Saturday, June 11, 2016

Fun day

I had a really nice day.  We went and helped Karen this morning with free dump day and then drove to Ogden to play with Rachel, Casey and the kids.  We had a lot of fun.  It poured rain.  I was a little disappointed in that one.  We decided to go back home and Karen said lets go see a show so we did.  We saw Now you see me 2.  It was really good.  It sure is a lot cooler.  The rain was really nice.  I was thinking maybe we should go on the gondola over the 4th of July weekend.  Robin is off that time and it would be cool up there.  Just a thought.  Have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, June 10, 2016


You are one lucky person Karen, congratulations.  Today was good and I am feeling like I am more on top of things.  Isaac wanted a new pair of shoes also so we went and got him some avenger shoes that flash.  Then we went to story time.  Their is a play beauty and the beast going on next week so they had Belle come and read a book to the kids.  Isaac got his picture with her but Oliver was running around and missed it.  I signed us up for summer reading.  I have been wanting to stay on top of reading to the kids and I think that this will help and be fun.  The library also has fun things every week like last year so I am really excited about that.  We came home and played outside and ate Popsicle and then played play dough.  Casey is bring the dutch oven to scout camp next week so he cooked dinner in it for us to clean it out a bit and to burn the stump.  We went on a evening walk and it was so nice and cool, I loved it.  I finally got Isaac to wear shorts today and he looked so cute.  I love his legs.  It is supposed to rain a bit tomorrow but it doesn't look too bad.  I am excited to see everyone.


Nice Evening

We had a nice evening we stopped on the way home and got our drugs and then walked around the park.  We met Robin and Walter for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  We just chilled after that.  Rachel I think snow basin sounds fun.  Cool and good hiking around.  We can change that plan if it rains.  We are going to go up to Karen's around 9:00.  Robin it was so nice to visit with you tonight.  Karen you are the luckiest person I have ever met.  We will have to do impulse buy tomorrow.  Everyone one have great weekend.  I love weekends.  LOVE MOM


Well I won 100 dollars at the luncheon today so that was fun. Work went good. I stayed busy so it by fast for a Friday. When i got home they were pouring cement for new gutters in front of my house so i left my car at work and walked home. Then i mowed my lawn. It was hot, but i was tough and got it done. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Beat the heat

Mom, I am sorry you got pulled over, I kept forgetting about that when we were in Vernal.  This weekend I was thinking the tree house if it is hot or the nature center if it isn't too bad.  We could even go up the canyon to Huntsville.   Isaac woke up at 6 this morning.  I send him down stairs to watch show.  Then the two little ones woke up but I was able to put them back to sleep.  I got the slip n slide out this afternoon and it was so nice.  It felt so cool to run around in the water.  We just played outside all afternoon and ate a ton of Popsicle, it was really nice.  When Casey got home we went and got him and Oliver some new sandals and got some pizza for dinner. We spent most of the evening outside.  I brought out some paints and we painted for a while.  It is nice on the deck at night.  Well everyone stay cool.  I didn't take any pictures today, epic fail.



Work was good, nothing too exciting.  Trying to get caught back up.  I am making some progress on that.  We hooked up with everyone tonight for dinner and it was fun.  We are going to meet Walter and Robin tomorrow night.  We are going to go up to Karen's on Saturday morning and help her with some free dump day work and then we are going to meet Rachel's gang later.  Rachel do you want to do something?  I wasn't sure what would be fun.  I hope that Oliver is feeling better.  It looks like he hurt his hand also.  Poor little guy.  We went to fix the tail light on the jeep today but it needs to be replaced so we ordered it on Rock Auto.  It should be in by Monday, I hope.  We got pulled over on Wednesday and the wrote us up for a burned out headlight.  We were speeding also but they did ticket us for that.  No school zones.  The traffic was just moving so nicely.  Everyone have a nice Friday.  Rachel that is one beautiful quilt.  You are so gifted.  If Walter doesn't want it we could fight over it  :) LOVE MOM


My day was good. I only worked half day and the i had a doctor's appointment. My appointment was good. I am still doing good. Then i met mom, dad, Jeff, Julie, and Kay for dinner. It was fun. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.


