Saturday, April 9, 2016

10 lbs lighter

I got my hair cut this morning and that felt really nice.  Karen came down and we went to lunch and went shooting.  Her new gun had a few problems but I think it just needs to get broke in.  It was a lot of fun to try it out.  She did a random purchase and that was fun also.  She went home and then Robin and Walter brought the jeep back and we went to dinner.  It was nice to visit with them and I am glad that he is all moved in.  Not much else to report on my side.  Rachel that picture of Isaac needs to be framed.  He is one handsome kid.  I love that Ruth is grabbing for things.  Oliver looks just so dang cute.  Have a wonderful Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. I met mom and dad for lunch and then we took my new gun shooting. It was fun. Then we went to Sam's. They had a bose sound bar there and I was impulsive and bought it. It sounds nice. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, April 8, 2016


I am glad that you had a day off also Robin. I am also jealous you had a day off. My day was just the usual. I am glad that the weekend is finally here. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


I was going to call you a slacker Robin but you work harder than anyone I know, I am glad that you had a day off and spent it with Walter.  I hope that you are feeling better.  We had a good day.  We just played this morning.  I needed a bunch of things at Sams so we went their and had lunch.  Ruth and Oliver were cranky so it was kind of crazy.  Sylvia was their from my quilt group and she held Ruth for a while which was sweet of her.  When Casey came home we headed up to Idaho to see Calleen.  It was a fun visit and good to go up their.  The boys had a fun time and Ruth was really good.  It was Everyone have a great weekend.  I also attached a picture of a quilt I am working on.  I am liking how it is turning out.


I made it to Friday

I did it, I made it to Friday.  It was a crazy week for me.  One more and then the new person will start working in administration and that will help.  We watched Star Wars tonight and I liked it.  Dad had a digital copy so he put it on his folder.  Not much else going on with us.  I am glad that all is going well with Walters move.  You sounded better on the phone Robin.  I think some sleep and rest is just what you needed.  LOVE MOM

Run around sue

Today was good. I took off work at maggie because I needed a day off just cause. Walter got his keys last night to his place so it worked out that I could help him move today. The place that is helping him with rent gave him a d.i voucher for furniture. He got a couch, hutch,file cabinet, end tables and a chair. It was all for free. We didn't get it all moved so tomorrow we are picking up the couch and chair. I am going to just chill the rest of the night walter is gaming. Hope everyone had a good friday


Thursday, April 7, 2016


Well my day was good. I was working on a new design at work so time went by fast. They are getting 3 new machines at work so today they were rearranging and clean the machine shop. I don't have much else to report so I will sign off. Have a great Friday everyone.

Fun evening

I went to work early because I had an early meeting and then I had to have a mammogram at 4:00 so dad came and got me and when we got done we called Robin and Walter just got his apartment.  So we went home and got that computer chair and met for them dinner and took them to Shopko to get a few things for his place.  Robin found an ottoman for 25 dollars she got the best deal of the evening.  We took everything back to Walter's apartment and it is really a nice place.  He is going to be happy there.  We came home and just vegged for awhile.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  Ruth looks so pretty in her pictures.  That is funny you got sunburned.  I would never have thought of that either.  LOVE MOM


Today was a beautiful day and we made the most of it.  Isaac had school and we went on a walk while he was gone and then played in the backyard.  We picked up some nuggets for lunch and then were playing outside before Oliver's nap and Imogene was out and wanted to play.  Ivy said that they are moving tomorrow to SLC.  So I watched her girls for a while so she could pack.  They have a two year old also so she needed a nap and so did Oliver so they left.  Casey got home about the same time they left and the two little ones were napping so we started painting the house.  Casey and Isaac had done two pillars and we did another one and the door.  Their two year old next door kept running over so the two girls came over and played outside for the rest of the evening.  It was fun and we will miss them.  We all have sunburns now since I didn't think about putting sun screen on and we were outside so much.  Tomorrow we are going to go and visit Calleen when Casey gets home.  I think this weekend we will just stay up here and get some painting done.  Thanks for everything.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Today was good. Work was steady. I am starting to feel better. I still have a cough but it's on the mend. I didn't have to work tonight so it was nice to have some down time. Walter took me to.five guys for dinner. Then he went out with some friends. It was nice to relax and watch some movies. I am hoping it's a common theme this weekend :) well not much else have a good night


Over the hump

We made it over hump day.  Hopefully it is downhill from here.  I worked late and when Rachel told me Star Wars was out, we went and bought it.  We didn't watch it yet but we have it.  You did it Rachel you got a good picture with all three of them.  Congratulations.  I am leaving work early to go get a mammogram and bone density test.  Lucky me.  We are going to meet Robin for dinner and give her her taxes.  We were going to meet the gang but Julie is still sick so we are going next week.  Work is crazy busy but I figure that is just the way it is going to be for a while.  I love this weather.  I was thinking of staying around SLC this weekend.  If it isn't too stormy, I was going to help Karen weed and feed.  Rachel do you want to come down this weekend?  Everyone have a great Thursday.  I get to go to the Spaghetti Factory for lunch tomorrow.  Someone is quitting and she wanted her farewell luncheon there.  I am way excited about that one.  LOVE MOM

The force

Today was good.  Isaac had school and we went for a walk while he was gone.  It was nice.  Then we played outside for a while.  The new start wars movie came out yesterday so Casey went and got it and a couple of groceries.  He also had some scout errands he had to do.  Then this evening we watched the movie.  Isaac liked it and it was fun to watch.  I am loving this weather and am sad that it is going to be cold this weekend.  Everyone have a great day tomorrow.



