. That is a crazy story about the forest that casey takes care of. Well I'm glad karen is doing well sorry work is boring. At least school keeps you busy. ;) well I better run. have a great night
love you
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
safe and sound in SLC
I made it to SLC safe and sound. I am spending the night at the apartment. I was going to go see Grandma but they limit the visiting to two people and we decided not to go. I am going to go on my way home tomorrow. The visiting hours are a lot longer in the morning from 8:00 - 2:30. She has had a rough day. Surgery went well but she aspirated. Mel says it is a lot like what happened to Susie. I hope she is OK. She is going to be in intenstive care for at least 2 days and then the hospital for a week. I bet it is longer than that. Work was busy. I will keep you updated as soon as I know anything. Rachel I watched that movie and those ranchers just wanted to do what they wanted to do. That was interesting. I am glad Casey got to be in Logan this week. It is nice to have him home. Robin I am glad you get to do a lot of halloween stuff. You love that kind of thing. October is your favorite time of the year. I hate to admit it but I have not done one decoration. I don't even have a pumpkin. I hope Karen had a nice time at class tonight. LOVE MOM
The News
I had a good day. It was busy, Dan went to Walmart today and I helped him finish his presentation. My visiting teachers came this evening and that is nice. Casey is working in Logan this week and that has been nice. The project he is working on right now was on the news today. Here is a link to the video and aritcle. I thought that is is pretty interesting. - Investigation under way after ranchers build fence in national forest
Rachel - Investigation under way after ranchers build fence in national forest
Well today we started doing makeup I'm done with the theory stuff. We are learning period and straight makeup now. I'm sorry to hear grandma had to go into surgery, I hope she gets feeling better. Well on saturday I am doing a zombie walk its for a few hours, we are basing our designs off of resident evil video game. and late at night I have a "zombie Prom" fashion show. so it will be a long day. but it will be fun. well I better go I feel like I have a million things to do. I will ttyl
take care
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
lots of news
Robin that sounds so exciting. I am glad you are getting to do all that stuff. Are the zombies for Resident Evil 4 or something else. Karen I am glad you had a good night. That is fun to do that. They are nice people. You will have to provide a few more details however. Cute boy? What did you have for dinner. Dad went and saw grandma and she is about the same. She is pretty drugged. She is in a lot of pain. They moved Kyle to a rehab center. I guess he is getting better and it is set up for more long term care. I don't have any details just what Kay knew. He is for sure filing for disability and is upset about that. This is really hard for him. I sent flowers to the hospital this afternoon. I am not sure if he got them. Kelsey wrote on facebook she is moving to SLC. I talked to dad and they are moving. Mike got his old job back and he is going to go to school at University of Utah. Well that is all my news. Linda brought over some plums so I am drying those and I made some dinners for mom and dad and then I did laundry. I am tired. I think I am going to bed. LOVE MOM
Well I had a good night I went to dinner and a movie with some people from work. We saw the Time Travelers Wife. It was an alright show, it is on the to buy list though. I hope that Grandma stays on the not having to have surgery list. Work was a little boring but what can you do. I hope that tomorrow is busier though. I am ready for the weekend already and it is only Tuesday that doesn't bode well for the rest of the week. Well Have a great one BYE
hat day
So today my friend at school needed someone to do makeup again for george brown, the one I did the chess thing for. Well today the theme was hats with natural makeup. So I got better photos. I think I have some to add to my portfolio I hope. I will get the pictures from the photographers hopefully in a few weeks. Well saturday is looking like zombie day. I have one job at night for a zombie shot and maybe one in the afternoon to. Hopefully I get to do them all. I think it will be fun. anyway I'm going to go, I hope grandma and kyle gets feeling better. I'm also excited for moms spikey hair. :) have a great night
Monday, October 19, 2009
Spiked Hair
I went and got my hair cut and decided to do a spike looked. I hope that I can figure out the gel. Dad is going to go to the hospital in the morning and stay until after the surgery. I am debating whether to go down or not. Mostly just to be with dad. Kyle is still in the hospital. They put a pic line in his arm today so he doesn't need to have IV's. It is nicer to have. He has to have the antibiotic for at least 14 more days. I am not sure when he will be able to come home. Crazy days. I will email you guys as soon as I know anything. LOVE MOM