Today was good. Nothing to crazy maggie is going well. It's starting to slow down a bit. I am really glad tomorrow is friday :). I am working scheels tonight so it's a slow night. Not much else have a good one


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Bad decisions

Today was good. We are moving gowns around upstairs at work and it was really hot. I had the night off so me and Walter went to cafe rio for dinner. That is sweet of you to think of walter rachel the quilt is beautiful. Ollie's face looks sore. Poor kid. I work all weekend . Sorry I can't meet up. It was hot in my place so I went out and got a milk shake at iceburg. It was a bad decision I was in the drive through for over 20 minutes. And there were only 2 cars in front of it. It was a hot mess. But the shake was tastey so I guess it wasn't all bad. Have. A good night



Rachel that us a cool looking quilt good job. Poor Oliver, that looks like it hurts.  My day was good. Nothing too exciting to report. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I only have to work half day. Then I am meeting mom for dinner. It will be fun. Have a great Thursday everyone

It's done

Oliver slept well last night and woke up happy but he was pretty grouchy all day.  Randy was going to Smithfield implement and wanted to take the boys and then go to the park.  Oliver was grouchy so he brought him home and took Isaac back up to his house.  He was with him most of the day.  Oliver was gone long enough while Ruthie was taking a nap I was able to bind the flower quilt and now it is finally finished.  I was thinking if Walter wanted he could or if not it isn't a big deal.  Thanks for meeting up with Saturday.  It will be fun to see you.  Next weekend Casey is camping with the scouts and taking the boys with him.  They should have fun.


Hump day

We made it through the hump day.  I always figure we can make it if we get through Wednesday.  Work was work and that actually is good.  Nothing too major.  We did go to Liberty Park after work and walk.  Every second Wednesday they have an old car show.  It was fun.  I think that is good for us.  We are going up to Kamas on Saturday morning and help with free dump day.  I think in the afternoon we are hooking up with Rachel's bunch to drop off my car.  Casey said he would look at it and see if he can fix it.  Thanks again.  I am so sorry that Oliver got hurt.  He does have a huge bump on his head.  It is suppose to cool down this weekend.  Robin are you working all weekend?  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Today was good. A girl I quitting in a different dept. But we get along so our dept went out to lunch with her. We went to pizza Rev it was really good. Then I worked at scheels. So nothing to exciting. For some reason I am not sleeping well. I think it's the heat. I might have to cave in and turn on th AC. Have a good one


Wild and Crazy

Neither one of us slept very good last night, we decided it was because we aren't getting enough exercise.  WE slept so good when we were hiking in Vernal so we stopped at Liberty Park and walked around the whole park.  I think we are going to try that more often.  Karen good luck with jury duty.  That is a long time.  Rachel, I am so sorry Oliver got hurt.  He is going to be miserable for a couple of days.  Robin, I hope you are surviving you mad house.  You have been crazy busy for sure.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


It was so hot today.  It started out pretty nice but it quickly warmed up.  We played outside for a while and then did some painting but we had to retreat to the basement and we spent most of the afternoon their.  When Casey got home I took the van and got it inspected, it passed, then went to shopko and got a slip n slide with a coupon Mom had.  Casey had scouts and we had cabin fever so we walked to picked him up.  On the way home Oliver was sitting in Ruthie's chair and fell out and has a huge bruise on his forehead and a cut under his nose and lip.  I feel bad for him.


Ruthie is getting really good at eating food

Oliver loves Ranch

Jury Duty

Well I got a letter in the mail today for jury duty. So I had to go online to fill out some info. So the time frame is from July 1 to December 31. So who knows I might have to be on a jury. Other than that my day was good. Work is staying busy so time goes by pretty fast. The bishop stopped by to visit tonight also. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Image result for jury duty jokes