Well the week is half over. Yea! Things are going good here. It was pretty outside here today. I didn't even need a jacket when i got off work. I hope you are feeling better Robin. I will also be on the lookout for kids camo stuff. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I am on a mission

I will be on a mission to find camouflage.  That will be fun.  He is growing up so fast.  Robin I am so glad that you get some time off of Scheels for awhile.  You have been working so many hours.  You need the rest.  I think that will help you start to feel better.  Karen, I did laundry on Sunday and I was way behind.  It was nice to get it all caught back up.  I worked late and got a little bit done.  Not much else going on with me.  Thursday I am leaving work early to go get a mammogram and then meet up at South Towne with the gang for dinner.  I really need to get my hair cut.  It is getting so long.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Today was pretty good.  We didn't make it to story time, we just stayed home and played and it was a nice morning.  I cut the boys hair also, it looks a lot better.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and it is hard to sew with Ruth and Isaac.  It is nice to talk for a while though.  At night I have started to quilt the red and cream quilt and I love it, it has been fun to do.  When Casey got home we all ran to the store to get a couple of things.  I wanted to go on a walk so I took Ruth and Oliver but Oliver wanted to go home and see Daddy so we didn't go far.  Isaac wore camouflage today and wanted to show Casey how you couldn't see him in the dark.  He talked about it all day and now he wants some green camouflage things so if you see anything Mom get it.  After the aquarium we have been reading and watching a lot of videos on octopuses.  They are really neat, it has been interesting learning about them.  It was a court of honor tonight so Casey took the boys to it and I put Ruth to sleep.  They didn't last long so they left and went and got doughnuts, I think that they had a fun time.  Well everyone have a good night and thanks.




Today was good. Nothing to exciting I was tired all day. I had to work at scheels tonight. Tonight was my last night @ scheels till  Monday I am so excited. I am going to sleep and rest. Nothing to exciting but I will enjoy it :) well not much else have a good night



Well another day over. Work is going good. I am doing laundry right now. I couldn't put it off any longer. I have strawberry short cake, but I am out of whipped cream so I may need to go to the store tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, April 4, 2016


It was a good day at work.  Just busy.  I stayed late and worked for awhile.  Robin, I sure hope you get feeling better.  I hate coughs.  I love the socks for Isaac.  They are so cute.  Karen I am glad your teeth didn't break the bank.  Gary picked up taxes today and ours will be ready tomorrow.  I am glad they are done.  They came today and lower the blinds half way.  It made such a difference to me.  I really liked it.  I could see the screen so much better.  I am hoping it might help with my headaches.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  I am glad that van is up and running.  That is fun the boys went to Randy's.  I think that is good for them.  LOVE MOM

Mismatched Socks

Wow Karen, that is awesome.  That makes me happy, I like when things work out.  Today was a good day.  The van wasn't working this morning so Randy took Isaac to school and picked him up.  The boys really wanted to go to his house so they spent the afternoon up their.  Ruthie took a hour nap while they were gone so I got to sew a bit which was nice.  When Casey got home we went and got a new battery for the van.  Casey had to do some more work on the car for a little bit but he got everything going and it is running good.  After dinner Isaac and Casey drove up to Idaho to test drive it.  Oliver fell asleep when he got home from Randy's so I stayed and folded laundry.  This morning Isaac choose to wear his shark shirt and then he changed his socks so they were different, he said that it matched the shirt.  In the picture he is giving me his fancy smile, it was funny.


Keep it going

Today was busy. Nothing to exciting. I work at scheels tonight. I still have a bad cough. I have to work at scheels tomorrow but if I still have a cough I will go back in on wednesday to see what's up. Well not much else with me have a good one



Well my day has been good. Work seemed quiet today, but i had enough stuff to stay busy. Then I finally got the bill for my root canal. The good news is it was a lot less than I thought it was going to be. I thought it would bd at leasr 1000 and it was 44. So i was happy about that. Thanks mom and dad for getting my taxes done. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The car is done

Karen, you have one jealous boy here now that you have that lego.  He really likes it good job.  I hope that you are feeling better Robin.  Thanks for coming up yesterday Mom and Dad it was a fun day.  Casey worked on the car all day and got it working.  The battery is dead so we have to get a new one tomorrow so Randy is going to take Isaac to school.  We should be good to go after that.  He did a really good job, that is a lot of work.  I watched the kids today so it was pretty normal.  It was a really pretty day.  Thanks for everything you guys and have a good Monday.


Pretty day

It was a nice day.  I slept in and then we went and got Grandma Bodily and took her to the Valley Fair Mall.  I found some shirts on clearance and got them.  I was way excited about that.  We came home and I did laundry.  Not much else going on with us.  I hope you are feeling better Robin and that Casey got the car done.  If you need to borrow our car for awhile just let us know.  I hope the tax dude gets our taxes done this week.  I am going to have dad call him and check it out.  Not much else to report.  Have a wonderful week.  LOVE YOU GUYS


Well my day was good. It was a quiet day. I got a nap and my dishes done. Nothing too exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great week.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...