Well I hope that Grandma gets better soon. That doesn't sound like fun. My day was good. I made it thru class tonight also. Good luck with all your homework Robin. It does help to get as far ahead as you can. That way there is less of a pile to hit you later. I keep hoping for rain down here, but it seems like all we get is the wind. Well I will keep my fingers crossed for grandma. Love ya guys BYE
I had a good day. Work was busy and went by fast. Casey is working in Logan this week so he had to go to SLC this morning and then was able to come back to Logan. It will be good to have him home all week. We got the Bellow today, it is pretty neat. I will have to put a picture on of them in action. I don't have much else going on. I hope that Kyle and Grandma start feeling better.
I'm sorry that grandma isn't doing well. That is hard. I hope that the surgery goes well tomorrow. well today in class we are just doing theory now. We are learning about code words and who does what on set. We are going to do theory stuff for 2 more days, I miss beating people up. The first part of november is going to be crazy out of control. I have 2 photo shoot days with 4 people to makeup. Then we have our film practical and written test. And our assignment that we have is due. And we have our final comprehensive test for all of our classes. In one week. Its going to be quite the week. Well I think i'm going to start research for my homework so I don't get slammed. have a great one. love you
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Well i am glad that Casey had a good birthday. I like the sticker, maybe it will help. I am sorry that grandma is not doing well. I hope that the blockage passes on its own. My day was pretty good. I could use a longer weekend though. It was 90 down here today. Well not much to report so I will let you go. BYE
Happy birthday casey :)
I'm glad casey liked his present. sorry the bellow hasn't made it yet. I hope it gets there soon. I hope its a nice one. Well I didn't go to church today I was tired and slept all day. it was nice to be lazy. Well I hope grandma and kyle are ok. That sucks everyone is getting sick. Oh about the film I didn't meet anyone famous it was all low budget so everyone there is just starting out. I don't think they have a name for the film yet. yesterday was the first day of shooting. So hopefully they will want me back to do more makeup for them. It hard with me at school because I'm out all day but we will see what we will see. Well I'm going to get back to being lazy. Its a hard life I know but I'm going to take it while I can. :) take care
Love the sticker
Well the sticker has made my day. I will have to have dad see that one. All I can say is we have seen our share of hospitals this weekend. Margaret didn't look so good. If she can't get that to pass they will do surgery and remove it. Jani was here for break and we took her out for lunch. She is very upset. We drove out to see Kyle but he was sound asleep and we didn't want to wake him up so we just left. I guess he has e-coli now and so far it is drug resistant. I am not sure what else is going on. I don't think he is going home tomorrow is all I can say about that one. Margaret got up and sat for a while so that was good. Dad stayed in SLC because he was going down in the morning anyway. I am glad that Casey had a good birthday. The cake does look good. I love the home for the goats. They can be warm and eat at the same time. Very convenient. Have a good week. I am going to go wash my hands and take a rest.
Happy Birthday Casey
Casey has had a good birthday weekend. Thank you everyone. Yesterday we meet Casey's family for lunch, we went to the Beehive grill, Kelly was workign there so we got to see him also. Then we looked for a security system at Best Buy. Their was one thier we liked but they had the instilation cost included and the car isn't drivable and ready for a security system so we went home and found the same one on the internet for a third of the price. So Casey ordered it. Casey's dad gave him some money for his birthday and he has wanted to build a goat pyrimid for the goats so they will be warmer so he went and got that last night and built it. The goats love it. Here is a picture.

Today I made him a carrot cake. It was really good and it was pretty.

I got him a water purifier, Robin sent him a bellow but it hasn't come yet and a first aid kit and this funny sticker.

We put it on his civic, it will be safe now. Karen got him a Best buy gift certificae. Mom and Dad got him some money and garnola. He is spoiled. Thank you.
I am glad that your moive went good Robin, that is exciting. I hope that Grandma Bodily is doing better. I feel bad that everyone is not feeling well. Thank you for everything.
Today I made him a carrot cake. It was really good and it was pretty.
I got him a water purifier, Robin sent him a bellow but it hasn't come yet and a first aid kit and this funny sticker.
We put it on his civic, it will be safe now. Karen got him a Best buy gift certificae. Mom and Dad got him some money and garnola. He is spoiled. Thank you.
I am glad that your moive went good Robin, that is exciting. I hope that Grandma Bodily is doing better. I feel bad that everyone is not feeling well. Thank you for everything.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...