Monday, June 6, 2016

More sleep

I have been trying the valerian root and it is helping me sleep a lot.  I am sorry it didn't work for Casey.  Work was good and I had a check up with Dr. Strong this evening so we met up with Karen for dinner.  It was fun.  I am going to a balancing (dizzy) clinic in SLC and see what they think.  He also thinks I should take something for bone loss because my bone scan was not perfect.  I don't have osteoporosis but I am half way there I guess.  I am going to try them and see if I can tolerate them.  We got our tax return today so that was nice.  Rachel, how about Friday or Saturday or Sunday hooking up.  We are meeting Kay for dinner on Thursday.  I was going to help Karen on Saturday take her trash to free dump day but that won't take all day.  Just a few trips.  I love Isaac's hot wheel ramp.  He is good.  Ruthie and Oliver look so cute.  Robin, I am glad you had a nice night to rest.  It sure was windy here all day.  It did rain on our way to Park City but it was like Karen said 2 minutes.  Have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Oliver got a lot of sleep last night and was a lot happier today.  He even took a normal nap this afternoon which was nice.  Casey had insomnia last night so he stayed home from work which was nice.  We went on a walk this morning.  It was hot today but it was overcast and breezy so it wasn't as bad.  Casey got a lot of yard work done which was awesome.  I have been wanting to buy some strawberry plants and at the farmers market their were people selling plants and they said to come to their house and they had strawberries we could buy.  So this afternoon we went over their and got some strawberries and I think we got cheated and how many plants we got and I we aren't going to buy from them any more.  But we got some plants and Casey planted them around the deck.  The sink was leaking this evening and Casey and Isaac fixed that.  Mom do you want to meet sometime this week.  Casey has scouts tomorrow but we could do it any other night.



Well my day was good. Work is moving along. It did rain for about 2 minutes this afternoon. Then I met mom and dad for dinner. It was fun. I did pick up the tickets for the derby. Have a good one. Bye


Today was good. Nothing exciting. I worked today. Maggie was really busy. Hopefully it slows down soon. Then I had the night off. I just relaxed. I was tired. Not much else with me. Have a good one


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Man it is hot

Robin that is cool you got to do some makeup.  You haven't done that in a long time.  I think you will love your new exercise machine.  I think Mesquite will be fun.  That will work.  I slept in late and took a nap.  I think I needed some rest.  Dave called from work and said he was sick.  He thought he had a bladder infection.  We took him to insta care and got him some meds.  We came home and just vegged the rest of the day.  I have a doctor's appointment for a check up with Dr. Strong tomorrow at 7:00 pm.  Karen do you want to hook up for dinner before?  It should be a quiet week for us.  Summer has begun.  LOVE MOM


Well it got up to 94 here today, so guys must have been roasting. I turned on my evaporation cooler today. It is nice. I really don't have anything exciting to report. It was a quiet day. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Plot twist

Sorry I keep falling asleep and forgetting to blog. I worked Friday and Saturday so nothing to crazy. I am making dad a Father's Day gift. At hobby lobby they had some cool wood slats so I made a vinyl sign out of them. It was fun. Then this morning at 6 I get a text from joe, his makeup artist was sick so he needed me to come down. I didn't have to work today so it worked out great. I decided to buy the in home work out machine I've wanted with the extra money. Just something fun. It should arrive around Friday. Then I just chilled the rest of the day. We can stay in mesquite Rachel but I think there will be more for the kids like cowabunga in Vegas. But we can do whatever works for the troups.


The weekend

On Friday they caught two fish and had a really fun time.  They got back late so the boys were tired on Saturday.  On Saturday we went to the farmers market and saw Calleen and then went to Sam's club to get baby stuff and we had lunch.  For dinner Randy invited us up and he cooked the fish they caught, they tasted really good.  I love fresh fish.  We came home and Casey set up the tent and they boys slept out their.  The tent was really nice and they had a fun time.  It was another late night and Oliver was pretty tired today.   We went to church and Oliver and Casey stayed outside the whole time.  They called a new teacher for my class so it will be nice to have someone with me.  We just stayed in the basement the rest of the day.  It was pretty hot outside.  We didn't meet up with Mom and Dad, we will have to do that this week.  I was talking to Randy and he said mesquite is a cheap place to stay.  I was thinking of staying their on the vacation instead of Las Vegas.  What do you think Robin?  I had Ruthie wear her new blue dress to church Mom and she looked so cute.  I didn't get a great picture of it but she was pretty cute.  Thank you.  Well everyone have a great week.  Isaac doesn't have school so wish me luck.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...